Dragon Talisman

Chapter 895: So crazy

Chapter 895 Gets Crazy

"Do it!"

Both Gu Tiansha and Gu Xuansha felt that there was a huge opportunity in front of them. They must devour the refining and chemical dragon Xiangtian. ΩΩΩE novel WwΩW. 1XIAOSHUO. If COM is to refine this person, it will no longer be a problem to deal with ancient dust.

The two looked at each other, suddenly united, and pinched left and right.

"Hand of refining heaven!" When Gu Tiansha struck with one hand, the flames and vortexes appeared on the palm of the hand. Among the vortex, there were countless spells and runes. Deep in the rune, it seemed that heaven and earth were among them. cry.

This is the attack method that Gu Tiansha recently realized. He is refining the will of heaven, and once the hand of refining heaven comes out, there is the supreme secret of refining heaven.

This hand shrouded Long Xiangtian, controlled all directions of him, and then shot against Long Xiangtian with the will of refining the sky.

At this time, Prince Gu Xuansha also shot. During his shot, a curtain appeared on top of his head, and the mystery of life and death was interpreted on the curtain.

"Xuan Xuan's True Gong!"

Prince Gu Xuansha himself learned martial arts. This is the most suitable skill for him. He created it according to his own characteristics. Between the shots, the mystery of mystery and mystery also appeared on the curtain. The curtain swept and covered Long Xiangtian.

"Xianglong changes!"

In the face of the attack of the two masters, Long Xiangtian was not afraid, and his palms were one point, and the sound of crickets came out again in the scorching sun of the heavens. Sand fights.

"Long Xiangtian, your strength is arrogant, but it's about the same as any of us. Now you are bold and lurking into the hot sun of this world, and want to surrender the two of us? Who gave you confidence and courage? "Between Gu Tiansha's attack, he smiled coldly:" Aren't you here to bring us food? "

In the battle, Gu Tiansha has measured out the strength of Long Xiangtian.

Long Xiangtian is really powerful. He has enough energy and has great potential. However, if he wants to surrender Gu Xuansha and Gu Tiansha by himself, he still thinks too much.

Now between meals, Long Xiangtian has fallen into a disadvantage.

However, he was still struggling to support and his face remained unchanged.

Under strong pressure, the potential of Long Xiangtian's body seemed to be re-excited. In the battle, he seemed to absorb a lot of knowledge, which has been absorbed into his Xianglong mentality.

It turned out that he came here to spy on the secrets of the two men under strong pressure. Especially all that is at the very heart of God's system.

This is also needed for ancient dust.

In the beginning, Gu Chensha gained 99% of the secrets in order to suppress this God system, but there is no trace of the original Gu Chen sand in the core of this God system. This time, he used Long Xiangtian's qi and luck to suppress God's system, thus obtaining the full secret of God's system in the battle.

This was his conspiracy. Of course, Long Xiangtian didn't know that he still followed his plan. It only felt that the knowledge and secrets of God's system were in the battle, all unfolded and presented to him, making his cultivation more and more profound.

"It's so fun!" Long Xiangtian suddenly punched.

As soon as this punch came out, a magnificent and magnificent article spread out, as if the truth of the universe, the article of preaching.

"No dragon mind?"

At this time, Gu Tiansha and Gu Xuansha were surprised when they saw the fist. They recognized it. The martial art of this fist was Gu Chensha's heartless method.

"Yes, it is the Dragon-Free Heart Method. About you did not expect that I have absorbed all the ancient Dragon-Delty Heart-free methods, and even realized my own things. When I suppress you, the Ancient Dust is The next object I am suppressing, between heaven and earth, is that my Xianglong dynasty is the only hegemon, and the world will never stop. "Long Xiangtian's strength is getting stronger and stronger, his breath is like the emperor coming down, and he is actually facing ancient Tiansha and ancient mystery. When Sha attacked, he was very skillful.


Gu Tiansha suddenly urged a false move and retreated far away: "Long Xiangtian, if we continue to fight like this, we have no good results. How about we join forces? I think you can only be as strong as you can be. We are just fighting, and trying to surrender to us is also crazy. "

Long Xiangtian also stayed. He felt that fighting like this would have some dangers. First let these two people realize their strength and then try to make progress.

Deep in his heart, he didn't give up to devour them.

"Joint? How do you join together, can you say a charter?" Long Xiangtian said.

Although he stayed, he was still looking for all opportunities to attack, and kept peeping at the secrets of the two.

"Long Xiangtian, the three of us joined forces to form an alliance. How about refining the world of heaven first? Finally, we divide the world equally." Gu Tiansha said.

"No! I want to be the leader of the alliance, both of you are deputy leaders." Long Xiangtian proudly said: "The only master between heaven and earth is only one, that is me. If you do not agree, then fight for your life. , I have absolute confidence to kill you in the ongoing battle. "

"Arrogant!" Prince Gu Xuansha was really angry. He has seen many arrogant people, but such arrogant people as Longxiang Tian are very rare. "Long Xiangtian, you really think we can't suppress it. You? We are unwilling to use the source, if we use the source, we can kill you. We are afraid that the ancient dust and sand will benefit from the fishermen! "

"Yes, Long Xiangtian, don't be too arrogant." Gu Tiansha squinted his eyes and felt that things were difficult to handle. Long Xiangtian in front of him wouldn't be indifferent to the snake at present, but now he is actually an alliance and a fake. It is true to fight for time. There are still a few days when the two can complete the refining celestial realm of the sun and the moon. At that time, the cultivation will skyrocket, and the situation will change radically again.

If in the process of refining and refining, Long Xiangtian will always make troubles, there will be no time and energy to refining the sun and the moon, not to mention the emperor, the two major forces of ancient dust and sand are watching each other, and will come to attack at any time.

Gu Tiansha was not afraid of Long Xiangtian.

He was so annoyed that Longxiangtian could not get oil and salt.

"I have such a personality." Long Xiangtian snorted coldly: "I am the only overlord, the only great emperor, the great emperor Xianglong. The Xianglong dynasty will definitely replace the existence of heaven, whether you accept it or not, I It is here that I will preside over the time and years in the future. You can only surrender to me. There is no second choice. There is no second way to go. Even the ancient dust and emperor in the future, if you kneel down Ask me for forgiveness, and I will let them be my subordinates. You do n’t need to kneel down now. That ’s lucky, you know? ”

"This son ..." Gu Tiansha was a very proud man, but now he heard the words of Long Xiangtian, the blue veins on his forehead were popping up, and he could not wait to slap him with a palm. A mad man, but after many setbacks, he has gradually become extremely deep. Seeing this, he almost sees himself then: "This Long Xiangtian is exactly the same as himself, but I am one tenth of that year The source of the theft was stolen by the ancient dust and sand, and now it cannot be fulfilled. However, this Dragon Xiangtian has sufficient source. So it is full of confidence. "

At the moment, he raised his voice: "Long Xiangtian, now you are full of anger, and everything will be smooth sailing, even if you encounter any danger, you will be able to succeed. But you haven't thought about it. Your birth was originally one. This kind of variable, I am also a variable. In the years to come, people like you and me will definitely appear. Do n’t think that you can do whatever you want right now. At this time, it is the best time for nourishing qi. If you are unbridled Go on, once you meet your opponent, you will be stunned and slumped. "

"Really?" Long Xiangtian didn't believe anything from Gu Tiansha: "Gu Tiansha, you are indeed a variable like me, but you are a loser. What qualifications are there to speak to me, any variable is fine?" If it is not a variable, you must submit to my feet. Even the ancient dust and sand have been refined by me into the Great Stone Great Wall, and I have obtained all his dragon-free heart methods. You two ca n’t even resist the ancient dust and sand. The waste is actually telling these truths in front of me, isn't it people laughing and generous? I will give you half an hour to think about it, or you can choose to serve me as the main, and I can give you decent. Or the war begins, I come Here, I will not return without merit. I will have to fight a battle and let you bear the top priority that you can't bear. Only then will I know how powerful I am, and I will choose to completely submit to me. "

"Half an hour? Two choices?" Gu Tiansha and Gu Xuansha glanced at each other and gave a long sigh of relief: "We can also be regarded as the existence of the hegemony of heaven and earth. If we don't think of a random variable, we are forced to This kind of situation is really incredible. If the emperor and Guchen sand forced us to look like this, it wouldn't matter. If you don't know which puppet from which you jumped out, Long Xiangtian is more arrogant than Tiandi and Guchen sand. It is really intolerable and unbearable. In this case, we should not worry too much about it, and suppress it directly! "

"Okay, suppress!" Prince Gu Xuansha was also a bit of anger ~ www.readwn.com ~ If it was not for the overall situation, he would have urged the killer to suppress and kill this arrogant and boundless Long Xiangtian.

The clay figurine also has three-point fire, not to mention the ancient prince Xuansha and the ancient moon Tiansha?

The two were completely angry.

"Sun and Moon are invincible!"

Hum ...

The two spurred the real killer to seize the origins of the heavens and the sun.

The vast sun and moon origins gather together, and contain the true meaning of heaven.


Under the influence of the will of the heavens and the moon, Long Xiangtian saw that the whole heaven was shrinking violently, turning it into a sphere, suppressing towards him. This is equivalent to the ancient prince Gu Xuansha and the sun and the moon ancient Gu Tiansha to the heaven Grab it and throw it at him.

"Okay, that's how it fought." Gu Chensha laughed secretly: "This is what I want to see."

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