The voice in the light curtain first had a meal, then whispered with a little smile: "this immortal thing is not dead yet."

"Master, is he your friend?" Han Ye's mood suddenly sank. He had already decided that if Jiang Ting had any secret skills to escape, he would use the strength of the Han family to encircle and intercept. But if Na Dan Heng and his master were friends... He could not do that, or even use any other means, so as not to affect the friendship between the two most powerful people.


after a pause, the voice became cold: "the old man has disappeared for many years. He was a teacher many years ago, and after a step closer, he always wanted to finish him by himself. It's a pity that the Shinto didn't follow God's wish. After the old man hid, the teacher has not been able to find him. I didn't expect that, today, he finally shows his trace."

Han Ye's voice became curious: "master, do you want to avenge yourself?"

If there is hatred, he will have no scruples. He can't even use the power of his master. If so, who can stop Sirius!

The tablet has been removed from the danyao Pavilion.

Jiang Ting didn't keep his eyes closed for three days in the hall, only half a day. Han Ye, who left, goes back and forth.

This time, Han Ye doesn't bring his family. He comes alone.

In the lobby.

Han Ye finds a chair as before, and then looks at Jiang ting with some strange eyes.

Jiang Ting is the God of the eye, not in a hurry.

I don't know how long later.

Han Ye whispered slowly: "before your confidence, Han understands... Master Danheng is the nine grade God Dan master, and is known as the God Dan master closest to the God King. It is even rumored that if master Danheng can further promote the God King, he may become the only God King God Dan master in the endless God realm, but before that, Han is ignorant."

Jiang Ting smiles and doesn't answer. He knows that Han Ye's intention is not praise.

Sure enough.

After that, Han Ye gets up: "although my master and master Dan Heng have a grudge, it has nothing to do with us... Now, let's discuss the ownership of the fragments according to the strength. If you win me, the fragments will be presented with your hands. If you lose, your two fragments will belong to me."

Without waiting for an answer, Han Ye added: "there's no need to deny that you came from outside Sirius with fragments, and then you enter a city with fragments. When you arrive at Han City, the fragments of the previous city disperse. There must be two on you."

Jiang Ting shrugged: "you've finished all the words. What else can Jiang say... The first World War is that there is a predestined elder. You won't go against what you said at this moment."

"Although Han is involved in alchemy, he is better than you who follow the elder Dan Heng. On alchemy, Han must not be as good as you, but his strength... If you have a level Four God realm, Han may be careful. Unfortunately, you underestimate your God domain heroes. Let's go. The first battle outside the city is a victory." Han Ye, who gets up completely, turns and leaves.

Jiang Ting's eyes flashed and followed directly.

Leave the shop, two people into streamer directly fly out of the city.

The people on the street looked at each other, and their eyes were shocked.

"Those two people are crazy. They dare to fly out of the city. It's like beating the Han family's face. They don't want to live!"

"How can it be? Don't you see that Han Ye is the first one to fly out! That's the ninth elder of the Han family, and he can defeat the existence of the fifth level God with the fourth level God, the supreme genius! "

"Who's the other one? I seem to see Han ye take out his weapon when he flies out. Are they going to fight? "


crowd, noisy.

It's also because some sharp eyed people realize that it's not right. They rush out of the city one by one, or they rush up to the city wall, ready to see if it's really going to fight.

If it's really a fight, how can Han Ye, the talented and powerful man with reputation of Sirius, be attracted by a person he doesn't know.

Outside the city, a hundred miles.

Han yeting is a hundred li away, and his sword is slowly clenched: "although the competition is a little over, the sword is speechless, the blade is merciless, and life and death are even more unpredictable. If I can't stop killing you, I can only say sorry in advance."

"Why is it so euphemistic?"

After a little pause, Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly: "my master and your master have a grudge. I think it's predestined death. The elder told you to kill me in the competition. Unfortunately, although I have a good feeling for you, it's hard for me to do. I also want to kill you... Predestined death, I think it's the same order you have!"

Jiang Ting didn't lie. He had decided to avenge Dan Heng before.

The existence of fate is not what Jiang Ting can do at the moment. So, if we deal with his disciple Han Ye first, we can charge some interest for the time being."You are really smart. My master did say that if I kill you, I will charge you some interest. Now that you understand, let's divide life and death!" Han Ye, no denial.

After that, Han Ye does not hesitate to sweep with his sword. A wave of sword Qi is very fast.

If you are an ordinary person, I'm afraid you won't think that Han Ye will suddenly attack when he is still talking. Even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured.

"I've been guarding against you for a long time!" Jiang Ting is not, he has never put down his vigilance, feet a little, body shape instantly pull three Zhang, just right to avoid the wave.

"Boom..." explodes repeatedly, the falling sword wave hits the rocks not far away, countless debris flying.

"He is worthy of being a disciple of senior Dan Heng. His strength is really beyond the ordinary master Shen Dan."

After a pause, Han Ye's eyes narrowed slightly: "but if you die in my hands, I will feel happy..."

"there's so much nonsense!" Jiang Ting turns his wrist and takes out the Liuyun sword. Then a flash appears in the sky of Han Ye and cuts it down.

"Fast speed." Han Ye is startled, and then his figure flashes and disappears in the same place. Jiang Ting's sword, which is almost a surprise attack, is also defeated.

However, it was just a tentative strike. Both sides felt the difficulty of the other side at the same time.

However, it's just difficult.

Although a sword failed, Jiang Ting's speed was not slow at all. His body flashed like a shadow, and another sword came out. This time, the tip of the sword was aimed at the heart of Han Ye.

"Damn it, despise the enemy." Han Ye's face suddenly changes. This is the moment when his old strength is exhausted and his new strength is not born. It's also the time when he can't dodge.

Jiang Ting is clearly a master of alchemy. It is reasonable to say that all his abilities are above alchemy. How can he control the battle so amazing?

If you are an ordinary level Four God, you must drink your hatred under Jiang Tingjian at the moment, but Han Ye is different.

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