"Good one for the Terran!"

All of a sudden, the emperor Tianyu next to him yelled, "come on, give him the gold sword for Zuo Chongfeng general. From then on, you will be the left General of our army!"

Jiang Ting looked at the golden knife in his hand and said excitedly, "yes, I will give everything to the Terran."

The snow wind in the crowd saw here, thought about it, and rushed up and cried, "I'll come too! I'm willing to dedicate myself for the sake of passing down the lineage

"Ha ha ha ha!" Emperor Tianyu laughed and said, "great, for the sake of our human race, I didn't expect so many people to come forward. Today, I'm very happy! You can rest assured to go, we will protect your will here, we will be here, protect you

A word of guard, I don't know how much inner meaning it contains. Many people understand it, but they don't know how to say it, because they know that it belongs to the victory of the Terran!

Under the expectation of countless people in the Imperial City, the two million people army gradually went away.

After driving for half a month, and using the super transmission arrays in the middle, the army arrived at the Qinglong pass. This is the last line of defense of the Terran, the last pass of its frontier fortress, which protects the development of the Terran for thousands of years.

But now seeing the Qinglong pass, Jiang Ting was stunned. In his own impression, the Qinglong pass should be huge and towering, protecting the Millennium heritage of the human race.

But now in Jiang Ting's view, the Qinglong pass seems to be different from what he imagined.

There is no good place for them. There are only a few soldiers on the wall. Their armor is broken and their weapons are stained with blood. When they see the army, they shout one by one excitedly: "the increase is coming!"

Looking at these Terran soldiers above, Li Qiang Ren burst into tears with excitement: "you hold on!"

But when Li Qiang boarded the Qinglong pass and looked into the distance, he felt numb and uncomfortable. A strong feeling came to his mind from the bottom of his feet. He quickly asked the soldiers beside him: "what's the situation? When did the red beam of Wanyao mountain disappear?

the soldiers all asked in doubt: "what kind of beam? We have been resisting the attack of the demon clan in Qinglong pass. It seems that we have never seen any sky beam. "

"No way!" Li Qiangren looked at the bald man who came back with him and asked, "have you seen the red light beam rushing into the sky?"

The bald man replied: "report to Li Qiang Ren, I see it."

"Is it..." Li Qiang Ren is not a waste firewood either. He must have his own abilities if he can go from a small soldier to his present position. Naturally, his rich experience is one of them. He just thought for a moment and then understood: "is it The great wizard of the demon clan has been here? "

"Yes, it must be the demon wizard!"

Li Qiang thinks and thinks, and it is only possible that the great wizard of the demon clan comes here, and only he can break into the Qinglong pass alone and eliminate the memory of these people!

This is not a trivial matter. Li Qiangren called out: "Wang Liang!"

"I'm here!" A man in the Army stood up in a hurry. He was dressed like an ordinary soldier. He didn't look like an ordinary soldier. But since he stood up, he has been so different.

Li Qiang asked: "start the shuttle quickly and have a good look at what happened before here!"

"Yes Wang Liang just answered, and then did it. Not long after that, he took a disk and experimented on the soldiers left in Qinglong pass one by one. When he experimented with one of the soldiers, the soldier's eyes lit up a light, and a picture appeared in front of his eyes. Although it was very damaged, as long as he looked carefully, he could still see the principle clearly.

It was not long ago, that is, not long after Li Qiang's return to the Imperial City, more than a dozen people came to the demon clan. When they came here, they didn't enter the Qinglong pass, but their bodies disappeared in an instant. The next moment they appeared at the Qinglong pass. Then they used a secret method to all the soldiers here, making their memory disappear temporarily.

Then they left.

Seeing this, Li Qiang was also puzzled: "what is the purpose of these people? When they break into Qinglong pass, they spend so much time to come here, but only to wipe out the memory of these people. Their real purpose is really hard to imagine what they are for. "

Although many people don't know, many people are thinking that there must be other reasons for this. Otherwise, you can't just do it for this reason.

But at this time, Wang Liang suggested: "general, we can investigate this matter later. Now we still want to deal with these situations."

Li Qiangren glanced around and then yelled, "everyone, listen! The first regiment repairs Qinglong pass, the fourth regiment sets up camp, the sixth regiment prepares food, and other regiments guard everywhere. This is the plan of the demon clan. They may attack next moment. We must be absolutely prepared. We must not let the demon clan rush up and destroy our plan! "Two million people, together shouting: "listen to the order!"

At this time, when they were preparing, xuezhifeng looked at the Qinglong pass and sighed: "it's hard to imagine that Qinglong pass, as the biggest barrier for the Terran to resist the demon clan, has been destroyed like this. The demon clan has not yet broken in. It's hard to imagine how Li Qiang led the 100000 people here to resist the million army of the demon clan."

Jiang Ting said: "you say that, I still admire Mr. Li. He is so powerful. For the sake of the inheritance of our human race, he has gone from a middle-aged man in his forties to a bad old man. It's very hard."

Suddenly, Jiang Ting finished this sentence and found that many people were surprised to look at themselves. Jiang Ting said unexpectedly: "what's the matter? Why do people look at me like this? "

Next to him, a soldier said, "you're done!"

When Jiang Ting didn't understand what happened to them, he suddenly saw a flash of Li Qiang Ren in front of him. Then he patted himself on the shoulder and said with a smile, "young man, you are very capable!"

Jiang Ting immediately understood and said, "you misunderstood me. What I just said is that you are really powerful. Don't suggest, don't suggest!"

Li Qiang Ren patted Jiang ting on the shoulder and said with a smile, "how can it be? What kind of person do you think I am? In this way, I have a very important task here. Only you can complete it. Now I'll give it to you. I believe you can do it. Come on

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