After Jiang Ting began to heal, the people who left Shendan star to watch the battle in the starry sky also began to turn around. Because of their turn, the battle between Jiang ting and Han Ye began to be publicized rapidly.

Shocked by the war, they urgently need to tell others their shock.

Because the battle was publicized, the reputation of Jiang ting and Han Ye broke out at one time... And Jiang Ting, who nearly killed Han Ye, was even more famous.

Vaguely, Jiangting has been known as the invincible strong man in the same territory!

In a twinkling of an eye, a year passed quietly.

Although only a year has passed, the battle between Jiang ting and Han Ye is no longer mentioned.

Gayne, this is Shendan!

After the initial spread of the terrible war between Jiang ting and Han Ye, no one cares about it any more.

God elixir, naturally do not value strength, God elixir between the competition, is alchemy attainments!

Although the alchemy contest within the Shendan association has not yet started, the news of alchemy contest has begun to spread in Shendan star. For Shendan star people, they are more concerned about alchemy contest!

That's the alchemy contest held by the Shendan Association. Once it starts, the senior leaders of the Shendan Association will show up one after another. If they can participate in the contest, and even get a good place in it, it will certainly have extraordinary benefits.

Because of the big ratio of alchemy, no one paid attention to the battle between Jiang ting and Han Ye. After the news of that battle spread further away, it was also considered a rumor.

No one will believe that the only battle between the two six level gods can make the eight level gods dare not approach, even Tianjiao can't.

Jiang Ting's other garden for healing.

A few months later.

"Howl..." suddenly began to reverberate in the other court, countless sound waves spread.

When the sound waves spread to the edge of the other garden, they were blocked by a light curtain, which was the prohibition set by Jiangting.

After half a breath.

"Seven gods!" With a low drink, Jiang Ting's body suddenly appeared in the courtyard. With his appearance, the door of the room slowly began to open.

The whole body is filled with the breath of seven level God.

He, successful promotion!

For more than a year, in the first half of the year, he used healing pills to treat his injuries. Because his pills could be used as sugar beans, his injuries were completely recovered in only half a year, and then he began to be promoted.

This promotion is extremely smooth, no one came to disturb.

After all, this is the rain house. Who dares to destroy it?

Therefore, the promotion was extremely smooth.

The promotion of cultivation will bring about a huge increase in strength. If he fights Han Ye again at this time, he can kill Han Ye with three swords at most.

Even if Han Ye breaks out of the kingdom of God, Jiang Ting's kingdom of God can also show a crushing attitude towards Han Ye's kingdom of God.

This is the great improvement of strength brought by the improvement of cultivation!

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "however, if I am a seven level God, Han Ye will not fight with me, because both of them are arrogant, and the realm represents a greater repression... Forget it, if you want to do so much, it's just right to be familiar with the strength at the moment."

Then, Jiang Ting disappeared in a flash. When he reappeared, he was already in the kingdom of God.

Familiar with the strength, is there a more convenient place for the kingdom of God? No matter how much movement he causes, it will not attract anyone's attention.

Just after entering the kingdom of God, before Jiang Ting had time to get familiar with his own strength, he suddenly felt that an extremely huge force of belief was slowly wandering in the kingdom of God, and was slowly absorbed by the kingdom of God.

Sensing the power of belief in the kingdom of God, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth rose slowly: "perhaps the most correct thing I did before was to let Zhao Yan help me develop my belief."

Since he left Bluestar, he has never taken the initiative to develop his faith, but now his faith is more and more powerful, which also means that his realm is more and more stable.

If it were any other God, he might directly absorb the power of belief to promote his realm. However, Jiang Ting did not. Instead, he chose to let the kingdom of God absorb the huge power of belief.

The power of faith, a little bit of it is not harmful, after all, is the foundation of God, but if too much... Faith, toxic.

Jiang Ting didn't understand before, but this time when he entered the kingdom of God, he felt the huge power of belief in the kingdom of God, but suddenly understood why belief was poisonous.

The source of the power of belief is the worship of God.

And believers... What are believers? It's all living creatures!

If you want something, you will give something.

When believers pay the price of faith, they will naturally ask for something... And what believers ask for is either family harmony, or high strength, or the rest, or...

in a word, believers ask for all kinds of things.If Jiang Ting absorbed the power of belief, he naturally absorbed what the believers wanted. No matter what the believers wanted, it's meaningless for him to give up a little.

But if he absorbs too much, he will be influenced by what the believers ask for, and gradually he will lose himself and become the God who most agrees with the believers.

Once lost... Once lost, it will become a Protoss, a Protoss lost in faith. At that time, although Jiangting is still Jiangting, he will not be Jiangting. He will be changed into another person by faith... Oh, no, he will be transformed into a Protoss.

So faith is poisonous.

"In the past, I couldn't find out where the poisonous word of faith came from. I didn't expect that I would be promoted to the seventh level God and come back to the kingdom of God. I just saw the power of faith, and I could know why." Jiang Ting's voice, some calm, but also some, hot eyes.

The word "belief in poison" is for humans and other non Protoss creatures.

For the protoss, faith is the best interest.

Because Jiang Ting can understand what Lin Yi said before.

The protoss, sinking into the belief, never die, never die, even if the spirit is crushed!

Because even if they die, the protoss will be reborn in the faith. Even the living beings of the Ninth level God can't kill a Protoss of the first level God!

Seems to be against the sky? In fact, it is not... The protoss sink into the belief. If they lose the belief, the protoss will be lost.

If there are no believers, the protoss will dissipate, even if there are no creatures to kill and lose faith, the protoss will die.

Therefore, if you want to kill a Protoss, you need to break its faith... Either kill all the believers of that Protoss, or let the believers of that Protoss turn to other gods or creatures.

In the past, Jiang Ting was still puzzled. Since the protoss are creatures who have fallen into the power of belief, why do they have Tianjiao? In his opinion, if they can fall into the power of belief, their mood and strength are not high.

But now he understands...

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