In the face of Jiang Ting's serial sword killing moves, if an ordinary level 4 God can't react to it, he will have to drink hatred on the spot. However, Han Ye is different. He is not only a genius, but also a level 4 God genius with real value!

Therefore, even if it's a killing move for the ordinary level 4 God, it's just a bit of trouble for Han Ye. The reason why he looks so different is that he didn't expect that Jiang Ting, as a Shendan master, is so good at fighting. He underestimated Jiang Ting too much before, so he won the move.

But at the moment, he won't. Han Ye is not the one who supports the University.

In danger, Han Ye does not hesitate to stand his sword in front of him.

"Ding..." the sound of gold and iron explodes.

At the moment when the tip of Liuyun sword reaches Han Ye's chest, the body of Han Ye's sword is just in front of him. Instead of hitting Han Ye's chest, the tip of the sword hits Han Ye's sword. Countless sparks spread from the touch of the tip and the blade.

"Break it for me!" Han Ye, who blocks the power of the sword, does not continue to retreat, but boldly starts to fight back.

A powerful force from his body erupts into a wave of air, and then Han Ye's left hand clenches his fist against the body of Liuyun sword.

"I'm afraid you won't make it." Jiang Ting's eyes were full of cold light, and his magic power came out with his body and turned into a shield. Then his right hand tilted slightly, and the sword edge turned to face the sky.

If Han Ye continues to hit the sword with his fist, he must face the embarrassing situation of testing the sword with his flesh and blood.

"I underestimated you... Double star mirage!" With a low drink, Han Ye's figure disappears. When he reappears, he is already thirty feet away.

The brief first fight ends with Han Ye falling into the first hand.

Jiang Ting didn't pursue, and Han Ye didn't lead the first attack after dodging. Instead, the two sides quietly confront each other... From the first encounter just now, both sides feel the difficulty of the other side.

As far as Han Ye is concerned, Jiang Ting is clearly a divine alchemist, and his strength should be low. However, the result is just the opposite. Jiang Ting's strength is so extraordinary that he not only blocks his attack and killing, but also falls into the disadvantage under the fierce counterattack.

But Jiang Ting's mood at the moment is also extremely heavy... Just after the first fight, he made sure that Han Cheng said that Han Ye defeated the five level God of the Han family. This is not a lie!

I'm afraid it's very difficult to deal with Han Ye.

Although his strength is not necessarily weaker than Han Ye's, his defects are too big and too big... His divine power is constantly obscured. Even if he is promoted to the third level of God, the speed of obscurity of divine power is greatly reduced. However, because Han Ye is too difficult to deal with, with the obscurity of his divine power, there is no way to support him to the end of World War I.

The more procrastination, the worse for him.

On the side of the city wall and about thirty miles away from the place where the two sides met.

One by one, the people who came out to watch the war glanced at each other, their faces full of disbelief.

What do they see? Jiang Ting, just a three-level God, not only blocks Han Ye's attack, but also makes Han Ye fall down and risk some injuries?

How could that be! Han Ye is Hancheng's strongest genius, and Sirius's most powerful genius. He can defeat the existence of the fifth level God with the realm of the fourth level God.

Can be such Han Ye, unexpectedly in the hand of Jiang Ting fall into the disadvantage?

"Who is this man?"

"I don't know, but I didn't get it wrong just now, but the realm of the third level God made Han Ye retreat."

"His name seems to be Jiang Ting, right? I live near the center of the city. I remember seeing him open a shop selling pills the day before yesterday. After Han ye went in yesterday, he closed down. I didn't expect that he had such terrible strength. "

"What are you worried about? After all, Han Ye is a level Four God. Before that, he didn't expect that Jiang Ting's strength was not low, so he would fall into the disadvantage. It's hard to say who will win and who will lose if he continues to fight."


after the initial shock, people began to look back. Although they were still shocked by Jiang Ting's strength, they did not think that Jiang Ting would be the final winner.

In another direction that these people don't see, there is a man hiding in the air, quietly watching the battle between Jiang ting and Han Ye in the sky.

He is the owner of the Han family.

Han Ye, the genius of the Han family, suddenly fights with others. It's abnormal not to disturb him. He just knows that Han Ye has many secrets, so he doesn't show up. He just watches the battle quietly to avoid other accidents.


the place of engagement.

The two are still in confrontation.

After a while.

"You are calm."

Pause a little, Han Ye clenched his fist slowly: "carelessness, one time is enough."

"You're still talking a lot." Jiang Ting's face remained unchanged, but this time, he did not continue to work.

"Since you don't want to live a little longer, die!" Han Ye suddenly drinks coldly, and then his sword shakes slightly, and his sword moves to the sky."If this is your real strength, then today is your death time!" As the words fell, Jiang tingcai grasped the Liuyun sword and rushed out towards the sword Qi.

"Bang, bang, Bang..." it's so dull.

No matter how strong the sword is, as long as it is close to the front of his sword, it will be crushed one after another, without exception.

If it goes on, without two breaths, hundreds of sword Qi will be destroyed by Jiang ting.

However, Han Ye is not at all irritated.

He looked at Jiang Ting who was fighting back and sneered: "as I said, one carelessness is enough... To imprison the magic seal!"

His left hand kept pinching, but in a flash, a terrible seal of tens of feet suddenly appeared in the sky. Looking at the crystal clear appearance, it was obviously transformed by divine power.

As soon as the seal appeared, Han Ye drank coldly: "suppress it for me!"

The seal trembled slightly, then fell from the sky and pressed towards Jiangting. Or, it fell towards Jiangting.

It's a big Mac with a size of tens of feet, of which the power can be seen.

"Just big seal also wants to suppress our Jiangting!" With Leng hum, Jiang Ting once again burst out the divine power in his body, and a strong wave of air ran around him. Suddenly, the remaining sword Qi that had not been crushed was suddenly washed away.

Then Jiang Ting stepped on the sky with his feet, and there was nothing underneath, but when he stepped on it, it was as if he had stepped on the ground, and his figure rose to the sky in an instant.

"Boom..." again.

Filled with flowing clouds, Jiang Ting gradually aims at the center of the seal with the sword of flowing clouds, preparing to smash the seemingly threatening seal with flowing clouds.

About half a breath later.

The huge forces of the two sides began to hedge along the tiny contact point of the sword tip, and they seemed to be evenly matched.

However, Jiang Ting's look changed.

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