After Jiang Ting tore up the space and left, he left only one last sentence, asking Jiang Ting not to have too much connection with a certain force of Shendan Association.

Then the sky returned to calm.

Dan Heng comes fast and goes fast.

Looking at the torn space for a while, Jiang Ting flew directly to Shendan star with a smile... He knew that from today on, Dan Heng would be missing again.

Although missing, it's not dying out. There's nothing to care about.

As Dan Heng said, outsiders can't find him, but it doesn't mean he will have an accident. Some of them are just hidden Dan Heng paying close attention to him.

Since he is a disciple of Danheng... Although his so-called disciple is not worthy of the name, it is not important. This alchemy contest just let the outside world see how much alchemy attainments he is the only disciple of Danheng!


Magic Moon Palace, flower and Butterfly Valley.

"Ding..." the melodious sound of the piano reverberates quietly in the valley.

Even though there is only one magic moon god in the valley, she still plays the piano silently in the pavilion in the center of the valley, and there is a light curtain above the lake outside the pavilion.

Above the light curtain is a starry sky, and the last picture is the picture of Dan Heng tearing the space away.

Then, the light screen changed into a space channel with Dan Heng's departure.

However, the magic moon god king suddenly waved away the light curtain and continued to play the piano.

For a long time, a song ends.

Then the magic moon god King slowly got up and walked out of the pavilion, looking at her reflection in the lake: "still can't get out of the knot... Life is long, one day, you will voluntarily return to this magic Moon Palace."

I don't know how long later.

"Master of the palace." With a hoarse voice, the old woman, the deputy chief of the magic Moon Palace, appeared quietly.

The magic moon god's face turned into indifference: "how's it going?"

"Time is too far away to find out specific information."

After a pause, the old woman's eyes narrowed slightly: "however, it should have nothing to do with the fate of the God King."

The eyes of the magic moon god King were filled with cold light: "although he is not good at fighting, the power of his spirit is beyond the reach of countless people. The one who can beat him as a ghost must be unknown... This time when I helped him recast his body, I left a wisp of my sleeping soul on it. I want to see who dares to move me!"

The old woman was silent for a while, then she didn't understand: "why didn't the palace master ask directly? It's no more effective than our secret investigation. "

"Since he doesn't want to say it, why do I have to ask..."

at the end of the speech, the magic moon god King whispered: "and Jiang Ting... Since he is his disciple, let the magic Moon Palace pay attention to him. Chai Ying and Jiang Ting have some friendship. Tell her to get close to him to avoid any accident caused by his leaving."


the courtyard where the divine realm is located.

With a ripple passing by, yuanmie and Han Ye appear in the courtyard.

Han Ye stood up and said, "master."

Yuanmie stares at Han Ye for a long time, then whispers, "I'll practice here in peace."

Han Ye opened his mouth, and after a while he replied, "OK."

Seeing this, he pondered for a while and said softly: "that boy of Jiangting is in a lot of trouble now... If you really want to do it, first practice to the realm of the God King."

"What?" Han Ye raises his head in an instant, revealing something incredible.

Cultivate to the realm of God King?

Han Ye is confident that his talent is extraordinary, but he has cultivated to the God King. It's not polite to say that a hundred nine level gods may not be able to produce a God King.

Not to mention, it's not Tianjiao that can reach the peak of cultivation.


shendanxing, yujiacheng.

After Jiang Ting left the starry sky, he went straight back to the city without delay.

At the gate of Yu's mansion.

Just as Jiang Ting arrived at the gate, Yuchen welcomed him: "brother Jiang, how is your injury?"

"Not yet." Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly... Although he is calm at the moment, in fact, his injury is not low.

Although he broke Han Ye's meridians in the starry sky before, and even beat him into powder twice, he was also killed twice by Han Ye, and his spirit was injured. It's strange that the injury can be low.

It's just that Danheng was there before, and Jiangting was so calm that he didn't show any difference.

Now when I come back to Yu's home, I naturally need to prepare for healing.

Yuchen is worried: "brother Jiang, come back with me, if you leave trouble, I'm afraid it's very bad."

His worry is not fraud. With Jiang Ting's terrible alchemy skills in the side hall, as long as Jiang Ting is not damaged, his family will win the title of Dabi of the younger generation. It's about Dabi. How can Yuchen not worry.

"Thank you." Jiang Ting didn't refuse... When he came back to Yu's home, he was ready to take advantage of Yu's home to heal his wounds. With Yu's home outside, who dares to destroy his healing?Because of the injury in the body, Yuchen with Jiangting soon returned to Jiangting rest before the other court.

Jiang Ting went directly into the other court and set a ban... It's time to heal.

Yuchen outside bieyuan leaves directly... This is Yujia, very safe.

Don't be in the garden.

Jiang Ting glanced at the forbidden system, then went directly into the room and sat down, then swallowed some pills to speed up the recovery.

Although the battle with Han Ye failed to kill him, Jiang Ting's harvest is still huge.

He can be promoted to the seventh level God!

As long as the injury recovers, Jiang Ting will be promoted to level 7 God if he leaves!

The most important thing is that Jiang Ting finds that his kingdom will not be invaded even if the ghost of the void is on his side because of the blood sacrifice array. This is just like letting Jiang Ting use the kingdom of God without any fear. If he is fighting with Han Ye next time, he will be able to kill him at one stroke.

Although Jiangting is closed, the people in Yujia city are unable to recover from the fighting between Jiangting and Han Ye.

East Gate of the city.

A man and a woman two six level gods with shocked faces slowly into the city, if close, can also hear their conversation.

The man's face faintly some light fear: "Jiang ting and that Han Ye's strength is really terrible."

The woman nodded with a lingering fear: "yes, they are in the collision of stars, especially at the last moment, even if the eighth level God is close, I'm afraid there is no life or death... They are only sixth level gods like us, but their combat effectiveness is so terrible."

The man looked at the direction of Yu's mansion and said: "I heard that Jiang Ting is still a master of alchemy, and his attainments are not low... How do you say he practiced? His strength and alchemy attainments can go hand in hand."

The woman instantly denied: "it should be rumors. In terms of the strength of his performance, I don't believe that his alchemy attainments are really high."

This kind of discussion rises everywhere in the city.

With Jiang Ting's return, the people who left Shendan star and entered the sky to watch the battle also began to return to Shendan star. Because of their return to the city, the terror fighting capacity of Jiang ting and Han Ye began to be publicized.

When Jiang Ting didn't know, his reputation began to spread again.

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