Dragon Talisman

Chapter 967: Immortal

Chapter 967: Immortal

"Tiandi, you know what I intend. It is to unify the human world, then capture the heaven, collect sacrifice, and then surrender to you, to the ancient dust and sand, to build a supreme civilization that surpasses the ancient dust and sand.

Hongyesha was not afraid of the Emperor at this time.

Her practice is condensed, getting stronger and stronger, and she has made so many mutant original gainers into the protection of the divine light.

"Hongyesha, you think too much." Tiandi smiled. "You have good abilities now, but you still have a lot worse to surrender to me and Guchensha."

"Heaven Emperor, are you here to suppress me?" Hong Mingsha knew that the Emperor of Heaven was not good. After all, this world is Emperor Tian, ​​and he was trying to occupy his property.

"No, I ’m here to work with you. If you want to be promoted quickly, you must work with me. Now that you build your country and gather your faith, it's nothing more than a trifle, and it will be suppressed by me. If we cooperate, I can even give you half of the sacrifices between heaven and earth, how? "Tiandidao.

"Half sacrifice?" Hong Yaosha was also startled. "Heaven, your hand is really huge. Don't you fear that I am anti-customer? I know that I have some temperament of Xintianhou, but this position of Tianhou It is too small for me. If you want to attract me, I must not be considered a queen. "

"Then what do you want to be?" Tiandi asked patiently.

"It's very simple. I want to be Daozu and sit on an equal footing with you. The so-called Tiandao is divided into Tianhe Dao. Tian is Tiandi and Dao is Daozu. What is the queen of the day? Let's choose another one. In the future, we will divide the world equally. You control God, I have a pipeline. In this way, yin and yang are evenly divided, and there is no doubt about it. "Hong Yansha seemed to have thought of his status long ago.

"You want to be a ancestor? Tianting doesn't have this position at all." Tiandi frowned.

"Tianting has not changed the position of King Tian, ​​has n’t Fasheng done the same? Since you are reforming, you need to be thorough. I know you want to gain all authority, but now, you ca n’t grasp the situation at all. If I guess Nothing wrong. A big thing happened in the heavenly court, that is, the ancient Taoxian attacked your heavenly court, but the ancient dust and sand appeared, and captured the ancient Taoxian, under your eyelids. So you feel a great danger, So if you want to quickly calm down the turmoil in the human world, come to me, isn't it? "Hong Xunsha had a clear sense of insight.

"Now the division of forces is clear and clear. Yongjie ancient dust is the system and has the strongest strength. The other world is actually attached to the ancient dust. The name of the other world is also from ancient dust. So I have n’t To surrender to the other world, there are still two forces, one belongs to me and the other belongs to you. If we combine, we can compete with the ancient dust and sand. "Hongying Sha said:" Your idea is very good, I am also willing to agree. The only thing you can do now is whether you can meet my requirements. I want to be a Taoist ancestor, with a transcendent status, and my subordinates belong to the Taoist ancestor system. But you can't demote them into reincarnation, you can't punish them, and they make mistakes. I'll deal with them. "

"You are trying to establish a two heaven court. I am afraid that this will be a bit difficult, but it will destroy our order." Heavenly Emperor would never agree to such a thing. If this is done, it will not only serve the purpose of unity, but will make the heaven The order and laws were completely broken up, resulting in two-on-two struggles and endless troubles.

"Since you can't agree to this, then forget it." Hong Yansha sneered: "Don't you want me to be your queen, this is a beautiful idea. If you make this request, then we don't need to talk about it immediately, I'll go directly to Guchensha and join forces to destroy you. "

"I promise you can be a Taoist ancestor, but one of them will not work. All your subordinates, except you, will belong to the heavenly system. Their power to kill and kill is controlled by me. Only you will not be ruled by me. As you control, you are your Taoist ancestor, high above you, and all the sacrifices in the heavenly courts are shared equally. This can promise you. Those who do n’t listen to me have different hearts, we have very few sacrifices, and it is very difficult to create immortality. There is one thing I can tell you that these mutant origin gainers who trust in you are actually terrified by a behind the scenes When you arrive at that time, you will definitely be bitten back at that time, so that you have no place to be buried, and I have just obtained some secrets from Gu Daoxian. It can help you resolve this disadvantage. Even we can study together No immortal secret? "

"Okay, I can promise you this." After hearing this, Hong Yansha thought for a long time, and finally nodded: "You do have some experience in dealing with Gu Daoxian. In this case, you give me your experience, we Cooperation can continue. "

"As you wish." Tiandi Haha laughed: "We have a happy cooperation, but there is still a point you guessed wrong, that the ancient Taoxian was captured by the ancient dust and sand, I did it on purpose. Because that ancient Taoxian is me The suppression is useless, and I ca n’t refine him. Instead, trapping him will involve a lot of energy. I will let the ancient dust and sand get it. After the ancient dust and sand have been obtained, I will urge my cultivation to refine To transform the ancient Daoxian, so that he will contend with the will of that terrible thing and restrain each other. His strength will not continue to increase, but will weaken. Just by taking this opportunity, we can develop ourselves and make our strength reach the apex, the best It's the will of Gu Chensha and that terrible thing that killed you. We can also take advantage of the fishermen. "

"You're right," Hong Hongsha nodded. "It's true that if the terrible thing is the will, it will not be easily destroyed. If we are restrained by the ancient dust, we can develop rapidly."

"That being the case, we will sign a contract and no longer regret it." Tiandi stretched out his palm.

Hong Yansha also stretched out his palm.

The two hands were held together.


The entire human world, the entire heavenly court, and many worlds have suddenly produced an unknown change between the handshake. Many practitioners feel that the human world has expanded again, and it seems that some kind of energy has been gained in the meditation.

Especially in the court on that day, the light shone, and the number of qi falling down like a waterfall. All the officials in the court seemed to have released some kind of shackles, and the bottleneck that the hard work could not break through was suddenly broken.

Especially the saints.

For an instant, he only felt that cultivation was rising, it seemed that the fate had released some ability to jump out of everything.

"Immortal .............." Fasheng was in the heavenly courts, and there were a number of apertures above his head. These apertures constantly shattered the power of sacrifice, refined, refined, and finally Actually, a trace of immortality was born. This immortal quality is extremely deep: "The sixth layer is often immortal."

The realm of Fa Sheng, in a moment, can be extracted from the power of sacrifice, the sixth layer of immortality, often immortal, this was only a low rank emperor before.

"I actually upgraded several levels in a row. Why is this? Is my great fortune coming soon?" Fa Sheng only thought that the increase in his strength was too great, and he was a little strange.

Heavenly Emperor was the seventh immortal realm before.

This realm can suppress everything, and now the Fa Sheng has reached the sixth-level often immortal realm, I am afraid that it is the first person in heaven.

"The heavenly atmosphere has greatly increased." Gu Chensha left the world and felt a huge shock. Looking at the past, he saw that the heavenly space was shining in an instant, shining endless time and space, and nodded, "It seems to be The heavens calmed the turmoil in the human world. The emperor finally convinced Hongyesha that day. The two joined forces. This was also my expectation. It did not affect me very much, because Hongyesha was not subdued by the emperor, but joined together. Hongyesha even had to sit on a level with Tiandi. This Hongyesha's ambition is still above Tiandi, and the two had a fight with each other, making the heavenly court impure and the heaven divided into two. It was also my chance. Tiandi wanted me and Gudaoxian inside. That terrible thing opposes me, to hold back my strength, so as to gain time for me, but I want the emperor and Hong Xunsha to fight each other and be taken by that terrible thing. At that time, I just hit the net.

"Let me go, let me go, Gu Chensha, you beast, dare to arrest me, you can't destroy me at all, but you will also spend your energy to suppress me. After you hold me, your strength will not increase, but It has fallen, why is this so hard? "Gu Daoxian roared in the palm of the ancient dust.

"I didn't catch you for the purpose of refining you." With a whisper, Guchensha left the realm of the earth and has reached the eternal realm: "I will never refining anybody. In my current practice, in fact, I do n’t even care about the origin of the mutation. I ’m close to the ninth layer of immortality, there is no immortality, but it ’s just a little bit worse. I ’m just to influence you and make you change. You have gathered a huge source of variation. , And invaded by the will of that horrible thing, making you not even sober ~ www.readwn.com ~ always infected by this horrible will, if you want to eliminate and completely get free, you must carry out a series of means. "

"Gu Chensha, you actually want to change my mind. You are really too poisonous, but you can't kill people. You are more poisonous than killing me." Gu Daoxian roared and was very disturbed.

"The Road Without Dragons." At this time, Gu Chensha didn't talk much to Gu Dao Xian. He urged his dragon-free mind, and immediately the vast river of civilization came here.

There is no beginning and no end to this civilization. In the long river, each spray is a brilliant civilization, in which the demonstrator of the trafficker, the emperor's appearance, and even various countries and truths.

The long river of civilization contains hundreds of trillions of Hengsha civilizations, rolling forward and exploring the end of civilization.

The river flows forward, and civilization is born.

Vaguely, you can see what the end of civilization is.

If the ancient dust and sand had calculated the end of all civilizations, it would be uncivilized, that is, the state of immortality.

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