Dragon Talisman

Chapter 892: Destiny Light

Chapter 892 The Light of Destiny

"Actually the light of destiny. ΔΔ" E small "Ω said WWW.1 XIAOSHUO.COM"

Gu Chensha also saw this dazzling light suddenly appear, was spurred by Long Xiangtian's Qi, and fell into his world. In an instant, this made Gu Chensha an illusion. This Dragon Xiangtian is the emperor .

He knows that the light of destiny is the highest essence produced by the destruction of the Tao of God, and even if he gets a little bit, he can have endless power.

The light of this destiny is very deep. It only appears by chance and coincidence. According to the truth, this dragon Xiangtian is also a man who opposes the sky and it is impossible to obtain the light of destiny.

But now that Long Xiangtian has gained this light, Gu Chensha has a correct understanding immediately, that is, the heavenly path has also lost the secret to control the infinite space and time of all realms. Tiandi is not the only master in the future, of course, he is not, of course, People like Long Xiangtian will appear.

If there are more such characters, I am afraid that it will cause chaos in the world.

The light of destiny has fallen into the world of Long Xiangtian.

Click, click ...

The sound of continuous crashing sounded.

Long Xiangtian's eyes opened violently, the flames rolled, all the iron chains entangled in his body suddenly exploded, and the blocking force of the local government was broken.


Long Xiangtian's strength once again increased greatly, and he was promoted from the 35th change of the state of affairs to the "fine dust flood" and reached the realm of the 36th change of "individualization."

Directly on the thirty-six became large and complete.

This way of upgrading, no one can go faster than him.

However, Long Xiangtian knew that even if he got the adventure again and got the light of destiny into his own body, at best, it only increased his ability to escape.

The majesty of the prefecture is not something you can compete with just by getting some adventures.

"Dear Emperor, soon, I will come back and suppress you, and today I will return ten times this revenge." Suddenly, Long Xiangtian's body was distorted and disappeared here.

The emperor was too late to chase.

In addition, Long Xiang fled away at a glance, hiding very well, the breath was elusive.

The emperor could have urged the search for heaven and earth, but was afraid of being exposed to ancient dust, so he stopped.

"Master, the emperor, it seems that you still can't surrender this dragon Xiangtian, this person is a sudden change, such an adventure, such an energetic number, in the future, I am afraid it is an ancient dust." How to deal with Long Xiangtian further, a chaos appeared.

The chaos constantly changed into various faces, among which the strongest original breath was exuded.

"King of Chaos, you finally appeared." The emperor looked at the chaos.

It turned out that this group of chaos is the number one chaos king in the future heaven.

"Emperor, I did not expect that your prefecture was also successfully formed, but you cannot fully urge the power of the prefecture, and your power is still lacking." Chaos King.

"That is nature. Now that the Emperor of Heaven has not yet been born, the pattern of the land government has not yet been determined." Di Huangdao: "Once an ancient dust appeared in the world, it is already extremely difficult to deal with it. Now there is another Long Xiangtian, It's an eventful day. Before the Emperor was born, our lives will become more and more difficult. "

"The Emperor of Heaven has been born, but is preparing a series of plans. But what you said, Lord Emperor, is that the number of robberies is getting bigger and bigger, the heavens are weakening, and no one can control the future situation. Next we have to Only by thinking about the countermeasures can we ensure our own safety. "Chaos King said:" Among the nine Kings, King Jinmen has been extracted from the source and turned into an ordinary person. It can no longer be recovered. The King of Penalties is completely controlled. Stayed, betrayed the heaven and the emperor, Gu Chen was persecuted fiercely, and he was plotting Donghua Heavenly King, and Hongmengshu will sooner or later fall into his hands. "

"There are more and more variables, the ancient dust and sand climate has become. But we must first suppress Long Xiangtian, seize this person, refine and deprive, an ancient dust and sand is already a mess in the world, and then another Long Xiangtian will come out. , I'm afraid we will die in the future without a burial place. "The emperor sighed:" Besides that, the ancient Tiansha is also a huge variable. "

"It's a monster that runs wild, and the heavens are not perfect." Chaos King said: "Let's join hands and hang this Dragon Xiangtian first, but this number is too strong, we can hardly hang it. If we can use a trick, let him and Gu Chensha fights you to death, that's the best way. "

"Difficult, difficult." Di Huangdao: "The ancient dust and sand can only be countered by the emperor's birth. From the perspective of his dragon-free mind and the power to suppress the four wasteland in China, this person's means are no longer what I can handle. Come on. We count him, it is easy for him to do the reverse. Long Xiangtian is far worse than Guchen Sand. Let ’s go and find an opportunity to discuss it one or two. "

Between the words, the two disappeared.

Just after the two disappeared, Long Xiangtian reappeared here, his face was extremely ugly: "In the eyes of the Celestial and Difu people, I was nothing but food, far from being the opponent of the ancient dust and sand, I want to see What ’s so great about Guchensha? Now that I have obtained so many adventures, I have enough means to refining the Great Stone Wall. As long as I refining the Great Stone Wall, my cultivation will increase tenfold again. "

Between the flickering of the body, Long Xiangtian actually returned to the junction of Divine Land and the barren wilderness, above the Great Stone Wall.

His world unfolded slowly and spit out the people in this team: "You are shocked. I didn't expect to encounter one of the strongest existences between heaven and earth this time, but don't be afraid, under my protection , Basically no one can hurt you. "

"Emperor! It is actually the emperor. In the legends of the future, the emperor and the emperor are the supreme figures who really dominate the yin and yang, and the emperor is second only to the emperor. He actually appeared, but he could not help it. "At this time, a few young men and women had no worship of Long Xiangtian.

"Brother Long, I think you are the Emperor." Said a woman.

"It is indeed the master of the future." Zhou Wang, the incarnation of Gu Chen, also pretended to be convinced, and seemed to have completely trusted in Long Xiangtian.

This time, he gained a lot of benefits from Long Xiangtian. When all the knowledge of the Star Dragon family and the light of Destiny came down, Guchensha also gained more secrets from Heaven.

The expansion of Wulongxinfa made him vaguely want to break through to the realm of Tianyuan.

With his strength, it is difficult to break through. Once it breaks through, it is a world upset.

Gu Chensha decided not to deal with Long Xiangtian for the time being, but to be fattened. Besides, the person's anger is so great that it may even be an auxiliary key point for him to comprehend the full version of the Dragon-Free Heart Method.

"Zhou Wang, what do you think of the Emperor's attack on me this time?" Long Xiangtian looked at the incarnation of Gu Chen and asked "Zhou Wang". Among his group, Zhou Wang's cultivation is the highest, which is God. level.

"Now the president Xiu Wei can be said to be a domineering world, and has become one of the most powerful giants in the world, but the disadvantage is that his forces are too small, and under the ancient dust and sand, there are hundreds of magpies in the rank of heaven. Many, not to mention other masters, all together, it is difficult to make a tree alone. Even if it is the future heaven, you will encounter the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, the nine heavenly kings, the gods of the stars, and the land government. God. "Gu Chen said:" It is imperative that we Xianglong will expand our power. We must gather a lot of masters, at least Heavenly Masters, and more masters in Tianshou Realm. In addition, we can even arrest them. King of Heaven, King of Kings. Since the emperor actually wants to be bad for us, then he will deal a severe blow to him. I heard that the court also arrested the King of Heaven, why did n’t we arrest the King of Difu? "

"That's right, the power of our Xianglong Society is too small. No matter what we do, we must gather sentient beings, gather faith, and refine matter. In the end, even Heaven Emperor is no exception. After the establishment of the future Heaven Court, The human world is to sacrifice the heavenly emperor and consolidate the heaven, so that the power of the heaven can reach the maximum. "Long Xiangtian said:" I have gained the civilization and wisdom of the Star Dragon family, and I know the preciousness of the human heart. When cultivation reaches the highest state, we must completely escape. It depends on the human heart. But the civilization of the Star Dragon is far less than the scale of prehistoric civilization. I must find a prehistoric civilization. "

"But the president still refining the Great Stone Great Wall first ~ www.readwn.com ~ Guchen Sand bewildered:" But the Great Stone Great Wall was the most critical existence of the ancient Great Emperor Gu Taxian to suppress Shenzhou that day. At the moment, will there be all kinds of visions that will lead to the exhibition of the court and suppress us? "

"With such a possibility, to be honest, I still ca n’t understand the secrets of this megalithic Great Wall, but I am seeking for wealth and wealth. If I refined the megalithic Great Wall, my benefits are huge. At the moment of refining, my strength is great. Zeng, the court did not want me, only to swallow the patience, otherwise I would mess up, and the world would be messed up by me. At that time, the court would not be possible to compromise. "Long Xiangtian sneered again and again:" From now on, I will Refining the Boulder Great Wall. "


His thoughts penetrated into the Great Stone Wall, which was thousands of times stronger than before the battle with the emperor.

The Great Stone Wall was excited by his thoughts, and all kinds of reactions appeared immediately.

"Very well, this person is hooked. In this case, I will make the Great Stone Great Wall truly unite with you. At that time, you will not be able to get rid of the cause and effect of these people." How many times brighter, Long Xiangtian has many things that he didn't understand, the ancient dust and sand can see clearly, now he is also carrying out his own plan.

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