Jiang Ting decided to do his best to heal the injury first, and then directly sat on the top of the attic, ready to make up for the quality with quantity!

At all costs, the injury can always recover.

Although he has another way to heal his wounds, he will draw the vitality of the living beings from Lingshi County in the kingdom of God to feed himself, and his wounds will be healed in an instant.

However, Jiang Ting can't do such behavior... Although he doesn't think he is a good man, he never thinks he is a villain.

It's not what he can do, of course.


in a twinkling of an eye, January has passed quietly.

In this month, Jiang Ting consumed more than 100 healing pills!

And his injury, still has not recovered... Of course, just did not completely recover, in his crazy use of pills regardless of consumption, his body injury has recovered about 80%.

Even if not cured, but if there is a crisis, he can also fight, under the outbreak, he can play the peak strength!

In this month, Lingshui County is still Lingshui County, and nothing big happened. The only thing is that Qiao Yun and Qiao's caravan have left Lingshui County.

In Lingshui County, although Qiao's family is still there, Qiao Yun left with some good players, but his overall strength became weak.

There was nothing else.

It's been a while.

Jiang Ting slowly opened his eyes: "I'd like to see what's wrong here!"

Confidence comes from strength.

Before Jiang Ting was seriously injured, so in the face of danger, he subconsciously left, but now... He has been able to play his full strength, but he is very curious about the origin of the eccentricity here!

By virtue of the kingdom of God, in the endless realm of God, even the existence of the eighth level God, he can turn around one or two, let alone a lower bound!

At this point, Jiang Ting got up slowly... He wanted to explore the nothingness again. He could stop him before, but now it's not necessary!

As soon as he was ready to leave, his steps suddenly stopped and his eyes fell back on the door of Qiao's mansion.

There is a strong one! A strong man with fun on his lips.

For him, it's very weak, but for the Qiao family... It's very strong. At least, in Jiang Ting's perception, the energy contained in the strong man's body is enough to sweep the whole Qiao family. If Qiao Yun doesn't leave with other good players, maybe he can go around.

Are you looking for trouble with the Qiao family or an ally of the Qiao family?

Thinking for a while, Jiang Ting didn't leave in a hurry, but watched quietly.

Below, in front of Qiao's residence.

The two guards of Qiao's mansion looked at the big man and said, "no approaching!"

"Can't you get close?"

Pause a little, the big man suddenly laughed: "if Qiao Yun that waste did not leave, with the whole Qiao family, perhaps really can stop... Unfortunately, now Qiao family, if I want to enter, you dare to stop me?"

After that, the big man approached slowly.

"To die." They are not fools. It is not hard to tell from the voice of the great man that they are not good guests. If they don't want to do it, they will attack them directly. It's a bit powerful.

"Waste." The big man raised his head and a wave of prestige rose.

"The realm of white rainbow? How could it be... "The guards were rushed by the authority, and they fell out one after another, smashing on the gate behind them, leaving some blood.

The big man didn't want to look at it: "how dare you even block me? Ridiculous

After that, the big man walked into Qiao's residence with a look of great disdain.

Inside the mansion.

The invasion of the big man obviously drew the Qiao family's guard. Although Qiao Yun took a group of people, it doesn't mean that the Qiao family doesn't have any defensive power!

There are still some strong elders who stay in Qiao's house. The invasion of the big man directly startles those elders.

After entering Qiao's mansion, the great man walked through two corridors and killed some of Qiao's people. Then he was blocked by several Qiao's elders in a side hall.

However, the elder of Qiao family didn't show his hand when he saw the big man. On the contrary, his eyes showed a little faint fear.

The big man also stopped: "unexpectedly, there are still some capable people in Qiao's garbage..."

at the end of the day, the big man slightly hooked his finger: "together, you can block my three punches, I will spare you all."

The appearance of provocation can be called arrogance to the extreme.

An elder of Qiao family pressed his eyes to fear, but showed some madness: "Duan Tian... I didn't expect that you would come while the owner was out, but you think I Qiao family can do it for you!"

The man was curious: "if not?"

The elder Qiao's eyes were even more crazy: "together, if he doesn't die today, we will die!"

"Boom..." exploded repeatedly.

The sky.

Jiang Ting didn't show up. On the contrary, he stared down and showed his ugly face.Before, when he saw Duan Tian calling, he didn't rush, because he knew that there was no one inside Qiao's house.

When he learned from elder Qiao that the man was Duan Tian, he was ready to kill him. Even if he didn't show up, it was easy for Jiang ting to kill that day.

However, when he was ready to start, he felt the familiar palpitation, which kind of heart chill in the face of nothingness before, would be the chill of the dead!

If he starts, he will die... This is the most trustworthy intuition that he can live to now.

Below, Duan Tian's fierce battle with Qiao's elders is coming to an end... Qiao's family can't stop him. Qiao's elders are defeated one after another, either seriously injured or directly killed.

Later, Duan Tian was in the house of Qiao family.

The face of Jiang ting in the sky is also terrible... Duan Tian, for him, the strength of his breath can crush countless times. However, the cold heart that has no future makes him unable to move. He can only hide in the sky and watch Duan Tian rampage in Qiao's mansion.

Soon, Duan Tian found the location of Qiao Yan in Qiao's mansion.

Maybe the purpose of Duan Tian's trip is Qiao Yan... So even though Qiao Yan has been hiding with the help of Qiao's disciples, Duan Tian's strength is much higher than them. He can easily feel Qiao Yan's existence in a secret room deep in Qiao's underground.

Even under the ground, it can't stop the penetration of Jiang Ting's thoughts.


Qiao Yan looks at Duan Tian in front of her. She can't help but think of the day when her parents died. She has some fear of conspiracy. Anyway, she is just an ordinary person who doesn't know how to cultivate.

Duan Tian stares at Qiao Yan and shows a little bit of greed: "it's true that Qiao Yan can't be said to have fallen in love with his country, but his weakness makes people want to have it for themselves."

Qiao Yan was even more afraid: "what do you... What do you want to do?"

"Didn't you already guess?" After that, Duan Tian approached and killed several seriously injured Qiao family disciples.

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