Dragon Talisman

Chapter 902: Liu Mei

Chapter 902 Liu Mei

The ancient Prince Xuansha actually came to realize his own Taoism and peerlessness, and this Taoism really contains a supreme truth that can surpass the heavens and earth, and can even burn his own energy and future and destiny, making himself reach an infinite To the extent that this way, although it can not be compared with the dragon-free mind method, it can also be regarded as a side branch system that enriches the dragon-free mind method. ┡ 』E┡" "Ω novel WwΔW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Gu Chensha admired the way of Prince Xuansha, but it did not mean that he could let go of Gu Xuansha.

When the prince ’s ancient Xuansha burned gas and violent shock rose, Gu Chensha sat down on his body, and his whole body was running without a dragon heart. There is no way, it ’s definitely not like you. You are just getting acquainted with some fur. For me, this is just a slight truth, suppression! "

Between the movement of the dragon-free heart, the spread, the words and knowledge created the universe, and then all things were born, the growth cycle of all things, created civilization, and between civilization projections, reached the extreme, all kinds of civilizations in Born in the Dragonless Mind, faintly, in the long river without Dragon Mind, not only Xiandao civilization, martial civilization, science and technology civilization, but also other civilizations have never been born.

Between the calculation of ancient dust and the dragon-free heart method, a new civilization can be born among them. Of course, these civilizations may not be the best, and they may not be cross-sindo civilization and mechanical civilization, but this is a new attempt. Between the calculation and deduction of civilization, ancient dust and sand can create a perfect and flawless civilization, and may even be an eternal civilization. This civilization can lead all beings to break through the shackles of time and move towards an immortal future.

This is the highest mystery of the ancient dust sand's dragon-free heart method, and it is definitely not comparable to any other method.

Countless civilizations were born, exhibited, prospered, declined, and came to an end. Then a new civilization was born again, heading for reincarnation.

Suddenly, among the ancient dragon's heartless methods, a civilization close to perfection was inferred.

This civilization, vague, hazy, unclear, and not finally born, but even if this civilization is a cloud of fog, the fog looks like a flower, it also gave birth to a great power.

The civilization in this mystery penetrated into it. In an instant, all counterattacks were suppressed, and the power of Prince Xuansha was gradually suppressed. Then, the ancient dust and sand caught the battleship and the system. Actually completely separated from the ancient Xuansha, since then, the ancient Xuansha can no longer have the battleships and systems left by ancient prehistoric civilization.

However, the power transmitted from this battleship and system is extremely huge, it seems to be resisting ancient dust.

Gu Chensha naturally knows that the core instinct of God ’s system will not be truly refined by Gu Xuansha, and he is brewing a counterattack, but this system has fallen into his own hands. It is undoubtedly dead. Gu Chensha will not let this The true resurrection of the God system is definitely to kill any spiritual knowledge and will, and then disintegrate this system and melt into the depth of the dragonless gourd, making it the first treasure of ancient times and even the Heavenly Emperor. Bit.

"Want to resist me? It seems impossible, even if I can only motivate 20-30% of the power now, but your system and battleship are not one ten thousandth of the heyday, only the core of the source, how can you deal with me?" Gu Chen Sha can accurately grasp the power of the system and all the core will.

This battleship and system are still struggling, but the ancient dust and dragon-free heart method is extremely mysterious, almost over countless times, the mystery of countless civilizations, the God system and battleship are just the crystallization of prehistoric science and technology civilization Compared with Wulong Xinfa, it is worse.

So Guchensha suppressed this system and the warships.

However, if this system and warships are to be thoroughly refined, it will take a long time. Ancient dust and sand can only collect and suppress warships now, so that the God system and warships do not change.

Slowly, the battleship and God's system were suppressed by the ancient dust and sand. Suddenly, they were involved in the chapter of the Dragon-Free Heart Method. From the outsiders' perspective, the words of Dragon-Free Heart Method increased. A battleship, all the magic weapons, or power exercises, or energy, as long as they are involved in the Dragon-Free Heart, they will be transformed into knowledge and words, but now the battleship is not melted, just Fettered just to be bound.

Think about it, neither this system nor the battleship can be destroyed in the destruction of the heavens. It still exists now, which contains an extremely high level of immortality. The power of ancient dust and sand can suppress this battleship and system, and it wants to refine and decompose it completely. It is still worse. Go back slowly to use the material extracted from the human heart to melt the battleship and penetrate into the depth of the system. This can disintegrate the system and make the system finally merged by the dragonless gourd, regardless of each other.

"Gu Chensha, I and you are at odds with each other!" Seeing that he had lost the battleship and system, Prince Gu Xuansha was going crazy, which made him lose all hope and opportunity.

Prince Gu Xuansha relied on this battleship and system. Once lost, his cultivation fell quickly, and his vitality also lost a lot.

"Origin, go to me!" At this time, Guchensha aimed at the origin of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and the origin left by the ancient Taxian and Tiandao.

This source is much better than the warships and systems. As long as the ancient dust and sand are refined, they can gain more strength, refining Shenzhou and Sihuang in one fell swoop.

However, at this moment, the mutation suddenly occurred. A bright moon and a day-like light appeared here. Among the bright moon and the big day, two people's shadows appeared faintly. The big day was Long Xiangtian, and in that bright moon, there is a woman, this woman is handsome and pretty, but her eyes seem to be full of hatred for Gu Chensha. She and Long Xiangtian joined together, and the power of the sun and the moon increased greatly. In addition, the body of this woman is the same as that of Gu Tiansha, the origin of which is the entanglement between the heaven and the ancient step immortal.

The scorching sun in the sky disappeared and fell into the hands of Long Xiangtian. The bright moon in the sky disappeared and I do n’t know where it is. Now it seems that the situation is clear. This bright moon has fallen into the hands of this woman. .

If this woman is alone, there is no threat to Guchensha, but now Long Xiangtian is added, the two work together, one man and one woman, one day and one month, each other works, the strength is not one plus one So simple, it is tantamount to a change in yin and yang, which has produced a **** thunder.

At the moment when they suddenly appeared, the origin of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon seemed to be greatly attracted. Suddenly, the origin of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon was actually divided into two groups and they were inhaled by themselves. In the body.

Hum .........

Whether it was Long Xiangtian ’s practice or this woman ’s practice, in the moment, it was a lot better. The day and month changed, shivered and shook, and they were played out, which had a great impact on the ancient dust and sand. .

"Gu Chensha, you never expected this time. My adventure is still there. I and Liu Mei are working together to strengthen each other. The origin is strong and the sun and the moon cooperate. It has refined the will of the heavens, and it is about to be completely restored. "Origin, take it!" At this time, Long Xiangtian was so upset that he and this woman named Liu Mei urged some secret method at the same time. Immediately, the origin of that ancient Tiansha also flew towards them.

Gu Chen frowned, trying to urge more powerful secrets, but in the midst of it, he felt an extremely strong threat staring at himself, and this threat was enough to cause harm to himself.


It is such a slow, the origin of that group of ancient Tiansha has been taken away by Long Xiangtian and a woman named Liu Mei.

"The ancient dust and sand are really powerful. This time, if you didn't divide your strength to suppress the Divine Land, the Four Desolates, and then separate the forces to evolve the sun and the moon, now again divide your power to suppress the warships and systems of prehistoric civilization, and then divide your spirit. Guard against the sneak attack of the Emperor. If it were not for this, we would not be able to capture the origin of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon and the origin of the ancient Tiansha. "The girl named" Liu Mei "came out in the bright moon and could not see clearly. Her shape ~ www.readwn.com ~ has another variable. "Gu Chensha knows that he estimates too much after all, and that these newly born existences are too large. With the restraint of the Emperor, it is impossible for him to completely suppress the world:" But you are now under the control of the Emperor. Among them, in the future, it is likely to be killed by the emperor after being fattened. Do you not understand your situation? "

"We do n’t need to worry about our business, Gu Chensha, you still worry about yourself, my hatred must be revenge on you, I will kill everyone around you, destroy your country, destroy Everything about you, although you have collected the warships and systems of the prehistoric civilization, you want to refine it, it is definitely a very difficult thing, but it will reduce your strength. "This girl of Liu Mei said:" However, If you can do your best, I do n’t think Tiandi is your opponent. You are too scary, but you must remember that the future does not belong to you. In the future, more and more people like us will be born. Come out, and in the end, you will be born with a strongest existence that will suppress you. "

"Yes, you people will be born all the time." Gu Chen said: "But you will eventually kill each other, just like raising a cricket, and only one will be left in the end. That is the strongest. Or, the strongest who was born will have all the power that Tiandao and Tianfu Emperor combined. Long Xiangtian, what kind of Liumei you will kill each other, do n’t you care?

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