After entering the second floor of tiandaofu, Jiang Ting didn't care about the array here. Instead, he went straight to the nearest half open door... He came here to buy news, not to check the array of tiandaofu to offend tiandaofu.

"Step on..." in the silent environment, Jiang Ting entered a small door without any obstruction.

"Creak..." at the moment when Jiangting entered, the small door closed automatically without wind. Then Jiangting saw that there was a little fluorescence on the small door. It was obvious that there was an array in the small door. Even if he didn't touch it, Jiangting could feel that the array must be extremely mysterious. At least, he couldn't penetrate it.

The small door closed so fast that Jiang Ting didn't even have time to see the appearance of the room clearly. Fortunately, there was a flash of fluorescence on the small door. With the help of the fluorescence, Jiang Ting could see that the room was very small, at most the size of a secret room.

And the things in the room are very simple... Just a wooden table, a wooden chair, and in the deepest part of the room there is a hole about the size of a head, and the hole is surrounded by a fence made of some kind of metal.

"Please take a seat. I don't know what you want to buy." A hoarse voice suddenly rang out in the room.

Jiang Ting suddenly raised his head and saw a man who couldn't see clearly in the hole... It wasn't that he couldn't see clearly, but only one eye could be seen in the hole, and the rest of the place was covered with black cloth. In addition to the existence of the metal fence, I'm afraid that even the mind could not see the man's appearance and identity.

The eyes in the hole are calm: "the guest seems to be coming to tiandaofu for the first time."

His voice was hoarse and calm. He could not guess the mood of the man.

"It's really the first time." Jiang Ting didn't deny that... Just now, his reaction is really a little too big. If there is no accident, it should be the same when buying news from tiandaofu.

"Please sit down, but I don't know what to buy." There was no change in that person's voice. Only from his eyes can we see that he may have had a smile on his face?

"What is your address?" Jiang Ting sat on the only chair in the room and put his hands on the wooden table.

The man in tiandaofu is still the same: "my tiandaofu spies countless secrets, and there are countless grievances in the vast divine realm. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for the guest to ask me my name."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not." Jiang Ting didn't care... It's true that the man said that there are countless news about tiandaofu's selling, of which there are advantages and disadvantages. The simplest is that if you sell news that is extremely harmful to a strong person... In short, there are countless strong people who want to kill tiandaofu in the vast holy land of nuota.

If the identity is revealed, the chance of death will be 100%. It is impossible to destroy tiandaofu. For the strong, it is not difficult to kill several people who belong to tiandaofu.

The man's voice seems to be constant: "I don't know what news the guest wants to buy."

"I want to buy the news of map fragments."

At the end of the speech, Jiang Ting added: "the name of that thing is the map fragment. I want to know who is the holder of the map fragment in this small town."

"Map fragments..."

after pondering for a while, the man whispered: "what the guest said is too general... However, is it what the guest said?"

A light curtain suddenly appeared in the room, and in the light curtain there was a piece of black iron... Jiang Ting could see at a glance that it was the shape of map fragments. He had enough three fragments in his hand, and he would not admit it.

Jiang Ting's mood was suddenly overjoyed, and then nodded directly: "yes, who is the hand of the fragment of this thing located in the small town?"

It's right to come to tiandaofu... It's true that if you have money, you can buy everything!

If the cost is not very high, he decided that he would not have to waste time next time. After going to other cities, he would know the whereabouts of the fragments directly through tiandaofu. At that time, he would decide whether to grab them directly or get them by other means.

However, what Jiang Ting didn't expect was that...

the people in the deep place were silent for a long time, and then said slowly: "it's going to disappoint the guests. The news of tiandaofu headquarters came out a long time ago, and the news about the fragment holder, tiandaofu, is not for sale."

"What?" Jiang Ting's brow instantly wrinkled, this news does not sell?

On that day, the people of Daofu said, as if they had expected for a long time, and slowly said: "please forgive me. I have seen the information of the young master these days... The young master has three map fragments, and the background of the young master's identity is not simple. The young master should know that this map fragment is very involved, and I don't want to attract endless forces to attack and kill. Naturally, this news is not true It's for sale. "

After half a breath, Jiang Ting suddenly raised his head and his eyes showed endless cold. Although the man didn't say anything, his intuition told Jiang ting that in such a short time, the man who only showed his eyes already knew who he was!

After all, he has three pieces of news, except himself, no one knows!

Yu Fei's fragments fall into his hands. Yu Fei is dead. It's impossible to spread the news. Han Ye's map fragments also fall into his hands. However, Han Ye has escaped through the space channel. I'm afraid he is no longer in Sirius at the moment... How did the news leak?The man in tiandaofu didn't seem to see it: "guests don't have to. I just want to tell them that tiandaofu has the ability to find out what they want. It's just that the news isn't sold, and tiandaofu won't interfere in the disputes in the divine realm."

Jiang Ting hears the speech and slowly closes his eyes to suppress the cold and murderous intention in his heart. He suddenly understands why the man can't see his face clearly. In this divine realm, there are probably as many as nine out of ten forces who want to destroy tiandaofu, but tiandaofu still stands... At least, at the moment, he is not the opponent of tiandaofu. Murderous intention or something, it's better to converge at the moment.

About ten minutes later.

Jiang Ting's mood completely recovered: "then I want to know whether there are fragments in this small city, and why I can't feel the existence of fragments in the city. Are these two news for sale?"

The man of tiandaofu, who showed his eyes, whispered: "the second news is not for sale. The first one is for sale."

Somehow, the man's voice was vaguely surprised. I don't know whether he was surprised that Jiang Ting recovered his mind so quickly and restrained his killing intention, or he was surprised that Jiang Ting didn't give up completely, but tried to find out if he could buy other news.

Jiang Ting said without hesitation, "I want the first news."

Although it can be inferred from the words of the man in tiandaofu that there are indeed fragments in this small town, and as previously guessed, the holder has other means, so he can't feel it. It's just, after all, a guess. It costs a little stone to get a positive answer.

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