But not everyone thinks so. For example, in the team, they always have a good feeling for Qingxue and want to get Qingxue's Mo Feng.

When he saw Qingxue's intimacy with Jiangting, his hatred for Jiangting almost reached the acme. Think again, Jiang Ting preached his appearance before, Mo Feng's heart is more gloomy and full-bodied.

Sometimes, it's so easy to hate someone.

Jiang Ting doesn't know about this guy's hatred for himself. Of course, even if he knows, he won't have any idea.

As far as Jiang Ting is concerned, if you don't provoke me, I won't take the initiative to provoke you. Even if you hate me in your heart, as long as you don't really attack me or provoke me in words, Jiang Ting won't choose to attack me.

This is not Jiang Ting's arrogance, but his absolute confidence in his own strength.

After that, Jiang Ting, led by Ye Chen and others, went deeper into the Thunder Mountain.

During this period, Jiang Ting found that ye Chen was leading the way in front of him. When he encountered some forks, he always chose the wider one.

The explanation I learned later was that although the path was relatively close, there were fewer people walking along it. Naturally, there were more exotic animals.

In contrast, a broad continent means that there are more people here. If there are more people, the number of exotic animals can be effectively curbed.

For these, Jiang Ting just knew. Before that, he chose two different roads according to his own preference.

It is precisely for this reason that he will keep circling in the same place. Because some roads are wrong. Once they are followed, it's easy to get lost.

As for ye Chen, they usually come to the Thunder Mountain more often. Naturally, they have a certain understanding of the environment here and have a planned road in their mind.

Without much time, they finally arrived at their first destination.

This destination is in a valley on the edge of the Thunder Mountain. At the time of coming, Jiang Ting already knew the hunting task Ye Chen's team needed to complete.

The elite level task is to hunt and kill the underage king of steel armor. There are a large number of silver level king of steel armor around him. The underage king of steel armor has the fighting power of about two golden stars.

But when the people really came to the valley where the task target was, they were surprised to find a strange thing.

Isn't it true that there will be a lot of armored beasts in the valley as guardians?

But what about the guardian? What about the armored beast?

Everyone's face, more or less a little strange, did not feel the current situation.

Is it true that the armored herd has moved? But it shouldn't be. Generally speaking, the accuracy of the information released by the hunting hall is very high. Basically, it won't appear. When it comes to the target location, the target has gone ahead of time.

In addition, the possibility of special accidents is relatively high.

Walking into the valley, after a while, yechen frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"I think we have to pray that we won't encounter drastic changes later..."

They have come to the middle of the valley, but they still don't see the steel beast, let alone the king of steel beast.

But in this case, no one dare to relax, everyone is a little hairy.

"Captain, I always have a bad feeling..."

One of the members of the team said solemnly.

In fact, she is not the only one, as the people who are fighting between life and death, they all feel the hidden crisis.

Even Jiang Ting's face was surprised.

But in terms of the surrounding atmosphere, there must be some exotic animals here, and it's still in the near future.

In this way, there is only one possibility.

In the depth of the valley, there are still a lot of exotic animals, and judging from the scene, there must have been some great changes here.

Everywhere in the valley, you can see the trace of scratching with one hand, which seems to be left by the last struggle before the death of a strange animal.

But Jiang Ting still didn't put too much on him, although other members of the hunting team felt the danger. But on his side, there is still no feeling.

In this way, it can only prove one thing. There are indeed some malignant events here, but it must not affect him.

"Captain, shall we go on?"

According to the information shown above, the minor king of steel armor should be in the deepest part of the valley.

However, in the current situation, if you want to go to the deepest place, you are likely to encounter danger.

Ye Chen, the team leader, fell into a deep meditation: "this..."

He looked in front of his eyes and around them. He was really a little hesitant.

After all, although the task is important, the life of the team members is not bad. What's more, not long ago, they experienced a life and death ordeal.It's only a short time since then. I'm afraid that I'll risk my life again.

Seeing their indecision, Jiang Ting said, "in my opinion, the possibility of danger ahead is not great."

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the other members of the team immediately fell on him, and they all had some doubts.

Mo Feng, in particular, said: "you are alone, of course, don't worry, but we have so many people, you just say there is no danger, but what if you really encounter it?"

He was disgusted with Jiang ting for a long time. At this time, he finally found an opportunity and would not let it go.

Smell speech, Jiang Ting glanced at him one eye, then came to a rock side, observed some light way.

"The battle traces left on these rocks are all in the same shape. That is to say, the reason why there is no steel armored beast in the current Valley is that they kill each other for some reason, which leads to what we see."

This explanation really makes sense.

Several people quickly compared the scratches left on the surrounding rocks. Indeed, as Jiang Ting said, they were all left by steel armored beasts.

Ye Chen in front of a bright: "if it is really fratricidal, it is cheap for us."

Qingxue in the team is also happy: "yes! What if the king of steel was killed? Besides, even if we don't find the body of the king of steel armor, we can appeal for abnormal mission intelligence and still get bonus points! "

Although it is said that if the king of steel armor really died, their profession hardly played a role in testing their strength. After all, it was just a strange beast who killed two golden stars in the middle.

Can integral this thing, have a chance white, that who will not?

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