Before Dong Hanhai finished his words, he heard the clapping voice, saw a huge light curtain rising, trapped him and Jiang Ting, and saw more than 20 figures appear here.

Of the twenty figures, five are level five gods, and the rest are level four gods!

Of course, this is not enough to make him care. What makes him care is Han Ye!

Sirius people, and powerful people, hardly know what Han Ye's name stands for, and represents one of Sirius's most decisive talents.

Han Ye and his party happened to be here. The clappers were Han Ye.

When the clapping fell, Han Ye slowly raised his head: "Jiang Ting, you really let me down."

Jiang Ting look unchanged: "you and I are not relatives, whether you are disappointed with Jiang what to do!"

In fact, Jiang Ting's mood is sinking to the bottom of the valley... It's a big trouble. Maybe it's because he chose to run away before. This time, as soon as Han Ye appeared, he blocked this place with an array.

Next, if you want to leave, you have to break the light curtain.

But Han Ye has more than 20 hands... And on Jiang Ting's side, he and Dong Hanhai.

They don't have time to leave. If they want to leave, they can't have time to leave unless they kill all the people on Han Ye's side first. But how is it possible to kill all the people on Han Ye's side?

Han Ye alone is enough to hold Jiang Ting completely and can't be distracted. Although Dong Hanhai has some secrets, he can't deal with the five five level gods and many four level gods at the same time.

It's a dead end, no solution, dead end.

Jiang Ting can think of it, and Dong Hanhai can also think of it. As a result, his face became gloomy. He knew there was an ambush here long ago, and he would not go from here before.

On the contrary, Han Ye is in a good mood: "Jiang Ting, Han is more curious. Why do you want to run away?"

Without waiting for an answer, Han Ye smiles again: "in terms of your strength outside Hancheng, although I can suppress you, it should be extremely difficult to kill you. It's fashionable for you to leave without falling behind, but at that time, you would choose to escape decisively... I made some assumptions when I couldn't understand it."

Jiang Ting did not speak, but quietly scan around, ready to see if you can find a way to leave.

Han Ye said with a smile: "I have two hypotheses. First, your body has a problem. It's so serious that you can't fight for a long time. Therefore, when you realize that Han's strength is not low, you choose to leave decisively."

Without waiting for an answer, Han Ye smiles even more: "second, when you were fighting with me, you used a secret method to increase your strength. The secret method could not exist for a long time, so you found that you could not defeat Han, so you decided to leave."

Jiang Ting is still speechless, and his mood is sinking to the bottom of the valley... Han Ye is very fierce, but in a few words and according to his behavior, he can infer some truth.

Han Ye's smile continued: "I don't know if I can tell Han whether he has a physical problem or has used the secret method."

Jiang Ting is too lazy to respond... The more he says, the more he makes mistakes. Now it is extremely dangerous. If Han Ye can see something, he will have a lot of fun.

"No? I guess Han is right. "

As the voice fell, the corner of Han Ye's mouth Rose: "now let me have a bold guess... As a disciple of senior Danheng, you should be inferior in strength and have unparalleled alchemy attainments, which is in line with your identity as a disciple of senior Danheng. However, your alchemy attainments are very strong, but your strength is also very strong. I launched the Han family spies to inquire about you before, and I also learned that you once had a great experience The scripture appeared in Fengmo city. At that time, you were only a first-class God. "

"And then?" Jiang Ting looks calm.

"So I understand the core of the problem."

After that, Han Ye's face suddenly turned cold: "when you leave FengMo City, your realm is still level 1 God, but it's only a few months before you leave Fengmo city and arrive at our Hancheng City, but you are promoted to level 3 God one after another... Therefore, the possibility of using the secret method is extremely low. The most likely thing is that you have a big problem, or even a big problem, because you take pills to promote one after another The divine power in your body can't work freely. You don't dare to do it for a long time, right? "

"Pa pa pa..."

JIANG Ting clapped his hands gently, and then the corners of his mouth rose slowly: "you can have a try."

Secretly, Jiang Ting is more and more frightened... Although Han Ye's guess is completely on the wrong road, but... Han Ye's result is true!

The process is not important, the important thing is the result.

There's no problem with his promotion, but Han Ye's conclusion is true. He can't fight for a long time, especially with talents like Han Ye. He can't support a happy fight with Han Ye completely.

The result is really like what Han Ye said... Then, the process of Han Ye getting the result has become insignificant, the weakness has been found, and the trouble is big.

"You say, what would you do if I were fighting against you with a wheel fight at the moment?"

At the end of the speech, Han Ye takes out a chair and makes it in the air: "if you are dealt with by the wheel fight, even if my guess is wrong... At least the wheel fight will consume your countless power, don't you think?"Jiang Ting's face also calmed down: "I didn't expect that the disciple of yuanmie would do this, but I don't know what would happen if it was spread out?"

He also wants to open up, now... Anxious or quiet, crisis is doomed, anxious as well as a little quiet, quiet may also find life.

The more anxious you are, the faster you die.

Han Ye's face doesn't change: "this place has already been cleared by me. No one will step into the array. If you are dead, the news will not spread."

"Is it?"

When asked, Jiangting Liuyun sword pointed out: "after all, there is a lot of nonsense. Do you really think Jiangmou doesn't know? If you are sure, you may have already done it, instead of chatting with Jiang here! "

Han Ye stares at Jiang Ting deeply: "it seems that I really underestimated you, the unique alchemist."

After that, Han Ye tilted his head: "who is your excellency?"

He was looking at Dong Hanhai.

"Dong Hanhai!" Dong Hanhai did not panic under his dignified face. He did not know whether he had the strength or what.

"Dong Hanhai..."

after pondering for a long time, Han Ye said: "I remember that you are from the Dong family in a small city. It is said that many years ago, when you were promoted to the fifth level God, you encountered an accident, but you had a state of mind problem. You can't go any further. You can only stay in the fifth level God forever. If you want to move on, you have to find a god alchemist with the lowest level six attainments to help."

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