Jiang Ting's task in the script is different from that of Wang Xuan. His task is to be an old man who can't even show his face.

As for Wang Xuan... Well, Wang Xuan's mission is really different from him. According to the script, Wang Xuan will be the last enemy of the magic moon god king. When Wang Xuan dies in the hands of the magic moon god king, the mission will be over.

After Wang Xuan's death, he will also die. As for the way of death, let alone the way of death.

It's just because he saw his way of death before, and he had Wang Xuan's way of death before, that he realized that this trip would not be dangerous... Because Wang Xuan is different from his Jiangting, Wang Xuan is a member of Shura hall, and Shura, the leader of Shura hall, died, which is known as the strongest man in endless God realm. How can Wang Xuan be killed by the magic moon god king for no reason?

The death in the play is not the real death.

After writing down the script thoroughly, Jiang Ting didn't rush to destroy the jade slips, but put them into the exquisite tower of heaven and earth. Even though he was sure that he had written down the script, he decided to keep the jade slips first, so that he could check them at any time to avoid any omissions.

At the same time, he was also a little puzzled... In his view, that script is the script of the rapid growth of the soul of the magic moon god king. What is the connection between this script and the evil heart robbery of the magic moon god king? In this way, we can get rid of the demons?

Maybe there's something else in it that he doesn't know.

A moment later, Jiang Ting, who was about to enter the pavilion to have a rest, suddenly frowned... He suddenly found something subconsciously forgotten by him.

There is no doubt that the magic moon god king is a woman. Even the magic Moon Palace is a woman force. Men can't join, only women can join.

This is no problem, the problem is... The script records, the magic moon god King's soul, is a man!

"I remember wrong?" Jiang Ting immediately took out the jade slips and gushed out his thoughts. However, he was sure that he remembered correctly. According to the script, the ghost of the God King of the moon was indeed a man.

"It shouldn't be. Was it a mistake when depicting jade slips?" Soon, this idea was suppressed by Jiang ting.

How important is it to remove the death of the heart? How can the jade slips remember something so important? If there is no accident, I'm afraid that after the jade slips are finished, the magic moon god king has personally checked it more than once. How can he make a mistake.

So, just as he didn't know how to remove the evil robbery, the reason why he was a man was because of other factors?

He didn't understand, then Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and didn't think about it... He just secretly decided that when the half year deadline arrived, he would ask the magic moon god king to make sure that the records in the jade slips were correct, and then he would act honestly according to the records in the jade slips.

It doesn't matter. The important thing is that he can get what he wants after it is over.

In a twinkling of an eye, half a year passed quietly.

In a quiet half year, Jiangting's achievements were obvious to all in Longcheng, so no one asked for trouble to deal with Jiangting. Because of the mission of the magic moon god king, Jiangting didn't have the leisure to leave the other court. He stayed in the other court all the time, either practicing or thinking about the script, thinking about how to deal with the accident.

Half a year has just passed.

Bai Mingxu's jade pendant to Jiang Ting suddenly began to show some ripples. A slowly increasing pulling force came, and the speed of increase was very slow. If Jiang Ting was willing, he could resist it.

Because of the power of pulling, Jiang Ting took out the jade pendant, glanced at it, and gave up the resistance directly... He has been in bieyuan for half a year, so he just waited for the task to start directly. Now the time is coming, so there is no need to waste time.

As Jiang Ting gave up his resistance, his figure disappeared here in a flash, and he also saw that the surrounding area fell into colorful glass.

After about half a breath, Jiang Ting, who was still observing the surroundings, suddenly looked at his own hands... His palms were as white as jade.

But his attention is not here, but, his hands are very solid... He is not like the first time that is the spirit to go, but, the body to go!

A moment later, Jiang Ting ignored it and began to concentrate instead.

Although the magic moon god king said that as long as he followed the script, there would be no danger, he decided to be more careful. After all, life is his own. If he died, it would be gone.

Now the whole play has been deeply portrayed in his mind. The only thing he doesn't understand is that, according to the script, he will die in the end. A day later, Wang Xuan, who has never seen him, will also die. Is that death a fake death or something?

At first, he thought it was suspended animation, but as the number of times he read the script began to increase, he was puzzled. If it was suspended animation, was it necessary? Isn't it enough to just leave that world?

In his mind, Jiang Ting soon left the space channel and returned to the valley where he had been once in a state of spirit.

The view of the valley remains the same, with waterfalls running through it, the most central lake and pavilions.

The only difference is that before he came here, there was only one magic moon god king here, and this time... There are a lot of people here.There are hundreds of men and women, most of whom are women in white robes. On the left chest of the robes, there is a word of the moon embroidered with gold thread. It is obvious that they are all people in the magic Moon Palace, and the lowest realm is also level six God!

In addition, the rest of the costumes are different. It is obvious that there are fewer people like Jiang Ting who come to help, but there are nearly 100 people, including men and women, old and young.

Wang Xuan, who had seen him once, was also among them. However, Wang Xuan did not say hello to Jiang Ting at the moment. Instead, he sat by the river with an indifferent face. The ordinary black ghost knife was inserted half a foot in front of him.

It's full of the breath of no strangers.

No one made a sound. It was very quiet here. Although Jiang Ting was confused, he didn't make a sound to be the first bird. He also found a place to sit and wait quietly.

About half a quarter of an hour later, a space passage suddenly appeared in the valley, and other people were all familiar with it.

Obviously, there's another one coming.

Thoughts flashed, Jiang Ting slowly closed his eyes and began to wait.

This is an hour... Obviously, although the majority of people like Jiang Ting come directly, there are a few people who have not come at the first time, and they have been able to resist and pull until now.

Time passed for a while, and another person came.

As soon as the man arrived, a sky light curtain suddenly rose to cover the valley, which was blocked for a moment, as if it had become a world of its own, as if the world of nuota only had a little scope of the valley within the light curtain.

Then, the magic moon god king, who had been sitting in the pavilion, quietly said, "the plan depicted in the jade slips must have been memorized by all of you."

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