Dragon Talisman

Chapter 901: Brotherhood

Chapter 901: Brothers Are Disabled

Gu Tiansha deeply regrets deep inside, can't wait to pinch the Prince Gu Xuansha earlier. Ω ”ΔE novel Ww * W. 』1XIAOSHUO. Com

But he has no way now. He was deprived by the Prince Gu Xuansha into two groups. One group is the origin of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and the other is the supreme power generated by the entanglement of his heaven and ancient step immortals.

In the eyes of Prince Xuansha, these two groups of light are a great supplement.

Prince Xuansha almost coveted: "Good things, good things, this is really a good thing. The origin of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, I must absorb it, as well as your origin. After I absorb it, I will be promoted to the most Strengthen the realm, and then integrate myself with the God system, this battleship, all without distinction, so that I will have an immortal immortal body. Even if I encounter a stronger existence in the future, I can only Suppressing me temporarily will not destroy me, because I am an immortal being. "

"Gu Xuansha, let me go. I will listen to you in the future. With me as your assistant, will you progress faster?" Among the two groups, Gu Tiansha's will was begging hard at this time, and he still There is a glimmer of hope in fantasy: "Otherwise, you take these origins away, but you can keep my will and turn me into an ordinary person. I don't want to disappear between heaven and earth. Even the ancient dust and sand against the enemy, It also directly deprives all cultivation and origin, turning the enemy into a normal person, without killing the enemy. "

"Hahaha ..." Gu Xuansha shrouded the source with his own light and magical power, and then came out a laugh sound: "Gu Tiansha, you are really too naive, think I let go of your will? Let you make a comeback? This is a stupid thing for Guchensha to do. This person does n’t kill his opponent. In the future, many changes will occur. These people will regain their strength and then kill him. The grass has to be rooted, and now after killing people, it can no longer be restored or resurrected because the heavenly way loses supervision. The advantage of losing the supervision of the heavenly way is that the practice has become faster, but the most harmful thing is that after people die, It can't be resurrected. In the past, after the death of the saint, the imprint is still in the heavenly path. As long as there is enough sacrifice power, you can change the area from the heavenly path to resurrection. It ’s dead, it ’s dead. So this time, Gu Tiansha, let me disappear completely, I wo n’t leave you, let you come back again, and cause trouble to me. ”

Between words, Prince Gu Xuansha increased his refining.

"Gu Xuansha, you must not die!" Gu Tiansha cursed: "You are more venomous than Gu Chensha, and you will not have good results. You still want to compete with Gu Chen Sha, and rely on your mind I ca n’t compete with him at all. I knew that you were so poisonous. I might as well rely on ancient dust, and even if I die, I can get a good status. At least I do n’t need to die like this. ”

"This is your wrong choice, but you are very tenacious. You still don't give up. You think you can still count on you to survive the robbery?" Gu Xuansha turned into a bamboo, her hands moved again, countless rays of light gathered together, desperately rob The will of Gu Tiansha.

Gu Tiansha's will was gradually stripped from its origin.

"Look, this is your will. Without the two groups, you are not different from ordinary people. Your will is also full of greed, evil things, stuffing your heart, you There is no unique thing of my own. I pinch you now, just like pinching an ant, but I really want to talk to you for a while, because thinking about how arrogant you were in front of me, even made me Kneel down and slap in front of you, but now I stand in front of you. "Gu Xuansha was very proud. He squeezed Gu Tiansha completely with his palm.

But at this time, a voice came out: "Gu Tiansha, you actually realized this truth, good, good. Since you think I'm the right way, and thought of my life, it means that you still have salvation, I Just save you once. "

Hum ...

Gu Chensha actually appeared in this battleship. With a wave of his palm, Gu Tiansha's will was saved by him. Then a little cohesion, an ordinary person's body appeared, and Gu Tiansha's will gathered in it. At this time, Gu Tiansha lost all its origins, and all the cultivations became ordinary. People, qualifications are inferior, repair is no, there is no power to bind chickens.

Then Gu Chensha grabbed it again, and the two groups of origins were about to move, flying towards the palm of his hand.

Naturally he would not let go of these two groups.

"Gu Chensha, why aren't your ghosts scattered, chasing here, I want you to die!" Prince Gu Xuansha, seeing himself, will succeed and become one of the strongest existence between heaven and earth, but just to eat in food When it came to his mouth, such a change actually occurred, which made him thunder, and he wanted to tear the ancient dust in front of him and completely digest it.

However, he knew that Gu Chen appeared this way, and he was definitely prepared, and he was definitely not an opponent of Gu Chen.

"Let me die? That's a big deal." Gu Chensha shook her head: "Gu Xuansha, your mission has actually been completed. The Father Emperor's canonization of you as a prince is actually a way to attract the God system left by prehistoric civilization. Now you have achieved this, and you are still a chance to refine the leaders of the Twelfth National Congress and become your avatar, but these are of no use. In my opinion, they are all child shows. "

"Gu Chensha, bring it!" Prince Gu Xuansha didn't pay attention to what Gu Chen sand was talking about, all his attention was focused on the two groups of origins, the two groups of origins, both the main origin of the sun and the moon It is also the origin of the entanglement between Tiandao and the ancient step immortals that cannot be obtained by the ancient dust.

The prince Gu Xuansha moved a little, and the twelve groups of light behind him suddenly gushed towards the ancient dust sand.

Gu Chensha shook her head and touched her fingers. An article appeared suddenly. This article wriggled slightly and wrapped the twelve groups of light. Actually, it was necessary to absorb all the spiritual imprints of the twelve leaders.

He will not let go of the battleship and the God system. Although he knows all the secrets of the God system, it is because of this that if the God system is absorbed into the dragon-free gourd, he will have the ability to re-create the heavens.

After assimilating the battleships and God system from the prehistoric civilization. He can smash the heavens, create heavens, even Wanjie, he can do it,

"All deprived!"

At this time, Gu Chensha also urged his own strength to solve these two people at one time.

Although Gu Xuansha could not pose a threat to him, it is an eventful season, and characters like Long Xiangtian will emerge endlessly. If the ancient Xuansha man, the prehistoric civilization battleship, and the God system fall into the hands of such a person, it can cause him great trouble. If it falls into the hands of the emperor, the trouble is even greater.

Gu Chensha's method of motivating the dragon-free heart, the entire battleship, inside and out, was countless articles, containing all the mysteries between heaven and earth, and even the knowledge of the mysteries beyond the heavens.

This knowledge penetrated into the deepest core of the battleship in an instant, suppressing God's system, and then stripping the soul of God's system from Prince Xuansha.

At present, the soul of God's system and Prince Xuansha's soul are almost inseparable, which has led to a substantial increase in the power of Prince Xuansha's, becoming one of the most powerful hegemons between heaven and earth.

But this is not difficult for Guchensha, because the dragon-free mind after Dacheng passed the highest crystallization of the prehistoric science and technology civilization of God system.


The prince Gu Xuansha only felt that his strength was getting weaker and weaker, and he soon lost control of the God system. He knew that if he continued like this, he would absolutely have no place to bury himself, so he would fight desperately.

"In my name, urge God, destroy heaven and earth, imprison all things, burn the soul, and die!"


In the body of Prince Xuansha, a huge force appeared to appear to distort fate.

"Yes, yes, you will still be so one-handed and burn all your future roads. UU reading www.uukanshu.com In other words, after you burn, there is no future, and in the future, even no gas count, this is The way to perish. Even if you escaped this time, but you have exhausted your energy, you can only live for a few days. ”Gu Chensha saw it, and the prince Gu Xuansha burned his energy and fate. There is still the future.

This method is very mysterious, and it must be very profound about the future of Qishu before it can be used. This is also a means of burning jade.

"Haha, Gu Chensha, how do you know my mystery, do you really think that my prince is false? The reason why I was trapped as a prince, you think it is for no reason, I have come to understand my own way, yours is Without dragon mind, my method is countless. The so-called number is endless, and the countless is endless. The countless way of burning gas. Not only will I not die, but at the same time I lose it, I will get infinite. It ’s just a shackle that binds our destiny. I broke this shackle and gained an infinite future. ”An extremely powerful momentum kept turning, rising from the body of Prince Xuansha. This is his Finally the killer stunned.

"Huh?" Gu Chensha looked at this, but was a little surprised: "Gu Xuansha, you hide deep enough, I didn't expect that you would come to understand this kind of thing, it seems that the father emperor sealed you as The Prince has a deeper meaning in it, but these are not important. No matter what is realized, it will not save your fate of being deprived of the system today. "

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