Dragon Talisman

Chapter 966: Come and go

Chapter 966: Come and Go Freely


Emperor Tian shot, and the prison where Gu Daoxian imprisoned came down.


The jail sent out a brilliant light, covering the incarnation of ancient dust and sand, and then detained with the ancient Taoxian.

"Gu Yujian, I'm bringing you and this incarnation of Guchensha now. You want to live is very simple, just swallow the incarnation of Guchensha, your cultivation will go further, maybe you can break through the cage Run away. "Tiandi laughed.

Emperor Tian is holding the incarnation of Gu Chen and Gu Dao Xian in a prison and killing each other. He is a good fisherman.

Of course, he is holding the Dao Taoist Immortal now, but if he wants to refine and kill the Dao Taoist Immortal, it will still take a lot of energy, and he will even have to fight back from the terrible things in the Dao Taoist Immortal, which can cause him great damage.

He was very jealous of the little black dot in Gu Dao Xian, so he let this clone of Gu Chen to slam it.

This clone of Guchensha entered the prison, but nodded: "Tiandi, your prison can't control me at all, but since you let me in, I will count it and refining the ancient Taoxian Yes, but you named this ancient Taoxian the ancient Yujian, I do n’t think it ’s very good. Yu is not a derogatory term. Do n’t you hear Dazhi Ruoyu? This person should be called the ancient stupid sword. Of course, stupidity and stupidity can form a word. , But stupidity is definitely not stupid. "

"Gu Chensha, how dare you humiliate me so much." Gu Daoxian was furious. "Heaven is right, this is an opportunity for me. I am now trapped by God, but he can't help me. If I were After swallowing your avatar, your strength will increase, and you will be able to counter-attack. "

"is it?"

Gu Chensha still walked quietly, "Ancient stupid sword, you are so stupid, I'm so stupid that I have no way to say you. In that case, I will let you know where you are stupid?"

Between the words, Gu Chen's palms spread out.

In the palm of this hand, the civilization has long rivers flowing, endless, and the number of civilizations in Hengsha appears in his palm. It seems that he is the founder of all civilizations, and all civilizations use him as the source.

This civilization circulated in the palm of the hand, and slowly flew out, spreading in all directions.

咚咚咚 ........

Gu Daoxian's heart beat violently.

This is an involuntary beating. With the spread of civilization in the palm of the ancient dust, the heart of the ancient Taoxian does not seem to listen to his command and wants to break out of his body. His heart is disconnected from his thinking, and some essence is deep in his heart. Great freedom, and his thinking is rigid and stubborn.

"What's going on, I can't move." Gu Daoxian was taken aback, because he found that his body, even the essence of the soul, and even certain things, didn't obey his command at all, let alone attack, even if he moved his fingers may not.

"This is what you can't understand. The nature of your mind, you can't control it at all, you can't surrender to your heart. The sky is not high, the heart is the highest. If you want to surrender, you must surrender. Heaven is more difficult, and it is easier to surrender to others' hearts. It is difficult to surrender your own heart. "Gu Chen's palms stretched out slowly," Deep in your heart, you don't want to be bound, you don't want to be controlled, and you desire great freedom. Freedom, this is its willingness to take refuge in me. Your heart has betrayed you, or people's heart is longing for freedom, giving him a chance for freedom, it will never let go, or you It is the true you who think that I am close, and the false you are the one who speaks. "

"Extremely alarming, I won't believe you." Gu Daoxian gritted his teeth, "Fight it."


In his body, an inexplicable force was surging, and the black dots in that body started again, actually suppressing his own heart.

Then, his body shrank, and a claw shot toward the ancient dusty face door.

"Guchensha, die."

"Good and good." Gu Chensha saw this scene. "The terrible thing in your body will have some ability, it is really possible to reach the realm of immortality. Unfortunately, it is worse, if this terrible thing All condensed formations. That must be the ninth layer of immortality. But he is not yet. And I have almost realized the secret of immortality, God, you know why I let you realize the immortality What? Because I have seen immortality, even if you become immortal, you are in my control. "

At this time, Gu Daoxian's claws had reached Gu Chen's face.

However, Gu Chensha suddenly disappeared, leaving Gu Daoxian to grab an empty space.

Later, Gu Chen appeared behind the ancient Daoxian, sitting cross-legged in mid-air, and under him was a dragon. This dragon was not a living body, but a civilization dragon composed of many civilizations. Each scale on the body is a civilization, a vast and epic civilization. These civilizations combine to form a dragon. The dragon roams in the past, present and future, looking for freedom, opportunities, and detachment.

Then, Gu Chen's hands squeezed into a seal, which is empty in the middle, there is nothing in it, no void, no past, no future, no cause and effect, no fate, no Not to the hearts of the people, it is impossible to see the world.

Everything is nothing.

This has nothing to do with everything. The body of Gu Daoxian has shrunk again, and flew into the seal of Gu Chen's hands involuntarily.


Such as Baichuan return to the sea.

Even though Gu Daoxian urged all mysteries, he still couldn't get rid of the restraint of ancient dust and sand. In the end, it just fell into the palm of Gu Chen's sand, and became a soybean-sized person. How to jump and spur the change of magical powers did not help. He couldn't jump out of the palm of Gu Chen's palm.

"Well, Emperor, this time I am not going to destroy your heaven. Since you have come to realize the means of supervising sentient beings, and run counter to my dragon-free mind, I want to see what your limits can go to. The point is also a reference for me. By the way, Hong Hongsha is a queen of heaven, what you think of as a new queen of heaven, but she has now fallen into the trap of the horrible things and will attack Heaven, you can do it for yourself. "


Gu Chensha grabbed the palm of his hand, pinched Gu Daoxian in his palm, and then moved slightly, leaving the prison and leaving the heaven.

The emperor's strongest secret method, the prisons laid out, have nothing to do with the incarnation of Guchensha.

Ancient dust and sand can lurk at Tian Emperor anytime, anywhere and launch a fatal blow to Tian Emperor.

"Terrible, terrible." Fa Sheng hid aside, seeing this scene, his whole body was trembling: "This is just an incarnation of Gu Chensha, so powerful. Heaven can't resist at all, if Gu Gusha If we really do, I'm afraid the heavens can't keep it. "

"What? Fasheng, have your heart shaken?"

The emperor saw Gu Chen leaving, and was silent for a while, then looked at Fa Sheng before speaking.

"Your Majesty, the minister did not waver. The minister just thought it was incredible. Why did the ancient dust and sand be so powerful? He really reached the nine-layer immortal realm?" Fa Shengdao said: "Sir, this ancient dust and sand completely destroyed us. We cannot be so passive, we must think of another way. "

The Emperor waved his hand: "Gu Chensha is indeed arrogant. His strength unexpectedly exceeded my expectations again. If I guessed well, his true strength is no longer inferior to that of the ancient steppers. But he has a fatal Defect, do you know why he didn't dare to use his real body to kill me? That's because he was afraid that my real body would destroy the eternal realm. "

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do next?" Fa Sheng asked: "Just now Gu Chensha talked about Hong Lusha. Now this woman has begun to expand the earth in the human world, and she has collected many mutant origin winners. . "

"Hong Yansha cultivated into the Dragon-Free Heart Method, and was secretly infused to create the origin of the Queen of Heaven. Now she has been controlled by that terrible thing, but she has not been able to enter her soul." Tiandi said: "Wulong Once the mind is complete, you can completely control your mind and gain great freedom. Through the practice of Hongyingsha, I also accurately grasped the secret of the dragon-free mind, and I will soon complete it. At that time, my cultivation was a talent You can really sit on an equal footing with Gu Chensha. It doesn't matter if Hong Hongsha, I'll meet her and join her. Isn't she wanting the power of sacrifice? I'll give it to her. "

Between words, Emperor Tian disappeared.

Human world.

Hongyesha is being cultivated. The ancestors of Hongyun started to expand the territory, and have gradually occupied a large area. Many of them have already surrendered, and they have generated great sacrifice power.

However, they did not expand very much because they were still a bit jealous of heaven.

Moreover, they are waiting for the match between Gu Daoxian and Tiandi.

"Um ~ www.readwn.com ~ what happened? The war in heaven seems to have stopped?" Hong Mingsha opened her eyes sharply at this time and looked at heaven.

Everything in heaven is reflected in her pupils, but in the most central hall, she can't see clearly, she can only see the infinite light.

"The emperor actually reached such a state of cultivation. He has truly stepped into the eighth layer of immortality. Did he suppress the ancient Taoist gods? If so, it will be troublesome. After Tiandi refined the ancient Taoist gods, his strength increased sharply. Can operating in the human world make me unable to expand? "Hong Xunsha hesitated.

Even before she hesitated, there was an extra person in front of her.

This man, tall and carrying both hands, was wearing a crown, hiding his face under the bead curtain of the crown. It is Tiandi.

"Tiandi!" Hongxu Sha was startled. "Dare you dare to appear in front of me? Did you suppress Gu Daoxian?"

"I have become immortal." Heavenly Emperor said: "The ancient Taoist immortal can no longer be chaotic, and you can't become a climate in the human world. What are you going to do next?"

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