Because he found that more and more labors died, Zhang Zhi thought that the former labors in the northwest area were all dead, because their faces were getting darker and darker.

"Ding Ding Dang..." the hot excavation continues.


in a twinkling of an eye, half a month later, the deep stone chamber of jade vein is unknown.

The location of the door.

A piece of dust suddenly floats from the ground and blooms a little brilliance. Then, in a flash, the brilliance dissipates and the dust disappears. At the same time, the figure of Jiangting emerges at the entrance of the stone chamber.

"This is the second level God..." Jiang Ting's mouth was smiling.

Although there were some accidents before, even the ore veins collapsed, he didn't care, because he used the effect of jade spirit to successfully promote in the exquisite tower of heaven and earth, and reached the level of second God.

As for the improvement of strength... The Liuyun sword is too sharp to easily break the power of the third level God. Therefore, Jiang Ting found that if he used the Liuyun sword against the enemy, the improvement of his realm did not increase his strength much.

However, if you do not use Liuyun, his strength has increased several times!

The breakthrough of the realm brings not only the increase of strength, but also an unexpected benefit.

After the realm of ascension, Jiang Ting found that the speed of his mysterious power slowed down by three points... Although it is still constantly obscure, it is much better than before.

In the past, his divine power was so obscure that he could not even support him to complete a close fight. But now, although his divine power is still obscure, it is enough for him to complete a fight. There is no need to use Jueshi to strengthen his control over the divine power.

In addition, there are other benefits, such as the increase of the total amount of divine power, the increase of purity, etc., which are hard to explain.

He bowed his head and pondered for a while. Jiang Ting shook his head slightly, not thinking... The realm has been improved, and it's time to leave. However, before leaving the ore vein to the third map fragment, he still has one thing to do.

He tried to kill him by exploding and collapsing the ore vein. Did you really think he was not angry?

Before that, because the vein had collapsed, and he was anxious to absorb the essence of jade, so as not to have a long night's dream, he didn't go out of his way to think about it. Now that the realm promotion is over, it's time to do it.

Jiang Ting waves the body of the boa constrictor into the Tiandi Linglong tower, and then walks slowly towards the way he came. At the same time, Liuyun sword also appears in his hand.

What if the road is blocked? Liuyun sword can even cut the power of the third level God as easily as bean curd. What's the difficulty in opening up a new passage with the help of the blade?

Not to mention that the rocks and the earth are only mixed with jade veins, even if it is the pure jade mine in front of his eyes, he can also force a road with Liuyun sword.

"Boom..." with the continuous sound of explosion, Jiangting began to open up the road with the help of Liuyun sword.

The sword flies away, and the road blocked by the collapse starts to be cleaned up quickly... It is reasonable to say that if Jiang Ting re opens a road with the help of Liuyun sword now, the road straight back to the ground is the nearest distance.

However, it is also the most dangerous distance.

This is the range of the vein. Although the rocks and soil look normal, they must contain jade minerals. Once the road is reopened and heading upward, once it collapses, and Jiangting is still in the center of the collapse, it is bound to be buried alive on the spot.

It seems that the word "jade" is not surprising, but in fact, jade mine is the most special vein in the endless God domain. It's just a simple special one, not to mention that jade mine is very precious.

The simplest is that jade minerals are often used to refine into jade bottles to place pills, so as to keep the efficacy of pills from passing away... Even the efficacy of pills can be forcibly maintained, and the special characteristics of jade minerals can be seen in general.

If he is buried alive in the soil and rocks mixed with jade minerals, the magic power of Jiangting will be suppressed by the jade minerals contained in it. In addition, the mountain rocks and soil will be squeezed, and his body will not move at all.

Once to that point, in addition to quietly waiting for rescue, absolutely can not do anything else, life and death will be completely out of their own hands.

It seems that it is very troublesome to reopen the road, but in fact it is the safest way to do it, because the mine road that has been opened up is naturally the safest way to practice through countless tears and blood, fully taking into account the slight vibration, the pressure from the four directions of the great emperor and so on.

Jiang Ting is not good at it, but it doesn't prevent him from knowing how to do it safely.

Because of the sharp Liuyun sword, Jiangting was able to get through the mine very quickly. In only half a day, he dredged the terrible distance of about ten li.

Let's go for a second.

"Qiang..." with the sound of the sword, the sword that Liuyun had already cut suddenly stopped and dispersed under the control of Jiangting.

At the same time, the rocks and soil in front of Jiangting changed.

"Bang bang bang" in a dull sound, rocks and soil splashed, flames came from the other side, and a personal shadow came from the middle, which was not completely cleaned up.With Jiang Ting's eye power, he just saw Zhang Rui, the third elder of Zhang Jia, who was supervising the work.

On the other side.

When Jiang Ting saw Zhang Rui, he naturally saw Jiang ting with Zhang Jia's ability.

"Not bad." Zhang Rui's heart was relaxed, and his body was like a ghost. Before the earth, his magic power turned into waves.

Different from the previous painstaking digging, Zhang Rui's hand, where the waves pass, the rocks and soil vanish into nothingness, and the passage is emptied in a time when he can't breathe.

It's not that Zhang Rui didn't want to participate in the excavation.

It's because he is, after all, a five level God, a five level God, and the elder Zhang's participation in the excavation.

Another thing is that Zhang Rui doesn't understand the bearing capacity of the four places in the vein. He is not a professional. It's OK to clean up with divine power once or twice. If he cleans up with divine power for a long time, it will cause secondary collapse.

After Zhang Rui completely saw the appearance of Jiang Ting, he was slightly surprised: "Jiang Ting, what are your accomplishments?"

No wonder he is so. Before Jiang Ting was still a first-class God, but now he is a second-class God?

It's nothing to improve the realm. After all, Jiang Ting is a master of alchemy. It's not hard to guess if he uses some pills to improve. To his surprise, Jiang Ting's realm and breath are extremely stable in his perception. He doesn't want to break through just now, but seems to break through for a long time.

"It's just a chance to break through." Jiang Ting's face is smiling. He's going to leave. There's no need to make trouble for Zhang Jia's face.

Zhang Rui wisely didn't ask what chance it was: "after all, this place just collapsed, so I'd better leave first. If it doesn't collapse again, I can't deal with it because of the special jade vein."

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