Dragon Talisman

Chapter 889: ???

Chapter 889

In three days, Long Xiangtian was promoted to the third level, and actually changed from the twenty-seventh realm to the "two worlds", and the promotion reached the thirty change to "make the world". ┡Ω 『E┡ 小 Δ』 said Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Moreover, the dust world created by Long Xiangtian is the power of enlightenment in the extraction of the megalithic Great Wall. In this way, he actually trained his dust world to become the "king of the world" In the middle, there is a force that heaven does not have.

When any monk condenses his dusty world, he uses his mana to condense it into a world and combine it with the chaotic elemental power to decompose everything to make his world rich and colorful.

In this way, Long Xiangtian's world can suppress almost any **** level, even saints, even heaven.

After being promoted to the level of God, Long Xiangtian already has the qualification to dominate the world.

Tianzun is not his opponent, and what's more, he actually established an inseparable connection with the Great Stone Wall, and he can make the Great Stone Wall available to him.

This was all mastered by Gu Chen, and he did not stop it.

In the view of ancient dust and sand, while controlling the Boulder Great Wall, Long Xiangtian itself is also delivering power to the Boulder Great Wall. When Long Xiangtian reached the highest level, he refined the Boulder Great Wall and became a part of the Boulder Great Wall.

At that time, the ancient dust and sand refining the megalithic Great Wall into the dragon-free gourd will be truly perfect.

In addition, after Long Xiangtian controlled the Great Stone Wall, he became stronger. He can practice his Xianglong mentality to reach a higher level, and supplement the ancient dust and sand-free mentality as a supplement.

Gu Chensha now hopes more and more for characters like Long Xiangtian to provide him with food.

"Long Xiangtian, Xianglong Mind, it's not bad. In this case, I will help you." With the movement of ancient dust and sand, the essence of the dragon-free Mind was injected into the Great Stone Wall, and it was also in harmony with himself. The Great Wall of Stones united together, and finally condensed into the strongest spirit of enlightenment, secretly injected into Long Xiangtian's body.


Long Xiangtian's face appeared surprised.

"How could there be such a spirit of enlightenment, who is it here? Is it the Emperor of Heavenly Charms?" The dragon king of the sky swelled violently, and it became a thousand times bigger, and then changed from the king of the dust world to the king. In addition to the King of the Thousand Worlds, in addition, his realm was once again elevated, directly from the Thirty Changes of the Realm to create the world into the thirty-one changes of the "Void Creation", and then progressed again to reach the thirty-two changes. "Through the sky", followed by a rush, reached the state of the Thirty Change "Sacred Heart of Truth" and became the realm of saints, and then stayed.

This situation, even Long Xiangtian himself can not understand.

According to his calculations, when he cultivates to the level of God, the state of the Thirty Changes to create the world, he must stay a bit and make more savings, but now he has transmitted a very strong essence of awakening from the megalithic Great Wall. The origin of "Xi" has expanded tenfold, and in an instant, three barriers have been broken, reaching the realm of the strongest sage, and turning his mote world into a small world.

"Very good, very good, this can be described as Qi." Long Xiangtian slowly opened his own small world: "It's still worse, if I can practice in one go and reach Tianzun's realm, I will turn the small world in my body back into Zhongqian World, or even Daqian World, can open the world and directly wrap this megalithic Great Wall into my world. As the strongest force to suppress the world, at that time, the ancient dust and sand may not be my opponent. I That's the first person in the world. "

"This son is really inflated." At this time, Gu Chensha fully understood Long Xiangtian's mentality, and even the other party's every move was in his grasp, because he also poured his own ideas of enlightenment into the Great Stone Wall. Then, the spirit in the depths of the Boulder Great Wall completely controlled Long Xiangtian, and at the same time studied how this person was born.

Only by understanding the ins and outs of Long Xiangtian can we fully grasp each other.

"Congratulations to the president for becoming a sage." All the masters of Xianglong Club are happy, watching Long Xiangtian as if he is watching the past and the present, the only master, because Long Xiangtian cultivates here these days, the breakthrough realm is simply too Incredible. In just half a month, direct cultivation from the Eighteenth Change of the State to the thirty-three Change of the State. This is no longer a practice, but it is generally simple to eat and drink.

"Yes, this is the sign of my rise." Long Xiangtian glanced at his eyes, and finally looked at Zhou Wang, which was transformed by ancient dust and sand, and was surprised when he saw this "Zhou Wang", so he nodded secretly.

"I don't know how much the President of the Boulder Great Wall has grasped the refining and entering into his body?" Gu Chensha asked: "It is urgent, or the President will quickly surrender the Boulder Great Wall. This is the foundation of our path."

"This day isn't far away." Long Xiangtian only felt that the countless powers in his body were endless and full of confidence: "Now my strength has reached a state that devours the world and breaks through the ages, which is today."

"Okay ..."

At the time of the Xianglong Club's festivities, another voice suddenly passed over.


Long Xiangtian's eyes suddenly became cold and cold, and he saw a middle-aged person. When he came slowly, the people around him seemed to disappear. Only this middle-aged person was the only one in the world.

"This person has some arrogance. The breath on his body, such as the deep ocean and the deepest deep ancient world, is not inferior to the Lord of the Sun and Moon. If I am not wrong, this person is a mysterious emperor. Gu Chensha saw this middle-aged man wearing a very simple robe. It seemed like an ordinary rich family, but the deepest breath of this man was second only to the Emperor.

No doubt, this person is the emperor.

The most mysterious man finally appeared.

Long Xiangtian was attracted.

This is what Gu Chensha wants to do. The reason why he promotes Long Xiangtian is that the first is to control this person, and the second is to use this person to lure out some powerful beings, such as other Heavenly Kings. There is the emperor in front, the emperor.

The emperor also felt the power and potential of Long Xiangtian, and came to try to collect this person.

"Who is your Excellency?" Long Xiangtian stood up slowly, as if he was near the enemy, he also felt that this person was not good.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not hostile." This middle-aged man who suspected the emperor smiled: "I really can't think of it, the world will actually be born like you, Long Xiangtian. It seems that the times have changed."

"Who is your Excellency? If you don't say it again, don't blame me for being rude." Long Xiangtian was very hostile.

"Hands on? You know, your current strength, potential, and even plans have seriously threatened the status of the court and the Wulong cabinet, especially Guchensha. If you know this, you will be hesitant. Come to suppress you at the cost. If we do, we will certainly be found by the ancient dust and sand. Now the ancient dust and sand are accelerating the momentum, suppressing the four wastelands and the Shenzhou, trying to refine the four wastelands and the Shenzhou into his Wulong. Among the calabash, like the ancient prehistoric science and technology civilization, we recreated the existence of the heavenly way, and I think we can cooperate now. "Middle-aged man suspected to be the emperor.

"Who the **** are you? Just say it, we can cooperate." Long Xiangtian really didn't dare to move, afraid of being imperial court, no Long cabinet knew that he is now in the most critical time of refining the boulder Great Wall, no loopholes can appear. If the court knew that his plan would fail, so he is now bluffing.

"You are not my opponent now," said the middle-aged man who suspected the Emperor. "But here, I can't expose myself at will. Do you know the future heaven?"

"Future Heaven?" Long Xiangtian said: "Maybe you are the Emperor of Heaven? No, it is impossible, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth will not be born easily, and the Lord of the Sun and the Moon will have someone else. Even if the nine Heavenly Kings are Chaos Kings, they are not as overbearing as you. In that case, who are you? Are you ... the emperor? "

"You guessed very well. It is indeed one of the largest variables born between heaven and earth. That ancient Tiansha is a variable, and you are a variable that is not lost to him." Di Huangdao: "You and I cooperate in the future How do I give you a very high status? You should know that in the future, the establishment of the heavenly court is inevitable, you do n’t have to realize it yourself. China, to give you a natural position, how about sitting on a par with me? "

"Heaven ~ www.readwn.com ~ Difu ......." Long Xiangtian frowned, as if thinking about something. After a long time, he suddenly said: "It seems that you also have great ambitions. With your land government, in the future, your power may even cross heaven, isn't it? "

"Of course, if we cooperate, we can dominate the world in the future. How about it?" The emperor is still watching Long Xiangtian. He seems to be looking at a satisfied baby. I have to say that if such a talent as Long Xiangtian can Income, that's almost an invincible fierce general.

"My mind is to dominate the world. In this way, I know that your land government also has ten Yama kings, exactly the same strength as the nine heaven kings, plus your land emperor, also known as the reincarnation master, and countless land government gods will be reborn. This force is better to trust me. If you trust me directly, I can immediately be promoted to the state of heaven, surrender to the Great Stone Wall, and even directly subvert the Yong Dynasty and build my empire. In the future, I can devour the emperor and rule the heaven. Isn't it beautiful? "Long Xiangtian looked at the Emperor, with a sneer on his face.

He would never go to the emperor. Moreover, he wants to devour the emperor, but he also knows that the strength of the reincarnation master of the emperor is still above him, and this time he will definitely have the means to suppress himself.

Crisis is imminent.

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