Li's disciples who guard the Li's gate hear the sound of breaking the air, look up, and instantly find countless streamers coming from Zhang Jia towards the Li's family.

Among them, the fastest dozens of streamers had already arrived outside the Li's residence and scattered around the Li's residence. It seemed that they were encircling the Li family.

What do you want to do with the Li family?

"Pull the alarm!" The first disciple came back to his senses and roared.

"The waste like mole ants dare to be reckless in front of their owners." With a whisper, four cold lights burst into the air.

"Boom..." with a bang, four cold lights hit four Li's disciples respectively. Then under the impact of Juli, all four Li's disciples smashed on the door of Li's mansion, and the smell of blood began to spread.

The bright red blood stains the gate red.

He died.

You know, these four Li disciples are all gods, but they were killed by the cold light, and they couldn't even react.

Following the voice just now, I just saw Zhang Yuze appear in front of the Li family with a full face of arrogance. Behind him are several elders of Zhang Jia and some disciples.

With the falling of streamers, the number of Zhang's disciples behind him is still increasing rapidly.

Jiang Ting waited in Fengyu street for three days, and Zhang Jia finally gave his hand to the Li family.

"Master Zhang, as soon as he made a breakthrough, he gave a hand to my Li family. Are you worried?" With some cold words, the door of the Li family slowly opened.

Li Han and many Li's parents stood in line at the gate, but they didn't go out.

I'm kidding. Now the Li family's grand array has been opened, and they stand inside the gate. If they leave the gate, they will leave the range of the grand array. Now Zhang Yuze has been promoted to the seventh level God. If they go out of the gate, there is no guarantee of life and death.

Outside the gate.

"I'm really in a hurry."

Zhang Yuze did not deny it, and then his mouth slowly rose: "to tell you the truth, I can feel that if I shut up and stabilize my state, it won't take long for my strength to be further improved, but I don't need to deal with the Li family."

Li Han's face remained unchanged: "are you not afraid of the interference of the city master Zhao?"

"He won't do it. Since I'm here today, I'm sure I'll exterminate your Li family." Zhang Yuze looks the same.

Li Han's face sank, and after a long time he said: "you are promoted now, and your strength is really soaring. But I only need to entangle you with the elder, and with the great array of guardians, your elder Zhang Jia can not exert much strength. If you have a bloody battle with my Li family, your strength will be greatly damaged. Why?"

"Ha ha..."

after laughing for a long time, Zhang Yuze's face became indifferent: "it seems that your Li family really has no other means to waste so much words, so the owner will be relieved."

The elder of Zhang Jia immediately drank: "Zhang Jia's disciples listen to the order and do it!"

"Kill With a low roar, the Zhang's disciples who had arrived immediately began to perform their magic skills, and the Zhang's disciples who were floating in the air broke out the biggest attack. They were still on the road, but before they arrived, the blade had already arrived first.

The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword are endless.

"Guard according to the array!" Li Han's eyes want to crack, but she still roars. She didn't expect that Zhang's attack would come so fast. What's more, she didn't expect that Zhang's attack would be so decisive, even without any hesitation.

Fortunately, the Li family had been vigilant before, but now the Li family's disciples gather together to defend. Even if Zhang Yuze is promoted, he has just been promoted. The Li family has never lost the strength of the first World War.

Just very soon, Li Hangang's rising will to fight was defeated.

She saw that dozens of level 4 gods of the Li family suddenly stopped attacking, and then took out a pill filled with green fragrance of plants and trees and swallowed it. At the moment of swallowing, the breath of those dozens of level 4 gods suddenly rose to level 5 gods!

Looking at their three-point expansion of the body and shaking limbs, it is obvious that the sudden surge of strength is not controlled by them... But, so what?

The sudden surge of dozens of five God, enough to open the gap between the two families, as if, the gap between the general natural moat.

"Boom..." countless explosions broke out, and the war between the two families was completely ignited.

In this battlefield full of only Zhangjia and Lijia, far away from the street, countless figures are hidden in the dark, and the sight can see the outbreak of war.

In the face of this sudden war, everyone knows that from now on, the magic city has changed, and the era when the two families were jointly in charge has passed.

Next, it's the era of Zhang Jia. As long as Zhang Yuze, the seven level God master who was promoted suddenly, is not surprised, then Zhang Jia must be the strongest force in this magic city.

Many people are already thinking about it. When the war is over, they will visit Zhangjia and send their kindness.


the Lord's residence.

Zhao Yan, who has been staying in the chamber of secrets, left the chamber of secrets and stood quietly on the top of the building at the top of the house of the Lord of the city, looking at the northern direction of the city.Behind him, there were three black armor men standing, and no one spoke.

I don't know how long later, Zhao Yan slowly took back his sight: "with Qixuan Shendan promoted to the seventh level God, dozens of jiuzhuan Qingming pills... Zhang Jia has a good chance. As long as the Li family is destroyed, the countless materials consumed in refining Qixuan Shendan and jiuzhuan Qingming pills can be replenished from the Li family treasure house."

A man in black armour said with hesitation: "Lord of the city, Zhang Yuze is promoted to the seventh level God. Are you really not involved? Once the Li family is destroyed, Zhang Yuze carries the seven level God and the power of destroying the Li family, saying that he will not attack the city Lord's house directly, and that he will certainly threaten the city Lord's position at that time. "

"It's a threat to the city Lord... Ha ha."

Zhao Yan laughed for a long time before he spoke slowly: "Zhang Yuze is indeed promoted to the seventh level God. Unfortunately, his talent is limited. In addition, the seventh level God promoted with the help of Qixuan Shendan is inferior in strength... To defeat him, the city leader only needs three moves."

Three black armour person is tiny a Leng, immediately show innumerable fanaticism.

Zhao Yan and Zhang Yuze can be different, Zhao Yan is promoted through their own efforts, genuine seven God!

Zhang Yuze may be able to bully the other six gods, but in front of Zhao Yan, it's not enough to see.

Zhao Yan completely does not pay attention to the north of the city: "where is Jiang Ting now?"

In the middle of the black armour instant response: "back to the city Lord, Jiangting is now in the south of the storm street."

"Stormy street."

With a whisper, Zhao Yan's body dispersed, leaving only one sentence: "at most three days, Zhang Jia can destroy the Li family. At that time, you will go to Zhang Jia instead of the city master. At the same time, you will tell Zhang Yuze that the city master congratulates him on his promotion. At the same time, the city master wants to have a discussion with him because he is happy with hunting."

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