When Jiang Ting saw the last way he died recorded on the jade slips, his mood suddenly calmed down, because he was sure that he would not be killed by the magic moon god king.

It seems to contradict itself, but it's not. It's because... What's recorded in the jade slips is a script, the track of someone's voice after he was born.

Good script!

In Jiang Ting's opinion, this is no different from some TV plays in his hometown. The only difference is that he wants to enter a certain world and act according to the records in the jade slips.

All the purpose is to let the magic moon god King relieve the coming heart evil disaster.

"What's more, if not, go back to Longcheng." The moon god began to chase guests.

Before, Jiang Ting would have chosen to leave, but now...

instead of leaving, Jiang Ting revealed his incomprehension: "God King, I do have a lot of incomprehension."

"Speak up." The magic moon god plays the piano at the same speed.

"Why so much trouble?"

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting directly added: "although Jiang Ting is not a disciple of the magic Moon Palace, he has also heard about the prestige of the magic Moon Palace. Under the God King's crown, he is the Lord of the magic Moon Palace. With a command, there must be countless disciples of the magic Moon Palace and powerful people willing to share their worries for the God King's crown. Why does the God King want to find other people?"

The magic moon god King youyou said, "if you are not a disciple of Danheng, you are dead now."

Jiang Ting's mood was cold for a moment... He could feel that the magic moon god was not lying.

"Jiang Ting took the liberty to ask the king to forgive him." Jiang Ting is resolute in admitting advice.

Unexpectedly, the magic moon god King shook his head again: "you are a disciple of Dan Heng, I can tell you."

Voice down, she also whispered: "magic Moon Palace is created for me, they can't participate in one of them, if not, not only can't solve the heart evil robbery, but will make the heart evil robbery come faster."

Jiang Ting was more puzzled, why the disciples of the magic Moon Palace would make the heart demon rob faster... But this time, he didn't ask.

But the magic moon god king was still saying: "you may be very curious, why do you look for people with a very low level like you and Bai Mingxu... The lower world is too fragile, and people who are too strong will only make the world collapse in an instant."

The lower boundary is the same meaning as the lower world mentioned by Bai Mingxu.

There are various appellations for the lower world, some people call the lower world, some people call the lower world, and some people call the mortal world...

"so it is." Although Jiang Ting still has a lot of doubts, but he is not ready to ask... He is just a little bit frightened in his heart. Will too strong a person enter the lower bound lead to the direct collapse of the lower bound?

He thought that if he had the chance, he would go back to the world where his hometown was, but now it seems that... With his promotion, he may not be able to go back. If he goes back forcibly, it will only destroy the world.

After a little pause, Jiang Ting raised his head and said: "there is one last doubt... Although the God King has decided everything through cause and effect, there is a saying that the plan can't keep up with the changes. Taking the whole world as a chessboard, I'm afraid it will be full of countless changes... When the plan starts, Jiang thinks, if there are changes, can he adapt to the circumstances?"

Although he didn't want to ask, it's better to say hello in advance for some questions... It's the heart and evil robbery of the magic moon god king. Since he has participated in it, he must do his best.

If not, once failed to resolve... Magic moon god king is likely to die under the heart of the devil, if so, even if Dan Heng and magic moon god king have old, but Jiang Ting also don't think that under the certainty of death, this God King's existence will be merciful!


the magic moon god king suddenly laughed and said for a long time, "in order to make this matter go smoothly, I personally suppressed the world, crushed the consciousness of heaven and earth in the world, and then blocked the whole world with the magic Moon Palace. Without the permission of my magic Moon Palace, no life can enter or leave. Once it starts, it is doomed, and there will be no accident."

Jiang Ting's pupil shrinks instantly... Suppress the whole world? Blockade the whole world? Breaking the consciousness of heaven and earth in that world?

"Gululu..." Jiang Ting's mood is slightly chilly. How terrible strength is there in the realm of God King? When the leading edge of heaven and earth disappears, even if nothing is done, everything in heaven and earth will be eclipsed. However, the God of the moon suppresses the whole world and breaks the consciousness of heaven and earth, but it can still keep the world in normal operation?

More confusion rose, but Jiang Ting did not ask: "I have no problem."

"Then go back." After that, the magic moon god waved his hand gently... Jiang Ting felt a tug of force coming from the space and disappeared here.

When Jiang Ting disappeared, the magic moon god King quietly stopped playing the piano and looked at the sky: "I shouldn't have let your disciples participate in it, but I can feel what he seems to need... I have forgotten how many years have passed, and you still don't know what your disciples will think after this...


holy Dragon Star, dragon city.

With the sense of the whirling past, the eyes of the recovery of clarity, Jiang Ting also returned to the Dragon City, back to the body.Only the jade slips suddenly appeared in his hands, as if telling that he had just entered the magic Moon Palace, where he did not know where, and saw a God King at the peak of the endless realm!

In situ silence for a while, Jiang Ting will again flow into the jade slips. He wants to have a good look at the script recorded in the jade slips.

He didn't read it carefully. He just looked at what he wanted to do. Now that he was sure that there was no danger, he should write down the whole jade slips.

Once it's done, the magic moon god king will release the evil spirit. In addition, he is also a disciple of Dan Heng. Maybe he can get all the materials he needs through the magic moon god King's hand.

Soon, three days passed slowly.

After a long time, Jiang Ting pulled his mind away from the jade slips, and his face became strange. There are many people in the script, of which more than one million words are recorded. If it were in his hometown, it would be a novel!

But it's not important. The important thing is that he knows some of the people recorded in the jade slips!

It was only after a careful reading that he found out that Wang Xuan was the same person who wanted to help, but what Wang Xuan wanted to do was different from him.

As for the matter is also very simple, the magic moon god king will fall into a deep sleep, a ray of sub soul into the world that has been suppressed rebirth, the subsequent things are even simpler, countless opportunities into the hands of the sub soul, let the sub soul continue to grow, until, invincible.

His task of Jiangting is very simple. He arranges all kinds of treasures to be born in secret, and then let the magic moon god King get it by accident. In short, he is an "old grandfather" and still can't show up. He doesn't even have a name.

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