After Jiang Ting left the gate, he looked in the direction of tiandaofu's position in the city.

He had been in and out of the city gate for half an hour before. Although there was a lot of time, he didn't notice any clue. The only clue was that he could perceive map fragments outside the city. When he was in the city, map fragments disappeared in an instant, as if his perception outside the city was an illusion.

Although he has the help of the Dong family, it also depends on the situation... If he has clues or can find them, it is not difficult for the Dong family to help him with his friendship with Dong Hanhai.

However, there is no clue, even no evidence to find. Even the Dong family can't help him. It's impossible for the Dong family to capture the whole city one by one, right?

Not to mention Jiangting can't be like this, even if Jiangting is willing, the Dong family won't agree... There are many people in this city. The prosperity of the small city depends on the countless people at the bottom, killing more than ten or hundreds of them. It's nothing to do with the Dong family's background, but if you capture the whole city, the Dong family can't agree even if they are crazy.

Therefore, unable to continue to explore, Jiangting had to go to tiandaofu to have a look.

After all, tiandaofu claims that as long as it has money, it can provide any information... In case tiandaofu happens to know whose map fragment is? Although it may consume a lot of sacred stones, for Jiang Ting, what he doesn't care about most is the sacred stone.

As for Chunhua, although she knows nothing about it, it doesn't hinder her enthusiasm behind Jiang ting. After all, she still expects Jiang ting to take her to the sky.

Soon, about half an hour later, Jiangting arrived at the location of tiandaofu in the east of the city.

The building of tiandaofu doesn't look very good. It's a three story bungalow. Perhaps the only extraordinary thing is the word tiandaofu, because tiandaofu and Shendan association are organizations that pervade the whole endless divine realm, and their power is terrible.

Although the three storey building looks very ordinary, Jiangting doesn't think it's really ordinary... Even if it's really ordinary, because of the three words "tiandaofu", it's not ordinary.

At Jiang Ting's own speed, he could have reached here in half an hour at most, but Chunhua was behind him after all. Although he was worried, he was also concerned about the existence of the Dong family, so he didn't really get rid of Chunhua, but kept up with the speed Chunhua could keep up with.

"Young master, are you going to inquire for information?"

Without waiting for an answer, Chunhua said: "if you want to know something, you must be helped by the master. You don't have to come here to inquire. After hearing that, it's a sky high price to buy the stone you need."

"You wait here." Jiang Ting didn't explain anything, so he went directly into tiandaofu.

Spring flower looks slightly heavy... After the initial joy, she has seen that Jiang Ting does not seem to care about her at all.

A moment later, Chunhua cheered herself up: "you are the best..."


on the other side.

Jiang Ting doesn't know that he has been recognized as a skyrocketing ladder by a maid. He has now entered the interior of Tiandao mansion. From the three-story building outside, the total area is about the size of a warehouse, but only when he enters the interior can he find that it is very wide.

After entering tiandaofu, the hall is the size of a square, not to mention that there are many small doors around the hall, which obviously have unique holes.

"It's worthy of tiandaofu, but it's just a branch store in a city. Just like the Shendan Association, it contains a space array inside. Under that space array, except for the people inside tiandaofu, outsiders may not know how much space there is inside the small three story building." With a sigh of admiration in his heart, without hesitation, Jiang Ting crossed the noisy voices and went to the depth.

The direction he was going was where a staircase was.

There are a lot of people in this hall. Except for a few people in tiandaofu, the rest of them are others. It's not here that they buy news from tiandaofu. They are also the source of the noise.

According to Jiang Ting's knowledge, tiandaofu is different from Shendan Association. No matter where tiandaofu is located, the exterior of tiandaofu is fixed as a three storey building, and the interior is indeed divided into three floors.

On the first floor where the lobby is located, there are a lot of people staying in the market, and the first floor is also the place where tiandaofu collects information... If other people think that there is any news worth collecting to sell, they will sell it to tiandaofu on this floor.

This is also a big source of information in tiandaofu... Of course, this is not the only source of information in tiandaofu. It's just indispensable. Who will sell the really amazing information to tiandaofu?

Many of them are collected by the dark son of tiandaofu. As for the identity of dark son, I'm afraid no one will know except the high level of tiandaofu.

The second floor of tiandaofu is also very pure. It is the place where tiandaofu sells news, and Jiangting is going to the second floor.

As for the third floor... It's a place that belongs to tiandaofu. Jiang Ting doesn't know what's in it, and Jiang Ting won't be stupid enough to break in.After arriving at the place where the stairs are located, Jiang Ting goes up the stairs without hesitation... There are not many winding stairs. After a few breaths, he goes to the second floor.

At first glance, it looks like a lobby, but different from the first floor, there are many tables and chairs in the second floor.

I don't know whether it's because there are few people here or other reasons. When Jiang Ting entered the second floor, there was no one in the lobby of Nuo Da, only a lot of tables and chairs left vacant.

In addition, there are many small doors around the lobby, but different from the closed doors on the first floor, the small doors on the second floor are almost half open, with less than three closed.

According to Jiang Ting's previous understanding, the purchase of information is completed in the small door, while the lobby is used by the rest of the people who want to buy information when all the small doors are occupied.

If someone in the small door is buying news, the small door will be closed. If there is no one, the small door will be half opened... At a glance, there are only three people on the second floor buying news, and it is not difficult to understand that there is no one in the lobby.

After seeing the situation clearly, Jiang Ting left the stairs and entered the scope of the lobby.

At the moment of entering, he felt as if he had passed through some thin film. The noise in the lobby on the first floor disappeared, and his ears became extremely quiet... Obviously, the two floors were isolated by array.

Jiang Ting didn't care, but strode straight to the nearest half open door.

It's normal for tiandaofu to have an array inside... He didn't come here to check tiandaofu array, but to buy news!

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