Dragon Talisman

Chapter 890: Emperor appears

Chapter 890 The Emperor Appears

The emperor wanted to surrender Long Xiangtian, and Long Xiang Tian's ambition was even greater, and he would have to take down the power of the land government. If he obtained the sacrifice of the land government, he would go to the sky in one step and immediately become one of the great forces between heaven and earth. And his cultivation can soon be promoted to reach the Supreme, and it will not be a problem to devour the Great Stone Wall. E 『』 Ω novel www. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

However, the emperor is the master of reincarnation. What kind of character is it, how can he be surrendered by Long Xiangtian?

Hearing Long Xiangtian's words, the Emperor's eyes flashed, and there was a deep killing, but in a blink of an eye he pressed down: "Young man, take a good breath, disrespect heaven and earth, disrespect heaven, disrespect the road, Would be evil. "

"Heaven court collapses, the avenue sinks, I am the Tao." Long Xiangtian also looked provocatively at the middle-aged man of the emperor: "Emperor, you are a man born at the historic moment, and you have a place in the future, but your fate is therefore And it ’s settled. I ca n’t get a show, and I ’m no one in the future, but now it appears, and there is no mine in my destiny, so my potential is unlimited, and even now, you ca n’t suppress me , And in the near future, I will cross you and suppress Difu. "

Right now, the strength and realm of the landlord of the Emperor's reincarnation is indeed above Long Xiangtian, but it is not easy to capture Long Xiangtian thoroughly.

Therefore, Long Xiangtian has no fear, he has full confidence, even if the emperor shots at him, it is actually a kind of exercise for himself.

"Young man, you are really too arrogant." The Emperor of the Emperor's reincarnation shook his head: "The original intention of my coming today is to see what great characters have come out. The original intention is that we will work together to create a world in the future. Start a career, but unfortunately your ambition is too great, and your ambition and strength are completely incompatible. In this case, there will be disaster. You are also like the ancient dust and sand, it is against the sky, I will suppress you first. You really think that by virtue of your cultivation, you can do whatever you want, it is really a frog at the bottom of the well. "

Between the words, the palm of the Lord of the Emperor's Reincarnation slowly stretched out, everything disappeared, and the rest was his big hand covering the heavens and the earth, to capture all the people of the Xianglonghui team.

From the perspective of people outside, the wind and the beautiful sky are still above the boulder wall. The tourists are weaving, very calm, and there is no movement. The power of the Lord of the Emperor's Reincarnation has reached such a state, and it can completely ignore the supervision of the court. , In the midst, do what you want to do.

The ancient dust and sand observed all this secretly, and almost knew the emperor's cultivation.

The emperor was really powerful, lurking, disturbing the storms among the people, and the court's supervision could not take him at all. Originally, all the patriarchs were promoted to the realm of heaven, even the true gods, who had the true **** throne, and they united. Monitoring the world, forming the Skynet, even the most powerful strong man will show clues, but compared with the emperor, there is a huge difference. The means of the emperor can play Tianzun between applause.

Even if it is the ancient dust and sand now, because the body suppresses the Four Wildlands and Divine Land, and the incarnation power is insufficient, it is difficult to show the clues of the emperor.

Fortunately, Gu Chensha finally successfully attracted the Emperor by virtue of the strategy and the attraction of Long Xiangtian. Knowing the details of the emperor here, Gu Chen has a lot of confidence in dealing with this person. The forces are uprooted.

"Go!" At this time, Long Xiangtian did not want to fight with the emperor, nor did he want to reveal his identity here. Suddenly, his body moved slightly, turning into a dragon-shaped light, enveloping everyone, even the ancient dust incarnation. The "Zhou Wang" was wrapped together, and left here, and fled from the palm of the emperor's palm in the slightest.

"Want to run?" The emperor moved, chasing him.

In the blink of an eye, Long Xiangtian left these four wastelands and Divine Land to reach an unknown place in the heavens. This place is all barren mountains and wild mountains, which is extremely weird.

The emperor naturally did not let it go. He locked up Long Xiangtian and shot it once again. This palm can shake the sun and the moon, pick the stars, tear the earth, and hold the ocean.

With the emperor's current practice, it is almost possible to destroy thousands of worlds with one stroke.

The emperor's cultivation is already above the realm of heaven. Although he has not reached the realm of heaven, it is not far behind. In the meditation, he has grasped a part of the highest truth of immortality.

The power of Long Xiangtian's operation now is the mystery of the Great Stone Wall. If it had not been supported by the Great Stone Wall, I am afraid that it would be captured by the emperor in one move.

Long Xiangtian is of course domineering, but after all, the climate is undeveloped and he hasn't cultivated to reach the level of heaven, naturally he is not the powerful opponent of Emperor Emperor.

But Guchensha didn't mean to shoot, because he knew that the weather of Longxiang was overbearing, and he would never be killed. Even under the pressure of the emperor, he would get all kinds of adventures and potential excitement. Escape is not impossible, which is why the ancient dust is temporarily immobile.

He wanted to see how many adventures Long Xiangtian could get when he was hunted down.


Seeing the palm of the emperor appearing, Long Xiangtian couldn't escape, and immediately roared, unfolding the power of his latest practice, Xiao Qian World, gathered on his palm, and patted it in the past.


At the moment of the shot, Long Xiangtian came out again with the sound of the dragons taking off.

As soon as the sound came out, all the beings in the heavens and the earth seemed to be responding. In the meditation, countless dragon-shaped wills gathered together, entangled in the palm of his hand, and turned into the ocean. In the ocean, all the dragons of Hengsha number .

"Good intentions, good martial arts, good magical power." Seeing this palm, the emperor couldn't help but sigh: "If it is a few more years, I may not be able to kill you, I can capture you, but unfortunately you are still poor With a lot of me, I will never let you really grow up, otherwise, it will be a serious problem in the future. "

Between the words, a dark reincarnation power appeared on the palm of the emperor.


The two are facing each other.

Between the palms of the hand, a wave of destructive force was transmitted, turning the surrounding mountains and rivers into ruins, and even the space completely torn and exploded. Countless time and space turbulent cosmic tides came to this land of heaven. .


Long Xiangtian was shocked by blood spurting, his body was broken, his eyes were scattered, and Yuanshen was disordered.

The emperor stepped over and grabbed Long Xiangtian again. "Long Xiangtian, this time no one can rescue you. You are toasting and not eating or drinking, if you agree to my proposal, I can even help you directly refining the Great Stone Great Wall, but now that you want to eat alcohol, it is no wonder that I will capture you and turn you into a puppet. "

"Didi, don't even think about it!" Long Xiangtian's eyes flowed with blood.

He suddenly roared again, and thrived again.

Between him and the others, suddenly numerous starlights appeared in the depths of time and space. These starlights formed a dragon, and then the dragon turned into a stele. Above the stele, all the dragon-serpent-shaped distorted text. , Full of the smell of ancient times.

This stele flew into Long Xiangtian's body, immersed in his world.

"Huh? Star Dragon Stele!"

At the first sight, the emperor realized the magic weapon of this stele. It was the strongest magic weapon created by the Star Dragons. The Star Dragons were the most special dragons. They were born from the flood gate, but later As a whole, this group broke away from the flood gate and became a huge force. They even devoured the stars and turned all the stars of the heavens into the private property of their star dragon clan. Because of this idea, the star dragon clan suffered robbers later.

However, after all, the Star Dragon Tribe is a big race that once dominated the world. They have refined countless magic weapons, conquered and created countless worlds, and among them have also produced brilliant civilizations.

Yuhuanlu once obtained one of the most precious treasures of the Star Dragon family, “Wanlong Dragon Qin”. This treasure made Wanxian's chaos-like old antiques very exciting.

And "Wanlong Dragon Qin" is just one of the treasures of the Star Dragon family.

In ancient legends, the Star Dragon Tribe once wanted to create the magic weapon of the Dragon Gate, which is the Star Dragon Stele. The Star Dragon Stele is only in legend, and never appeared in this world.

Now, Long Xiangtian is about to be captured by the emperor. I do n’t know what fate and miracle he has touched. The Star Dragon Stele actually appeared, and it was directly submerged into his internal world, adding endless power to him.

"Okay! There is a strange encounter now ~ www.readwn.com ~ This son should not be desperate, and the emperor can't kill him for a while." Gu Chensha watched silently and didn't take the shot. The appearance of this star dragon monument, Let him prove his conjecture: "The Star Dragon Stele is indeed mysterious. Of course, the Star Dragon family was born in the Honghuang Dragon Gate. In fact, it was a contingency. Infinite starlight was absorbed by the Honghuang Dragon Gate. It was only after brewing that this batch of arrogant was born. The ancient dragons, these dragons came out and turned into a strong ethnic group. A brilliant civilization was created, which is not as good as prehistoric science and technology civilization, but it is also very mysterious and powerful. The mystery of this star dragon monument is almost the same as that of the flood gate. They complement each other and are comparable, but there is still something missing in order to cross the flood gate, but this star dragon monument has been put into the world of Long Xiangtian, and has been nourished by this person's Xianglong mentality. If it is swallowed again in the future The megalithic Great Wall, this dragon monument will be truly detached and become the existence of a dragon gate completely flooded. "

Long Xiangtian did have an adventure.

The Star Dragon Stele has the civilization and accumulated power of the entire Star Dragon family, and the product created by the overall civilization of the Star Dragon family is not under the flood gate.

In other words, in this moment, Long Xiangtian obtained a series of treasures with Honghuang Dragon Gate.

He began to reinvent himself, and he was climbing again!

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