Dragon Talisman

Chapter 893: Refining Boulder

Chapter 893 Refining Boulder

"Longxiang mentality, the rise of Wanlong, the root of the dragon, the dragon of the world. E novel WwhanW." 1XIAOSHUO.COM "

Long Xiangtian silently operated his Xianglong mentality and kept entering the Boulder Great Wall, only to feel that the entire Boulder Great Wall became more and more closely connected with himself. The power of this great Great Wall was surging and merged into his mind. .

Within his own medium-thousand world, the dragon stele of the Star Dragon family gradually melted, disintegrated, and merged with the Great Stone Wall under this force.

"Miaoyu! The boulder Great Wall really crosses the flood gate, the sacrifice to heaven, the magic weapon of the level of the Hongmeng tree, and even the star dragon monument will melt under the function of the boulder Great Wall, all of which will become my heart of Xianglong "Long Xiangtian feels that his cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds. It seems that in the midst of meditation, he will break through the realm of strange numbers, and then evolve the realm of strange numbers to the extreme, and finally turn into Tianzun.

"Wonderful." Gu Chensha also kept watching this change, and he was delighted in the depths of his heart: "This dragon Xiangtian runs the Xianglong mentality, but it has some great advantages. Combined with the Great Stone Wall, he I believe that I surrendered the Boulder Great Wall, but in fact, I added my own soul to the Boulder Great Wall. The Boulder Great Wall lacks a person like Long Xiangtian who merges with him to finally evolve into a supreme magic weapon to suppress the state. This It is also what I need. Long Xiangtian's popularity is so high that he has won the Star Dragon Monument, the light of Destiny, and countless adventures in the future. These adventures are all concentrated. If combined with the Great Stone Wall, the Great Stone Wall will be It will eventually come off. In that case, I will set the fire again and use you as a test article! Let the dragon-free heart method reach a critical point. "

Suddenly, Gu Chensha smashed the secret essence of his dragonless mind into the boulder wall.

The Boulder Great Wall wriggled slightly, and there was an unpredictable voice inside.

At this time, Long Xiangtian, who was practicing, suddenly felt restless and felt the mysterious mystery transmitted from the inside of the Great Stone Wall.

"What is it ..." Long Xiangtian analyzed this mystery carefully, only to find that it contained many times more powerful exercises than himself, and could even complement his own Xianglong mentality. This makes Xianglong ’s mind more evolved: “It ’s God ’s help, I ca n’t think of the mysterious mystery inside the Great Stone Wall. What is this mindset? It seems something similar to the ancient dragon-dust-free mindset? Is the ancient dust sand suppressing the Divine Land and the Four Wildernesses and condensing the Great Stone Great Wall? His spirit of enlightenment has also penetrated into this Great Stone Great Wall, and thus I have gained his dragon-free mind? That ’s right, that ’s why I never thought Ah, I could n’t imagine that I could get the essence of this person ’s dragon-free mind. In this case, everything he does is to make a wedding dress for me. After I get this dragon-free mind, I can take my own flight The practice of Dragon Heart Method has reached a real state of supremacy. "

In an instant, Long Xiangtian's thinking has run for hundreds of millions of times. Each operation has produced incredible changes. Between such changes, Long Xiangtian began to promote and completely break through. In between, Long Xiangtian's body gradually produced a breath of heavenly respect and strangeness.

He combined his Xianglong mentality and Wulong mentality with each other, and began his deepest understanding.

"I just want you to break through the realm of heavenly respect, the realm of odd numbers." Gu Chensha carefully observed this change. He now regards this dragon Xiangtian as an experiment, and Long Xiangtian's cultivation is Daojing III. The sixteenth change is in the realm of freedom. After reaching this realm, it is basically difficult to make inroads. The next step is to break into a different number, and then become a celestial deity. powerful.

Especially people like Long Xiangtian.

Gu Chen created the Dragon-Free Heart Method, which means that all beings have the ability to transform into different numbers. Therefore, the Dragon-Free Heart Method he created has passed the Dragon Heart Method, the Dragon Heart Method, and the Holy Dragon Heart Method. Directly pointing at different numbers, anyone who has practiced this dragonless mind can change to different numbers.

However, his dragon-less mind method was still a little worse in the end. Just as Long Xiangtian is an opportunity, after running his dragon-less mind method to learn different things, he can give him a lot of information and feedback He improved his mind, which was a valuable experiment.

In the world, it is difficult to find a test product like Long Xiangtian. It can be said that even the moon count is not as good as Long Xiangtian.

"Xianglong is in the sky, the king of flying, the way of odds, broken!"

After half a month, Long Xiangtian's sudden mental operation reached the extreme, a broken breath was emitted from the deepest part of the body. In this way, Long Xiangtian's breath was running faster and faster, he Xianglong's mentality is also becoming more and more mysterious. In the end, the whole body is full of strange breath.

Inside the Thousand Worlds in his body, the Star Dragon Stele created by the Star Dragon Tribe finally turned into a seed composed of countless Xinghe swirls and was planted inside the Boulder Great Wall, so that the Boulder Great Wall was eventually infiltrated by his will.

"Okay, okay, okay! The Boulder Great Wall will soon become a avatar of me." Long Xiangtian's heart was shaking and roaring, it seemed that a kind of heroic pride was spreading in his body. He knew that he Once again, there has been tremendous progress in the strength. As long as you are promoted to the level of heaven and completely refining the Great Stone Wall, the emperor ca n’t help it.

"It seems that this son is about to be promoted to heaven." Gu Chen analyzed the experimental item carefully, and nodded secretly, "This son's qi varies, and between enlightenment, he gave me a lot of information. With this information, I Then you can truly complete the Dragon-Free Heart Method, so that any person in the world can become a stranger after any cultivation. "

Gu Chensha knows that once his dragon-free mind is complete, that is, he has a supreme foundation that can truly fight against Tiandao and Tiandi. Even if Tiandao and Tiandi succeed in the future, they can also dormant and make Tiandao and Tiandi disappear. , Waiting for the opportunity, make a comeback again, he will get real immortality.


Long Xiangtian naturally did not know at all. He had become a chess piece and a test piece, and thought it was a dragon-free heart method that plundered the ancient dust.

After breaking through the odds, he hit the mark again, turning all the power of his world into the breath of heaven.

This degree of transformation is getting faster and faster, but the appearance does not show any movement at all. In the eyes of outsiders, Long Xiangtian is sitting on the boulder Great Wall, just like many practitioners, he is participating in cultivation. There are so many people on the boulder wall that there is nothing to notice.

Any great existence becoming a deity will have a huge vision, and even a number of robberies will appear. Many people will become celestial deities, but in the next robbers, it will become nothing and be completely killed.

Long Xiangtian was promoted to Tianzun, without any robberies.

In other words, he has completely controlled some strange secrets, and has carried out a plan to steal the sky.

Between thousands of times, Long Xiangtian's body shook slightly, and his whole body went from his head to the depths of the hair, turning into Tianzun, and he finally achieved it.

In the moment when Tianzun was achieved, Guchensha got all the information of Longxiang Tianxiu to become Tianzun, and countless precious data.

"Very good, it turns out to be so." Gu Chensha couldn't help but have great joy deep in his heart. These precious data were integrated into his own dragon-free mind method, which makes the dragon-free mind method seem to be It is a kind of peristaltic movement.

For a long time, the dragonless heart method that cannot be broken is like ice breaking. In the process of dissolving and dissolving, Gu Chensha only felt that his vision was getting wider and wider. In an instant, he seemed to see infinity. Outside of time and space, outside the day, outside the ground, outside the air, you ca n’t think, understand, explain, or describe places where there are two groups of wills fighting with each other and blending with each other. Kill each other, devour each other, and change each other.

The will of the two regiments could not be described or guessed.

During the confrontation, they each fell a lot of things. In this constant battle, the two groups gradually weakened their will and could not control the situation.

"This is? The confrontation between Father Emperor and Tiandao? Sure enough, as I expected, this confrontation can no longer control the situation ~ www.readwn.com ~ What will the future changes look like? The variables produced by the confrontation gave birth to such figures as Gu Tiansha and Long Xiangtian. "Gu Chensha returned to the gods, thinking carefully, he saw things that no one had seen.

At this time, Longxiang Tianxiu became Tianzun, and began to input his own origin of Tianzun into the Great Stone Wall.

After another month, the Boulder Great Wall moved gently. Long Xiangtian felt only a slight change in his mind and penetrated into every corner of the Boulder Great Wall. Then he breathed, and the Boulder Great Wall was breathing. He even thought that as long as he thought about it, the megalithic Great Wall could fly out, and move with his own mind. In the meditation, he seemed to be able to suppress everything with the power of the megalithic Great Wall.

"Finally succeeded." Long Xiangtian opened his eyes and breathed a breath: "I finally became Tianzun and refined the Great Stone Wall into my own avatar. Not only that, I also gained the dragon-free mind, but now I ca n’t Promote the boulder Great Wall, so as not to be seen by the court, the ancient dust and sand is indeed powerful, and the mystery of the dragon-free heart is so profound that I do n’t fully understand it, so I need to suppress him and turn him into my slave. It ’s still worse, at best, it ’s both defeated. It ’s going to be occupied by the emperor and the emperor to get cheap. This is not a good plan. I ’ll practice for a while and combine the Xianglong mentality with the dragonless mentality completely. This court is Mine. "

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