Jiang Ting was going to absorb the spirit of jade in the stone chamber. When he saw the python, he thought that there might be a monster close to him. Although the possibility is not high, and there is an array here, even if the monster is close to the stone chamber, it is impossible for him to come in. However, everything has an accident. It is not safe to place his hope on the array of the stone chamber itself.

After all, the array was not created by Jiang ting. How could he know how many powers the array had.

After about three breaths.

Jiang Ting suddenly lost his smile: "how can I forget that I still have a good thing..."

his body disappeared before the voice fell.

Linglong tower of heaven and earth!

If we say it's a safe place, I'm afraid there's no place safer than Tiandi Linglong tower. We can absorb the essence of jade in it and come out after it's completely absorbed. No matter what the danger is, it can't affect him.


surface, vein entrance.

When Jiangting enters the Linglong tower of heaven and earth to absorb the essence of jade, Zhang Zhi appears at the entrance of the vein again. At the moment, his face is very gloomy.

After exploring the vein, he found that the collapse area of the jade vein was extremely large, nearly one third of the area completely collapsed, and because there was no early warning, and Zhang Jia just took over here, he had no time to make any response before...

because of the collapse, the vein here had the least hard work to dig the vein They're all dead. 25 percent up! Moreover, the collapse area will not be excavated in a short time.

In a word, if there is no other progress, Zhang Zhi will be severely punished by his family.

After about half a breath.

"No way." Zhang Zhi suddenly raised his head. He remembered one thing.

Jiang Ting entered the vein.

Of course, it's not important. What's important is that when he was exploring the vein, he didn't see Jiangting at all. Because of the collapse of the vein, even the laborers in other places that were not affected by the collapse of the vein began to leave the vein one after another.

Those who come out, not including Jiang Ting!

Before he thought of it, he received the news that Jiang Ting was just in the scope of collapse... His heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

If Jiang Ting was buried alive in the vein, he would come out safely at last. If there was an accident, I'm afraid he would be punished more severely by his family!

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhi began to roar: "Zhang Siyuan!"

He had asked Zhang Siyuan to send someone to pick up Jiang Ting before. Now... If Jiang Ting really can't get out, then the responsibility can only fall on Zhang Siyuan.

Zhang Siyuan didn't remind him in advance of the collapse of the vein. In any case, this crime can't fall on Zhang Zhi.

"Brother Zhang." In the stone house, Zhang Siyuan leaves the stone house in a hurry.

Zhang Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly: "did you have a good rest?"

"Brother, you misunderstand me. I'm not lazy. I'm feeling the perfect array in the stone house. I'm going to feel the whereabouts of Jiangting with the help of the array." Zhang Siyuan said that he had been prepared for a long time.

"Did you find him?" Zhang Zhi temporarily repressed his anger.

"No Zhang Siyuan showed helplessness. Looking at it, it seemed that he was really helpless.

"If he is missing in the vein, the responsibility is yours." Zhang Zhi is not talking nonsense.

Zhang Siyuan bowed his head and didn't say a word... Before he started, he knew that it couldn't be done well. What's the responsibility? He doesn't care. As long as he doesn't die, he will have a chance to turn over. No matter what the punishment is, at least Jiang Ting is dead.

He didn't believe it. He detonated so many core eyes of the array underground, and Jiangting was the first to bear the brunt. In addition, the mine vein collapsed again, and he could live under the chain trap!

However, Zhang Zhi didn't know Zhang Siyuan's mind. Seeing that Zhang Siyuan didn't object, he relaxed a little, and then walked quickly towards his residence.

Such a big accident happened to the vein, he had to report it to his family. Since Jiang Ting didn't come out, he might have been buried in the collapsed vein. He had to ask for help and ask the strong members of the family to clear the vein as soon as possible.

In this way, we can not only save Jiang Ting, but also reduce the casualties of other hard workers. When the matter is over, we will naturally bear less responsibility.

In the blink of an eye, the time of the day passes quietly.

For the time being, the jade vein is calm. However, because of the collapse of the vein, no one dares to go down to mine. Because the cause of the collapse of the vein has not been found out, and no one dares to go down without authorization until the truth is known.

If not, what will happen if the vein continues to collapse?

Because of the collapse of the vein, the drudgery in charge of mining in the vein has some precious leisure time.

At noon, the sun is burning.

Although the afternoon sun is extremely poisonous, Zhang Zhi and some of the guards here don't care about the hot sun. Instead, they all stand at the entrance of the mine.Let's go for a second.

Zhang Zhi, standing in the front, suddenly turned his head and saw a flash of light in the sky. Several flashes appeared and fell over the vein.

"I've met the three elders." Before the streamer fell, Zhang Zhi took the lead in embracing his fist.

"No need to be polite." With some old voice, Zhang ruilu, the third elder of Zhang family, was born into a family.

After receiving the news from Zhang Zhi before, Zhang Jia sent Zhang Rui to come soon... It is reasonable to say that if he received the news, he would send someone, and he would arrive at dusk yesterday. The reason why he delayed until noon today is that Zhang Jia couldn't separate himself.

After all, Zhang Jia has just taken over all the material industry of the Li family. Almost all the family members are sent out. Moreover, although the Li family is destroyed, it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be some disciples who escape from the outside world. Therefore, Zhang Jia has no skills at the moment.

If it wasn't for Jiang Ting's importance, I'm afraid Zhang Jia would have sent two disciples at most to see the situation.

Zhang Rui found that all the people here didn't move, and his brow suddenly wrinkled: "why haven't you started to clean up the veins?"

"Elder three, the cause of the vein collapse has not been found out yet. If you rush to send a large number of people into the vein to reopen the tunnel, the disciples worry that it may lead to the increase of the collapse of the vein."

At the end of the speech, Zhang Zhi added: "the disciples suspect that the collapse of the vein may not be as simple as it appears. The Li family has been holding the jade mine for a long time. There may be some array or means left by the Li family in it that are not noticed. The collapse of the vein may be related to this. The disciples also worry that if they rush to re-enter, there may be unnecessary casualties."

"Li family..." Zhang Rui's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled. Now Zhang's hands are a little short. Indeed, as Zhang Zhi said, it's not suitable to do it easily.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Rui took the lead in entering the vein: "go to the collapse place, I'm here, but I want to see if there are really things that I don't know how to survive!"

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