Zhang Rui was a little displeased when he heard Zhang Zhi's words, but he also knew that what Zhang Zhi said was true, so he didn't say much. Instead, he chose to lead the team into the mine.

He is confident that, with the ability of his five level God, even if there are the remaining evils of the Li family hidden in the vein, he will not be able to make trouble, but will die in his hands.

Because, he can be sure that the two sixth level gods of the Li family have died, the elders of the fifth level gods and the first level characters have died completely, and the strong ones of the fourth level gods have almost been killed.

"Follow the three elders into the vein!" With Zhang Zhi's low drinking, Zhang's disciples who guard here follow Zhang Zhi one after another and enter the mine vein. Zhang Zhiyuan and Zhang Bo are also among them.

Soon, they reached the northwest area of the mine, which is the collapse place.

Countless rocks and mud mixed with jade mines congest the mine. If Zhang had not explored this vein before, I'm afraid that we could only find a mine here from the earth and rocks on the ground.

The front leg slightly closed its eyes to feel for a while, then hummed coldly: "dig this place again."

"Good." Zhang Zhi nodded gently, then motioned to the rear.

A moment later, dozens of labors immediately came forward and began to clean the rocks and soil on the mine road with special hoes... Compared with mining, cleaning the mine road looks very tired, but it's actually easier.

Even though the drudgery didn't become a God, they also had self-cultivation. The rocks and soil they fell from were very soft for them. They only needed a little effort to dig. Unlike when they were digging, they needed to use all their strength to dig the rocks to confirm whether there was a jade mine in them.

"Ding Ding Dang..." with bursts of clear sound, the mine began to be dredged quickly. Because of Zhang Rui's existence, no one dares to be lazy.

About half an hour later.

More than three ore channels have been dredged, corresponding to different ore channels of Northwest ore vein.

Let's go for a second.

"Ah..." a scream suddenly sounded in the middle of the re dredged mine.

Zhang Rui, who was sitting here, disappeared with a flash of his eyes. He didn't even breathe. He appeared in the middle of the mine. It was also the moment he arrived here that he clearly smelled a faint smell of blood.

However, Zhang Rui didn't care. Instead, he looked coldly at a person not far ahead. There was a man who fell to the ground with a look of panic. There was no injury.

After looking at it coldly for a while, Zhang Ruiqiang said angrily, "what's the matter?"

"Dead... Dead, they're dead... Dead, abnormal..." the laborer looked deeper and more frightened.

Zhang Rui frowned a little, and then suddenly shot: "broken!"

In a flash, a bright divine light appeared in his hands, and then the divine light reached the depth of the passage with a slight flash.

Bang, the rocks burst and the soil flew.

Under Zhang Rui's violence, a passage in the middle was cleaned up for more than ten feet in an instant.

"Shua Shua..." the sound of breaking the air rings, and Zhang Zhi takes other Zhang's disciples to this mine.

Just a little observation, Zhang Zhi's pupils will shrink slightly... Look into the eyes, a lot of bodies, at least more than 20 bodies lying in the veins, face blood and flesh blurred, difficult to distinguish identity.

At the same time, Zhang Rui is also very sharp in a slightly more complete corpse face to see the face of panic, as if in life to see something terrible in general.

After about half a breath.

"Three elders, there is something wrong with their death."

After a pause, Zhang Zhi clenched his fist: "although these drudgery workers are just waste, they still have self-cultivation. The mine vein collapsed at ten o'clock yesterday afternoon, but it's just past noon now. If a simple mine vein collapsed, no matter how much waste they have, they could not be buried alive and die in less than a day."

"They didn't die because the vein collapsed."

As he whispered, Zhang Rui's face became cold: "if you look carefully, there are a lot of broken limbs in this passage. It should be caused by some kind of powerful attack. There are about 20 barely complete corpses. It's not hard to find that they should have suffered some kind of powerful impact before they died... If there is no accident, they will die before the vein collapses!"

Zhang Zhi responded instantly: "I just thought that the stump on the ground was caused by the elder's attack. It turned out that I misunderstood... Is it the remaining sin of the Li family?"

"I don't think so. If it's really the evil of the Li family, there's no need to deal with the hard work. Even if we have to do it, it's also against my Zhang's disciples."

Zhang Rui denied it directly, and then hummed coldly: "keep digging!"

"No The rest of the drudgery came back to me in a moment, endured the fear and disgust from the bottom of my heart and started digging again.

And Zhang Rui is not talking... Also did not explain the attack just now.

His attack seemed powerful. The rocks and soil, together with the mixed jade mines, were blown to pieces. However, only Zhang Rui knew that he had control power when he just shot. His divine light had no power at all.The broken limbs and meat here existed before.

With the excavation, people here found that the corpse is not the end, but just the beginning!

With the excavation, as more and more mines are re excavated, more and more corpses appear... None of them are alive, all of them are dead.

Either the body is fragmented, or it is a pitiful appearance.

However, due to Zhang Rui's presence in the town, he didn't have to work hard to show his fear. He just buried himself in cleaning up, hoping to finish cleaning up early so that he could leave early.

As the number of corpses increased, Zhang Zhi's face became more and more black.

Hard work, a lot of death.

You know, now Zhangjia is already short of manpower. With so much hard work this time, the mining speed of this jade vein will shrink in a straight line!

Hard work is not a normal person.

There are two kinds of hard workers in general.

One is that Zhang's disciples, who have made mistakes, are punished by Zhang to mine and can leave after a certain period of time. This kind of people is the least.

One is that he offended Zhang Jia and was captured by Zhang, then sent to mine. This kind of person can't leave the mine all his life. The only exception is that Zhang Jia may let them leave if he is in a good mood.

The last group are the people recruited by Zhang Jia, who take the reward of Zhang Jia to dig for Zhang Jia here, and there are very few of them.

There is no way to make up for the death of so many labors this time. Zhang Jia can't catch people in the field and send them to the mine. If so, it will make people angry, which is not conducive to Zhang's control of Fengmo city.

Zhang Zhi is responsible for the ore veins here. The output of the ore veins is related to the materials he can get in Zhangjia. After so many hard work, the materials Zhang Zhi can get will shrink in a straight line. It's strange that he can be happy.

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