Dragon Talisman

Chapter 896: Get core

Chapter 896 Getting the Core

The war has begun. E novel WwhanW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Long Xiangtian carried unparalleled qi and luck, and fought against Prince Xuansha and Gu Tiansha, Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

This time, the anger of Gu Xuansha and Gu Tiansha has reached the limit. It is necessary to kill Long Xiangtian at any cost, because Long Xiangtian is too arrogant. If he is not killed, this person will be too. Never let them go.

The two thoroughly urged the results of the recent joint research and showed part of the plundered power of heaven.

Long Xiangtian saw the entire heavenly world shrink indefinitely, flew in front of himself, and expanded indefinitely, completely accommodating himself, and could not help but have a shock on his face.

He did not expect that Gu Xuansha and Gu Tiansha were so fierce.

But shocked to shock, he did not feel the slightest fear, but instead turned his shock into excitement as soon as he thought about it.

He yelled, his whole body was urged, and he turned into Xianglong's mentality like Guchensha, the whole person is the mentality, the mindfulness is the whole person, and it expands directly. Force, change, want to refine everything.

"Break me!" Gu Xuansha and Gu Tiansha witnessed the scene, and desperately, Gu Xuansha burst out of vitality, began to burn overhead, and between the burning, motivated the prehistoric science and technology civilization and the warship system.

The battleship flew from the heart of the eyebrow and launched a tearing attack on Long Xiangtian.


The Xianglong mentality of Long Xiangtian's incarnation was completely torn.

His body shook, and he recovered his body, cracked everywhere, burning white holy light and flame everywhere, which was injured.

Gu Xuansha and Gu Tiansha took a few steps back and were not damaged.

Seeing this scene, Gu Xuansha and Gu Tiansha nodded secretly, both made up their minds, and must kill this son.

"Liantian array!"

The two urged the mystery again. The two altars emerged out of thin air, and each altar was extremely huge. It seemed that an ancient existence crossed time and space and arrived here.

"Long Xiangtian, this sky-melting array, the melting altar and the altar of alchemy are the killers left to ancient dust and sand. Our strongest means can only be used on you now." Gu Tiansha's voice There is no emotion in it: "If you are not so aggressive, we will not use the bottom of the box. This time you die, you will blame you for being too arrogant. In this world, no one can be truly invincible, truly Unbridled. Even if it is the ancient step immortal? It is not yet entangled with the heaven, there is a danger of both falling, let alone you, your birth is actually a little bit of variables leaked from the fighting between the ancient step and the heaven I thought I was invincible? I will show you today what arrogance is bound to perish. "

Two ancient altars, called the "melting heaven altar" and the "changing heaven altar", these two altars are constantly expanding and changing, forming a change of Yin and Yang Tao.

Between this change of the cathode and anode, Long Xiangtian was completely trapped.

"Yes, this is how Gu Tiansha and Gu Xuansha deal with my killer? The power is really huge. If unexpected, it can hurt me. The strength of Long Xiangtian is far worse than mine. If nothing unexpected happens, he It will definitely be refined by this time. You can count on Xiangxiang's anger, but it ’s an accident without an accident. Under normal circumstances, it will definitely be alive at every turn, and it will go a step further. This is the legend of this novel. The protagonist's treatment. "Gu Chensha observes secretly, understands again.

His dragonless mind further urged and directly penetrated into the prehistoric science and technology civilization battleship and God system.

I saw two volitions fighting in the depths of the God system.

The two wills, one of which is the source of the will of the God system itself, and the other is the will of the heavens, intercepted by the ancient dust and ancient sand, to suppress the system of God itself.

In this way, with the will of heaven to suppress, God's system will not be confounded.

However, this has brought opportunity to Gu Chensha. His dragon-free heart method has been greatly accomplished. Compared to the original battle with the God system, he does not know how many times he has been overbearing. His dragon-free heart method slightly penetrated and penetrated At the heart of God's system, he began to grasp the mystery that was not obtained at the beginning.

He did not refine the system of God, because the nature of this system was very tyrannical, and he could not refine it. But he could still steal the secret of the core core of this system. As long as he obtained the most essential knowledge, he could Create the same God system in the future.

Moreover, he can make masters such as Cangsheng Master, Cangsheng Hou, Cangsheng Hou, Cangsheng God General, Cangsheng Xiaoli and other masters all made dozens of times.

In an instant, he was tantamount to obtaining all the secrets of prehistoric science and technology civilization, and no doubt.

The inheritance of a vast epic civilization has completely fallen into his wisdom and incorporated into his destiny. If he did not rely on Long Xiangtian's Qi, it would be difficult for him to obtain it.

Now, between the battle between Long Xiangtian and Gu Tiansha and Gu Xuansha, he took the opportunity to obtain this core secret and has planned to succeed.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the dragon-free mind is shining brightly, and between urging, every word of that mind seems to be automatically decomposed, evolved, gathered, shrunk, exploded, then spread, and finally shrinks and collapses , Exploded again, reinterpreting the limits of the universe's reincarnation, as well as the proliferation and destruction of civilization.

Every word of the Dragon-Free Heart Method represents the highest mystery of the reincarnation of heaven, the birth and death of the universe, and the spread of civilization.

At this moment, the ancient dragon-dark heartless method has really passed the Heavenly Seal Divine Art, even the Holocaust Divine Art. It's not because the Holocaust's gods are not powerful, but because the battle between Emperor Tianfu and Emperor Tiandao, Gu Chen has gained experience again. And the Holocaust Divine Law is not the most powerful magical power of Emperor Tianfu.

However, the power of the Dragon-Free Heart Method can now be regarded as the strongest magic power between heaven and earth, and there is no one.

Even the magical powers of the Emperor are incomparable.

"I've got what I want, and at this time, start harvesting." Gu Chensha knew that he had no impeccable spirit without dragon spirit, and the rest was spread, exhibition, and recognition by all beings.

His strength has increased greatly, and he has also seen Long Xiangtian's energy, luck, and everything under his control. At this time, he knew that he could capture Long Xiangtian and Gu Xuansha, as well as ancient Tiansha.

Especially since he only devoured one tenth of the origin of Gu Tiansha, he still has to devour him completely. In addition, the origin of Long Xiangtian and Gu Tiansha are similar.

"Origin, devour, count, gather!"

At this time, Gu Chensha disregarded his identity. When the three of them were fighting the most, they suddenly appeared. They were all stunned and pressed each other, and they pressed **** Long Xiangtian and Gu Tiansha.


It seemed that the entire universe was blown out of nowhere.

Long Xiangtian and Gu Tiansha were caught unprepared and were hit directly by Gu Chensha, each of them screaming in shock.

Gu Chensha shot and scratched, and suddenly a large number of origins were caught from the bodies of Long Xiangtian and Gu Tiansha.

In this moment, Long Xiangtian and Gu Tiansha were caught one-third of the origin.

Last time Gutensha was captured by Guchensha only one-tenth of the original source. He could not be promoted to the highest level of mystery. There are always huge flaws. Now they are each captured by one-third. The origin is three times that of the previous one. This time, no matter whether it is cultivation, or qi, qi is immediately weakened greatly.


Long Xiang retreated sharply, and then he saw who the enemy was.

"Zhou Wang, it's you! Who are you?"

Long Xiang ’s weather was desperately bad. As he walked along, he was full of anger and never suffered a big loss, but now, he has directly lost one-third of the original cause, making him feel that he is losing his mind and tearing and crushing his eyes. all.

"Me? Guchensha." Guchensha completely restored his true colors. He looked at the two groups of origins that he grasped, and the two groups kept coming out of the sound of thunder and explosion, and wanted to fly out. , Back to the master's body, but was suppressed by Gu Chensha, and he couldn't be restless at all.

"Sure enough." Gu Chensha was actually a little disappointed in his heart. Just now, he had planned to be in one hit, at least to obtain more than half of the origin, but when he arrested the two bodies, he felt a strong Fate back, and in the midst of it, an inexplicable will to stop his killing.

This led to him being able to obtain only one-third of the origins ~ www.readwn.com ~ However, this one-third of the origins is enough for him to evolve again.

"Refining, engulfing, integrating, transmuting!" Gu Chensha moved his mind, the dragon-free heart method penetrated out, wrapped the two groups of origins, and then incorporated them into the mind method. The mind method became a huge grinding disc. To crush this source into pieces.

"Gu Chensha, you actually took away one third of my origins!" Gu Tiansha was also mad with anger: "Long Xiangtian, you idiot, you think you are invincible, but you didn't expect it to be just a puppet. The chess piece was used by Guchen Sand. He used you to deal with us, weakened our qi with our qi, and made us lose both. He suddenly came out to take advantage. Now we are about to die without a burial place. You are a fool. . "

"Gu Chensha, how dare you!" Long Xiangtian also calmed down, he knew that he was at the critical moment of life and death.

"Long Xiangtian, do you think you are truly invincible, you are so stupid, do you really refine the Great Stone Wall? It ’s all I am helping you. I also teach you Wulongxinfa and take you as a test product That's it. "Gu Chensha hit Long Xiangtian fiercely.

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