Hearing Dong Hanhai's name, Han Ye quickly remembers Dong Hanhai's identity.

Dong Hanhai's calm is still as before: "the news of elder Han Jiajiu is really well-informed. Dong's reputation can even be heard by you. Should I feel honored?"

"You are very strong, at least, I am not sure I can beat you."

After that, Han Ye slowly gets up and says, "help me deal with Jiang ting. After that, I'll look for you. I think that Shendan master will help you solve the hidden danger. How about that? When you make friends with Jiang Ting, you need to wait for him to grow into a six level God. But helping me is different. Afterwards, you will immediately find a six level God Dan master for you. "

Dong Hanhai began to sneer: "you Han Ye is a genius, but you are not afraid of the wind! You don't understand that Sirius, who has lived in the Han family for a long time, has no more than ten fingers in total, and all of them are members of the Shendan Association. Just because the Han family wants to ask them to do it? "

"Although your words are extremely impolite, I can tell that you are excited. Otherwise, it would not be so tiring."

With his words, Han Ye smiles: "there are two factors for you to help Han. First, although Han is not sure that he can beat you, now Han has five elders to help, nearly 20 of our Han family's four level God strong hands. If we really fight, you and Jiang Ting will die here. The reason why han doesn't do it is that he doesn't want our Han family to be killed or injured. It's a matter of life and death There is no need to say how to choose the road

Dong Hanhai is silent.

Han Ye didn't care, but slowly said: "second, can Han please move the sixth level God? At the moment, no matter how Han explains, it's just a lie to you... Why don't you ask Jiang Ting next to you, can Han please move the sixth level God elixir?"

Dong Hanhai turned his head in an instant: "brother Jiang?"

When Jiang Ting sees this, his mood suddenly sinks... Han Ye is easy to live, but hard to deal with! Has occupied such a big advantage, there is even disintegration of his only helping hand at the moment.

If Dong Hanhai really chose to fight back, I'm afraid that he would die in the end.

Han Ye's voice sounded like a life threatening Charm: "Jiang Ting, as you are, I don't think you are willing to lie, right?"

Looking at Jiang Ting's eyes, Dong Hanhai said eagerly, "brother Jiang?"

"Looking at Dong Hanhai's eager sight, Jiang Ting chooses to be silent... Dong Hanhai doesn't know, but he knows very well that the fate of Han Ye's master is the lowest level nine God, and Han Ye stays in Sirius for the sake of map fragments.

According to Dan Heng's words, Han Ye is a close disciple of the Ninth level God. If he is really willing to help, he can do it.

If you admit it, I'm afraid that Dong Hanhai will leave, and he will fight back.

If you deny that... Jiang Ting can think that with Han Ye's arrangement at the moment and his meticulous mind, I'm afraid there will be no means to deal with it, and the situation may be even more serious at that time.

Silence again, and then Jiang Ting shifted his eyes: "he's right. If he is really willing to help you, he can find liupin Shendan master for you."

"Pa pa pa..."

Han Ye claps his hands and smiles: "Jiang Ting, Han has more and more admiration for you. He knows that such words will surely withdraw his only help, but he disdains to lie. If Han stands in your position, he may not be as free and easy as you are... Unfortunately, you and I are not friends. ”

and Dong Hanhai's look became complicated.

Han Ye tilted his head again: "brother Dong, I don't know how to choose next?"

Now, everything is developing as expected, and Han Ye's mood is completely good... Killing Jiang Ting can not only get two pieces, but also make the master happy. It's a good deal.

As for the master, who is he? Since he has made a promise, he will not violate it. As long as Dong Hanhai really helps to clean up Jiangting, he will naturally contact liupin Shendan master!

It's just, what everyone didn't expect.

Dong Hanhai's face changed for a long time, and then slowly said: "brother Jiang, your answer really surprised me."

Jiang Ting doesn't answer. He just throws his eyes to explore. Han Ye frowns slightly. His intuition tells him that things seem to be out of control.

Sure enough!

Dong Hanhai was silent for a while before he said: "as Han Ye said, brother Jiang knew that he would answer and admit that he might let Dong choose to help Han Ye, but brother Jiang still didn't deny it... Dong was really surprised by his temperament."

Han Ye's voice became cold: "so, if you want to give up Han, you can always find liupin Shendan master for you. Instead, you can make friends with Jiang ting and wait for him to grow up?"

Dong Hanhai chuckles: "Han Ye... You are indeed a genius. At least from the way you are doing things at the moment, you must have thought out countless countermeasures to deal with brother Jiang while setting up an ambush here. It's a pity that you have missed a little.""Tell me what I've missed." Han Ye is curious... It's not a disguise.

Although Dong Hanhai didn't give a positive answer, he has seen that instead of fighting back, he seems to be ready to continue to help Jiang Ting... Naturally, he is very curious about what is missing.

It's not shameful to suffer losses. What's shameful is that he knows his own defects but doesn't recognize them... And Han Ye is the one who can face up to his own weaknesses.

As a result of fate, his vision was never in Sirius, but in the vast realm of God.

Dong Hanhai shook his head slightly: "then I'll tell you two reasons!"

Han Ye bows slightly: "I'd like to hear it in detail."

When Jiang Ting sees this, his eyes become more and more scared... Han Ye is hard to deal with. At the moment, it is clear that both sides are enemies, and it is likely that they will never die. Dong Hanhai has almost made a choice. However, Han Ye is still so calm that he even knows that he has miscalculated something. Facing the coming reason, he can even bow and salute.

Since he is already an enemy, he will be killed if he has a chance. Otherwise, he will suffer a lot in the future.

A moment later, Jiang Ting's heart is helpless... Today's situation is extremely unfavorable to him. Even if Dong Hanhai doesn't rebel, he will die... Kill Han Ye? I'm afraid I'm lucky to be able to leave here safely.

On the contrary, Dong Hanhai's eyes also flash away with fear, and then whispered: "first, I'm a member of the Dong family. You dare not kill me. If you kill me, my Dong family will not let you go of the Han family."

"Are you naive or stupid?" The Han family may not want to fight with the Dong family, but where does the Dong family have enough courage to fight with the Han family?

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