Dong Hanhai watched Jiang Ting leave the unprepared back first. His eyes flashed with more and more fear, and then he completely hid. His voice echoed Jiang Ting's words, and then he jumped out of the gorge and turned into a streamer to escape to the sky.

The more and more intense fear may be the subconscious reaction of Jiang Ting's strength, or other reasons. It's just that no one knows what it is except Dong Hanhai himself.

But Jiang Ting did not see it because he was worried that the tide of animals would flow out at any time.

About thirty breaths after they left.

"Roar, roar, roar..." the roaring sound of countless monsters broke out completely, and ferocious monsters appeared on both sides of the canyon with their ferocious bodies.

The tide of animals has finally arrived.

However, Jiang ting and Dong Hanhai have disappeared completely, leaving only the two level four gods who were killed instantly at the beginning and the corpse of Han long, a level five God who had not been completely reunited after being beheaded.

A small monster was the first to enter the canyon, ready to enjoy the corpse below.

You know, the corpse is two fourth level gods and a fifth level God. If it is swallowed, it will do great benefits to the monster itself.

"Roar!" Other monsters jump in at the same time.


about 20 minutes later, the animals began to disperse. Somehow, they didn't kill each other or prepare to leave the canyon.

The sky not far away.

Han Ye floats in the sky with the other five elders of the Han family and dozens of level 4 gods.

A five level God elder frowned slightly: "what about people? Isn't Lao Liu saying that he has blocked people? "

There was some confusion in the canyon, but they didn't see the people they wanted to see.

"They should all be dead."

After a little pause, Han Ye clenched his fist slowly: "although there are a lot of demons and beasts here, I can feel that there is the smell of Jiangting in the mottled breath, and there is also the smell of the six elders and the other two strong men in our Han family. But we may be late, and the six elders and the other two people may have been killed."

The elder who spoke before frowned: "how can it be? When Lao Liu heard the news, we immediately used the method of transmission to cross the space. The boy was only a third level God. Even if he was strange, he could not kill Lao Liu so quickly. Could it be because of the tide of animals? After all, the whole Sirius knows the danger of this line of sky. "

"We're late. We don't know exactly."

Without waiting for an answer, Han Ye turns his head slowly: "after all, he is going to Xuanwu city. I remember there is a wilderness suitable for ambush in Xuanwu city. We immediately send the wilderness to catch up with them in Jiangting."

"Good..." the elder just responded, his face was stunned: "they? Isn't Jiang ting the only one

Han Ye didn't hide: "there should be another person walking with Jiang ting. That breath is mixed with too much monster breath. I can't tell the realm and strength, and I can't tell who it is. However, we can see the traces of war in the canyon. It's obvious that we had a bitter battle with the six elders before. No matter who that person is, the strongest realm can't exceed the fifth level God At the moment, it doesn't matter whether one more level five God or one less. "

"We must avenge the six elders!"


three days later, at a distance of not knowing how far away the canyon is, you can see mountains and rivers, and you can see the boundless plain.

The flowing light of Jiangting and donghanhai stops quietly.

Dong Hanhai asked, "brother Jiang, what's the matter?"


after hesitating for a while, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "intuition tells me that there is a great danger in this plain, but the source of the danger is unknown for the time being."

"This plain..."

after pondering for a while, Dong Hanhai said with uncertainty: "if it's dangerous, there are some dangers in the plain, but it's only dangerous to the third level God or below. Brother Jiang, although you are only the third level God, you are not only incomparable in alchemy, but also strong enough to be superior to the fourth level God and compete with the fifth level God Brother, it should not be dangerous. "

"Let's make a detour." Jiang Ting did not explain.

He could sense that something was hidden in the plain. His intuition told him that if he entered it, he would die... Now the trouble is great, so it's better not to touch the danger.


Dong Hanhai was stunned for a long time and then laughed bitterly: "brother Jiang, I'm afraid we can't get around the plain. The plain is huge. If we really want to get around the plain, even at our speed, it will take at least three months, and brother Jiang may not know that there are steep mountains on both sides of the plain, among which there are many monsters. It is said that the most dangerous place is even the seventh level God We should also drink our hatred for the existence of the world

Jiang Ting's face suddenly sank when he heard the speech... He wanted to make a detour, but now Dong Hanhai told him that the detour would not only waste time, but also make the mountains on both sides more dangerous?"Brother Jiang doesn't have to worry too much. It doesn't take long to cross the plain to be the place where the city of Xuanwu city is located. There may be monsters in the plain, but they are all weak monsters. If there are monsters beyond a certain limit, they will be killed directly by the strong ones of Xuanwu city."

Without waiting for an answer, Dong Hanhai chuckled again: "brother Jiang feels uneasy, maybe it's just because the plain is too big, plus the previous experience in a line of days, subconscious illusion."

"I hope so." Jiang Ting gently shakes his head and does not speak.

Although he didn't think it was an illusion, there was no need to say more now. After all, if there was no way around... No matter what danger there was in the plain, he had to go on first.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Dong Hanhai knows more about the surrounding area, and let him know that the city he is going to is Xuanwu city.

Two people, once again flying in the sky... Although it's safer to move forward on the ground, the monsters in the plain are not strong. They are a five level God and a three level God. Even if they fly in a swagger, no monsters dare to take the initiative to find trouble for them.

The breath of Dong Hanhai's level five God is enough to frighten all the monsters who want to roar.


soon, they flew to the center of the plain. They were calm.

Jiang Ting suddenly murmured, "stop."

Dong Hanhai turned around with doubts: "what's the matter?"

Jiang Ting did not answer, but coldly staring at the void not far away: "Han Ye, I know it's you, come out."

"There's no one here..." Dong Hanhai's voice stopped abruptly before it fell down.

"Pa pa pa..." with the sound of clapping hands, a huge light curtain rises silently, just covering Jiang ting and Dong Hanhai. At the same time, there are more than 20 figures.

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