To be honest, Qingxue's words really attracted everyone in the team.

Indeed, as long as they can record enough evidence to prove that there is no king of steel armor in the valley of Thunder Mountain, they can go back to the hunting hall to appeal and get rewards.

But if you leave now, you will lose more than time. For a long time in the future, you will not be able to take the elite hunting mission.

This is obviously what they do not want to see.

At this time, Jiang Ting did not continue to express his opinions. Anyway, he has already said what he can say. Whether he dares to go in or not depends on them.

As for that, is it really the scene of steel armored animals killing each other? In fact, Jiang Ting is only guessing, not sure.

But he is confident that the team can leave without injury in the face of a certain degree of danger.

Finally, after ye Chen and several other hunting teams discussed together, they finally decided to move on and investigate the place.

After making the decision, the people immediately set out, not in situ ink.

On the way after that, it was almost the same as before, and the traces of fighting all over the ground seemed to be somewhat tragic.

At this time, they are all on guard, ready to face all kinds of changes.

After Jiang Ting's original "gentle" instruction, ye Chen's understanding of command is obviously deeper and more efficient and stable.

First of all, ye Chen, who is in the front, as well as the left and right sides, each has a player whose strength is considered to be in the middle reaches.

There are two more people on the left and right.

Because Qingxue's combat effectiveness is not strong, she can only rely on pets to fight, so she is listed as the key protection object and in the center of the team.

Mo Feng and Jiang Ting are at the back of the team.

In fact, in this place full of exotic animals, the most dangerous place is at the end of the team. Compared with the front, there are no eyes at the back, so we need to pay more attention when walking.

Once there is any disturbance, it may threaten the safety of the rear.

It's just that Jiang Ting is relaxed and happy to walk here.

For him, within a hundred meters behind him, as long as there is any energy fluctuation, he can find it at the first time and lock it.

There's no need to worry about being attacked from behind by some strange animals.

In this configuration, the team soon came to the deepest part of the valley.

Everyone could not help but look up at the huge cave in front of them. In the cave with a diameter of more than five meters, it was deep and silent, like an abyss, and there was nothing in it.

"Captain, shall we get in?"

Qingxue is in the center, looking at the cave in front of her, some uncertain asked.

As a girl, I can't help but be afraid to see such a dark place.

Ye Chen looked behind him and found that Jiang Ting was still indifferent. He didn't seem to be worried or afraid of this scene at all.

Perhaps because of Jiang Ting's influence, ye Chen's courage has grown a lot. What's more, he has already come here, so it's a bit unrealistic to return.

"Let's move on!"

He looked at his team members and told them: "everyone condenses the flame, protect Qingxue carefully, and of course, protect your own safety!"

In this unknown environment, there is no doubt that the weakest Qingxue is the most dangerous.

All the people answered, and then a fire broke out in everyone's hands.

Although everyone's cultivation power is different, the common skill of condensation fire is almost universal.

But when people saw the fire in Jiangting, they were all surprised. Ye Chen was even more surprised and said, "brother Jiang, your flame seems to be different from us."

Smell speech, Jiang Ting this just reaction come over, rely on, originally is oneself subconsciously to the fire of nirvana to condense out.

No way, he had to explain: "maybe our world, the power of cultivation is special, so the flame is special."

This reason is reasonable, and people believe it.

However, they can still clearly feel that the flame in Jiangting's hands is the brightest one in the dark. At the same time, there seems to be an invisible barrier around the flame, which is very warm.

Even in the deep and dark cave, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, everyone leaned against Jiangting, especially Qingxue, whose back was fast on Jiangting's chest. Jiangting was also helpless.

Beside Jiang Ting, Mo Feng looks at the scene, gnashing his teeth, and his eyes are even more murderous.

Almost in the twinkling of an eye, Jiang Ting noticed that Yu Guang swept Mo Feng's eyes and didn't say anything.

Then, after about half a cup of tea, suddenly, a hurricane rolled over.At the same time, a heart shaking roar made everyone's heart beat almost slowly.


The roar of terror from the first hand made everyone's face change dramatically and quickly ran towards the entrance of the cave.

Just as the crowd rushed out of the cave, the whole huge cave burst open.

Then, see a hold of the figure blew out, hit heavily on the ground, the whole ground like an earthquake.

Seeing this scene, people's eyes all fell on this strange beast.

When you see the comer clearly, the expression on each face is a little different.

In front of the beast, like the epic Titan, looks similar to the orangutan, but by contrast, more huge.

It's even hard to imagine how such a big body shrank in the cave just now.

But these are no longer important, the real killer is, in front of this is the breath of the beast, very powerful.

On the other side's dark body, there are many blood colored inscriptions, which look a little more monstrous.

Even each other's eyes are blood red, which makes people who see it look very ugly.

Several members of the hunting team, feeling the pressure of the other side, all took a breath of cold air.

"It's a powerful force. The level of this beast is at least three stars or more..."

Samsung is gold Samsung. He guessed very well. From Jiang Ting's point of view, the beast in front of him is indeed above three stars, but the real meaning has reached the level of six golden stars.

It can be said that it is far more than the maximum number of exotic animals that the hunting team can now compete with.

But the question is, this is clearly the territory of the king of steel armor beast. What's the matter with this strange beast in front of him?

Jiang Ting, when he saw the strange beast in front of him, vaguely saw some clues.

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