"What mission?"

Although he didn't say it, Jiang Ting felt that this so-called task was not simple at all. It was likely to destroy everything and make all his efforts from the beginning to now disappear!

However, in order to survive, Jiang Ting said, "don't worry. As long as it's for us, I can do anything!"

"Great!" Li Qiang Ren was also excited and said: "what I'm waiting for is such a good opportunity. Now such a good task is up to you! Come on, give me the flag

Before long, a soldier next to him put the Red Flag Embroidered with "Tianyu" in Jiang Ting's hand. Li Qiang Ren, who was opposite him, also said very seriously: "since you are willing to take over this important task, it's up to you now!"

Jiang tingmeng forced: "what do you want me to do?"

Li Qiang pointed to the distance and said, "do you see any place?"

Looking around, Jiang Ting only saw a battlefield in that place. Oh no, it should be said that only one battlefield could be seen in this whole area, and nothing else could be seen. Jiang Ting was also puzzled: "what do you want me to see?"

Li Qiang Ren found that human eyes could not see the place at all, so he ordered the soldiers to take out a map, pointed to a black area, and said: "this place 800 miles away in the southwest is a city that is not controlled by people. I need you to go to this place and take charge of this place. In the future, our battle between the Terran and the demon race will be a place It's a great place. "

Jiang Ting looked at this place and frowned: "this area, like a dark area, is a large black market where all major forces are converging. I'm going to this place and taking over here. Don't I want to die?"

Li Qiang Ren just patted Jiang Ting's arm excitedly and said, "I believe you can. Let's go. I know you can't wait. You must make great contributions for our Terran. Don't worry. We Terran will miss you!"

When xuezhifeng saw it, he couldn't help laughing. But unexpectedly, when he was laughing, Li Qiang patted him on the arm and said with a smile, "I think the relationship between you and him seems very good. Now the task is up to you. You two go together! He is the chief General of Tianyu, and you are the deputy general. "

Snow wind said seriously: "in fact, I think I prefer to stay in Qinglong pass. To be honest, I have learned a lot of mending magic, and I will be able to mend this Qinglong pass! Let me stay here, I think, I am more suitable for here! "

Li Qiang Ren also seriously said: "you can't, because I see your strong leadership temperament, you will become a super leader of our human race, and you will play a very important role in this two race war! come on. We believe in you. It's not too late. Let's go now! "

In this way, Jiangting and xuezhifeng have to be locked up to protect the human race. They sacrifice themselves for the human race. Under the excited eyes of the people, they lead 20000 troops to the dark area. In Jiangting's view, it seems that they are impossible.

Therefore, on the 18th day, some soldiers could not help saying, "report to the commander of Jiangting, if we don't move on and hurry to the black market, we will run out of food."

Jiang Ting also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he asked, "how long can our food last?"

The Herald said, "we have enough food to last one day at most."

Jiang Ting looked up at the moonlight and said, "let's have a good rest. Tomorrow we'll set out for the dark area quickly!"

The heralds were very excited when they heard this sentence, and rushed to inform them. The soldiers were very excited when they heard this sentence, and each one of them recited in his heart: God, is this lazy general enlightened at last? Heaven has eyes!

At this time, in the camp, both Jiangting and xuezhifeng are warming up. The climate of the frontier fortress changes very quickly. It may be hot in the morning and people want to take off their clothes, but it is cold in the evening. Wearing more than ten layers of cotton padded jacket makes people feel very cold.

Although both of them are practitioners, they both feel very cold now, not to mention the soldiers outside. If it wasn't for the fire, now they could be frozen into popsicles.

Of course, at this time, the snow wind can not help asking: "why do you promise?"

Jiang Ting answered very seriously: "for the sake of the human race!"

Snow wind sneered and couldn't help exposing: "come on, you're not that kind of person at all. Even if you hide in the extreme corner of the mainland, you can't stand up for any human race. Let's say, there's nothing to hide about our relationship, I believe?"

Jiang Ting sighed and finally said, "look at this."

Jiang Ting took out the huge Juque sword from the space bag and put it in front of xuezhifeng. Xuezhifeng picked it up and saw that it was just an ordinary epee. It didn't seem special.

The body of the sword looks at least as wide as three palms, the length is at least two meters, and the handle is very long. Xuezhifeng looks at it for a long time, shakes his head and says, "I don't see any difference on it. It's just an ordinary epee.If you insist on saying anything different, it may be because the Epee has traces of years, at least thousands of years, but its hardness is very ordinary. After all, the material of this thing is also very ordinary. "

"Look at it like this." Jiang Ting takes over the Juque sword and inputs aura. After a while, a large number of spiritual patterns appear on the Juque sword, dense blue spiritual patterns. The wind of snow almost stands up.

He said in an excited voice: "this is not an ordinary sword! It's my poor vision. This is unprecedented. Otherwise, I can't bear so many spiritual tattoos! "

Spirit tattoo is a super weapon that can increase the strength, power and other aspects of the weapon, but it has high requirements for material.

The Juque sword in front of me was just held in my hand. I felt it was made of ordinary material. But now I can see that he can bear so many holy lines. Even a fool can see that it is very unusual.

So snow wind said, "that's why you agreed to take part in this war?"

Jiang Ting thought about it and finally said, "it should be part of it, mainly..."

At this point, Jiang Ting was silent, his head was lowered, and his expression looked depressed.

Next to the snow wind comforted: "what's the matter? It's OK. Let's carry it together! "

"I don't know!" Jiang Ting scolded: "do you think I want to? Would I like to? It's not because there's a damned curse on this broken sword! "

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