Jiang Ting is aware of the emptiness in front of him. He doesn't know whether he is happy or worried.

Because of this nothingness, he felt that he might have fallen into a dreamland, but in the confidence of his strength, Jiang Ting didn't think that if it was a dreamland, he would be deceived all the time.

Moreover, if he is in a dreamland, he has been in a dreamland for three months. In addition, he has fainted for at least four months. In such a long time, if he is really in a dreamland, the people behind the scenes should have shot or appeared instead of just sitting by.

Silence for a while, Rao is Jiang Ting also can't help showing headache: "here, is it the lower boundary or the dreamland?"

Whether it's a mirage or a lower bound, there are plenty of reasons, but also plenty of reasons to refute!

After a long time, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly and turned to look at Lingshui County... No matter whether it is the lower boundary or the Taiyu mainland, he can only return to Lingshui County now, not into nothingness.

The chill in my heart is not fake. If I really step into nothingness, I will die!

Just ready to go back, Jiang Ting's brow wrinkled again... If this is a dreamland, it's OK, but there is enough possibility that it will be the lower bound. He just said goodbye to Qiao Yun's brother and sister, now he's going back?

To tell the Qiao brothers and sisters that this place has become nothingness? Or tell the Qiao brothers and sisters that Jiang Ting doesn't dare to find duantian?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting made a little impression and changed his face. Then Jiang Ting returned to Lingshui County. With his strength, no one in Lingshui County could see through his disguise even if he was seriously injured at the moment.

He is going to go back to Lingshui County to have a look, and at the same time to find out whether it is a mirage or a lower boundary!

Jiang Ting, who changed his appearance, easily returned to Lingshui County, and his mind also saw that Qiao's caravan was preparing for departure.

What's more, other merchants in Lingshui County are all close to the caravan at the moment. Obviously, they want to travel with Qiao's caravan at the same time. For the first time, he heard quite noisy voices around.

"Xia kutou, come out to buy vegetables again?"

"Ah, today's harvest is not good. The harvest in the field is not enough. I have to pay for it."

"Yes... I heard that locust plague appears in other counties. I don't know whether it's true or not. I hope it won't happen again next year. It's generally so dry this year."

"It is said that the most powerful in the empire can only call the wind and the rain. I don't know whether it is true or not."

"It must be false. If it's true, how can we not go to those hot and dry places to get some rain?"


the noisy and nutritious voice is constantly introduced into Jiang Ting's ears, and Jiang Ting is not impatient and listens carefully.

Jiang Ting didn't care about the drought here. What he cared about was whether Lingshui County was a mirage.

Standing on the street for half a quarter of an hour, Jiang Ting takes back his mind with a little disappointment... Nothing unusual.

Even though he paid close attention to the observation, every plant, or the name of Manchu county and some small animals all had vitality. There was no rigidity in his words.

It's not like a mirage.

After a while, Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly narrowed... His mind saw that in a very remote place in the west of the city, which looked like a slum, there was a man with a grin on his face who was preparing to violence against a yellow skinny woman.

If it had been before, Jiang Ting would have been too lazy to pay attention to the injustice between heaven and earth. As long as he didn't provoke him, he would have been too lazy to pay attention to it. After all, he couldn't manage it.

Not to mention, he didn't think he was a good man himself. At best, he didn't act against his heart.

However, now...

JIANG Ting's figure has disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already in the West slum.

The Yellow skinny woman was full of panic: "help... Help me..."

the smile of the man's face became more and more ferocious: "Er Ya, don't cry. Now they are all out for a living. Who dares to fight me, the rest of them?"

"No... don't..." women keep retreating, but it's a pity that there is only a little place here. How can they retreat infinitely?

"You're not lucky today." There was a hoarse voice.

The man instantly looked in the direction of the voice: "who dares to take care of your father and me?"

Then he saw a pair of indifferent eyes, a black suit and a face that looked very ordinary. He was a little thin, but higher than him.

"Go away! If not, don't regret it Because of his height, the man took out a small dagger, and his eyes were dark.

Naturally, the appearance of Jiang Ting has changed.

Jiang Ting repeated: "as I said, today, you are not lucky. Let me see if it is true or false."

Voice down, Jiang Ting gently waved, a wisp of dragon whistling out, the man imprisoned to the body.

"Powerful cultivator..."The big man's pupil suddenly became frightened, and then he quickly begged for mercy: "the little one is wrong, and the little one no longer dare..."

unfortunately, before he finished speaking, there was a mysterious ripple around the Jiangting, and then... The man's breath quickly disappeared, and soon turned into nothingness.

After only half a rest, the man disappeared completely, leaving only a ragged coarse linen suit.

Half a breath later.

Jiang Ting's eyes suddenly became heavy: "trouble... It's really human."

What died in his hands is no illusion!

He forcibly extracted the vitality, life span, blood... And so on of the person whose name could not be given by the kingdom of God. His flesh and blood became the food of the kingdom of God, and his vitality was fed back by the kingdom of Jiangting.

In other words, the people in front of him are real people, not illusions in the dreamland.

Well, Lingshui County is not illusory... I'm afraid Taiyu mainland is not illusory.

The rescued woman showed her gratitude: "thank you..."

just before she finished speaking, Jiang Ting's body had disappeared... He just did it without any interest to stay and chat.

City, a tall building not far from Qiao's house.

Jiang Ting stands in a high-rise building and looks at the Qiao family for a while. Then he looks at the buildings in the surrounding counties and cities. His face becomes extremely heavy.

It's a big problem.

Lingshui County is not false, this is the lower boundary... But since it is the lower boundary, who can have the strength to hide Lingshui County in nothingness?

He wouldn't care if he was in his prime, but now... His injury hasn't recovered and he doesn't want to fight with anyone.

After a while.

"Well, I'll try my best to heal the wound first. If there are other strange things here, I'm afraid I don't have enough ability to resist once I'm injured." With a whisper, Jiang Ting slowly closed his eyes.

There's plenty of energy here, and there are a lot of pills for him... Although the pills stored at the moment have greatly reduced his effectiveness, the quality is not good, so we should make up with the quantity!

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