Yu Fei's exclamation has not yet fallen, a light language suddenly into his ears.

"Who..." Yu Fei yelled angrily in an instant, and then saw a young man with a smiling face appear at the street corner.

After seeing clearly, Yu Fei frowned slightly and then jumped off the roof: "Jiang Ting, why are you here?"

The young man is Jiang ting.

Jiang Ting approached slowly: "come and get what I should get."

"The Li family is still alive." Yu Fei refused directly.


After that, Jiang Ting entered the room with a smile: "next, you and I will witness the fall of the Li family here."

Yu Fei frowned and went into the room without saying anything.

When he was seated, Yu Fei suddenly said, "I'm very curious. Why didn't you get hurt under the roar? According to the power of Changxiao, you need at least four level gods to protect yourself. Although you are strange, you have only one level God. You can't stop the power of Changxiao. "

"I can't stop it."

Jiang Ting nodded his head very simply, and then showed his stupid eyes: "but don't you know that I have joined Zhang Jia? Or do you really think that howling can't restrain its power? "

Yu Fei is slightly a Leng, immediately frown: "he intentionally?"

"No accident, it is."

After that, Jiang Ting shrugged: "at least for me and even for the people of Zhang Jia, that long howling is just a very simple long howling, without any power."


after thinking for a while, Yu Fei reacted and his face was a little gloomy: "he was promoted to the seventh level God, and announced his promotion by frightening the whole city with a long cry."


Jiang Ting laughs and doesn't care, but whispers: "the Lord of FengMo City, Zhao Yan, is also the seventh level God. The Lord of the family is promoted to the seventh level God. With the gratitude and resentment between the two families, the Lord of the family will surely destroy the Li family. The disaster of the Li family's destruction is near at hand. Don't you consider giving me something first?"

"Or just that sentence, after the collapse of the Li family, I will naturally give you something." But Yu Fei didn't see any rabbits or eagles.

"Well, it seems that I'll really rest here for a few days." Although Jiang Ting was helpless, he didn't care.

It's just a few more days to wait. Before, there was a lot of time lost in planning to deal with the Li family. Now the destruction of the Li family is just around the corner. It's just a few days. He can afford to wait.

After Zhang Yuze left with Qixuan Shendan, he made some jiuzhuan Qingming pills in Zhangjia. Calculating the time, he estimated that Zhang Yuze was about to break through, so he stopped alchemy and went directly to the south of the city without hiding his whereabouts.

All planning is to get the map fragments in Yufei's hands. Now, it's time to harvest the fruits of victory.

Yu Fei doesn't know what Jiang Ting thinks. At the moment, his fear of Jiang Ting is being magnified without limit... Yu Fei has lived in Fengmo city for a long time, and he knows a lot about all kinds of rumors in the market.

Before, none of the people in Zhangjia could be promoted to the seventh level God. But just a few days after Jiang Ting joined Zhangjia, the head of Zhangjia family was promoted to the seventh level God? Intuition tells him that Zhang Yuze's promotion must be related to Jiang ting.

Can he not be afraid of other people's promotion!

"Why don't you and I have a chat while we're idle?" Jiang Ting's slow voice rang out.

Yu Fei wanted to refuse, but his words changed: "what are you talking about?"

Jiang Ting's voice is still slow: "that thing, you know something."

Yu Fei instantly looks up and stares at Jiang ting. His mind keeps spinning. He doesn't know what Jiang Ting wants to say.

"So alert?"

After a pause, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth Rose: "why... First, you are not my opponent. Second, the Li family is about to be destroyed. I have finished your condition. Third, after you give me that thing, if you lose it, the secret it represents will not be with you. You might as well tell me what you know."

Silent for a while, Yu Fei pressed down his mind: "since you find here to seize, you must be very clear, why ask me."

He didn't want to talk to Jiang Ting, but he was right. He couldn't fight Jiang Ting, and he was forced to make an oath before. Once he made an oath, the map fragments would not belong to him.

"I do know some news, otherwise I won't come to capture this fragment, but it's not bad to know more, is it?" Jiang Ting looks the same.

In fact, he didn't know anything. He just felt that there was a big secret hidden in the map fragments after refining, so he came. If he could know some news in advance, it would be good.

"I don't know what's in it." Yu Fei did not want to answer.

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Seeing this, Yu Fei felt a little cold, and then hastily added: "I really don't know, don't mention me, even other people on Sirius may not know... I only know that it is said that if all the things are collected, a secret can be opened. It is said that there is a great secret hidden in it, a secret left by the king of God, but what is the secret People know, maybe some people know more news, but that's definitely not what I, a second level God, can know. ""Yes, but I'm a little worried." Jiang Ting responded slowly, but his mood sank.

The secret of this map fragment still seems to be beyond his expectation... But it's not nothing. At least let him know that there is a secret left by the God King hidden in the map.

God King, that is the supreme existence standing at the top of the endless God domain. The secret left by God King is self-evident.

If it is leaked out, it will attract countless people's looting, even the existence of the Ninth level God.

But, what is the secret left by the God King?

And somehow, Jiang Ting felt a little strange. If it's really the secret left by the God King... Shouldn't all the people who can hold the fragments be level 8 or level 9 gods? Why can he get the map fragments? Even Yu Fei can get the map fragments?

Is there something fishy or something else?

In a twinkling of an eye, about three days passed.

The Li family.

Because of Li Han's command, all the Li family's disciples are full of vigilance, and it's not too much to have all kinds of soldiers.

I don't know why, there is no one near or even passing by the Li family residence. People who used to live near the Li family have moved away, and shops near the Li family have closed down.

"Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua, Shua.

Several of the Li family disciples who guarded the gate looked up and saw a stream of light rising from the direction of the Zhangjia mansion towards his Li family.

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