In the face of Pang Hua and Peng Ze's attitude, Zhao Qing frowned and thought for a while before saying that they could not beat Jiang ting.

Although the three of them didn't want to admit it, they had to admit that they couldn't beat Jiangting even if they added up... Jiangting was the most powerful one in the war. The famous Tianjiao was incomparable in the war!

All three of them are elixirs, and they are not good at fighting at all. Let alone Jiangting has been promoted to the seventh level God, even if they are still the sixth level God, Zhao Qing doesn't think they can beat Jiangting.

Pang Hua and Peng Ze's faces are also sinking... If they didn't know they couldn't beat Jiang Ting, how could they shrink back before.

After a moment, Pang Hua showed some fun: "we are the elixirs, not the wild men who like to fight and kill... What about the arrogance of that boy now? I don't have enough attainments. Once the alchemy contest begins, I'd like to see what else he has

"Yes, we have to be careful not to let him find a chance not to participate in the contest... He is a disciple of senior Dan Heng. I'd like to see how he can meet Dan Heng if he really loses face!" Peng Ze's eyes are also bright.

Pang Hua showed disdain: "before, I wondered how the rain family would directly let him take part in the final contest. Now, I'm afraid it's because of senior Dan Heng... Hum, how can these muscular brats lose our face!"

Because of Jiang Ting's leaving, the three are more and more bold.


on the other side, Jiang Ting has begun to walk slowly in the street, constantly scanning the surrounding, looking for whether someone has taken out the treasure that can attract him and is selling it.

As for Zhao Qing and other three, he has left them behind. He believes that as long as they are not stupid, they will not be looking for his bad luck.

As for the future, after the end of the alchemy contest, he would never see the three people again. He would rather see if he could buy some good things than pay attention to so much work.

After walking for a while, Jiang Ting soon entered a shop that looked rather luxurious... He was ready to go in and add some ordinary materials.

Before, after he was promoted to the seventh level God, he refined a lot of pills to prepare for unexpected events. Naturally, how many ordinary materials he had in reserve. Now that he has leisure, he has to supplement them.


about three days later, Dan city was near a street in the West.

Jiang Ting walks slowly in the street, and his eyes scan around constantly.

Although it was only three days, he got a lot of precious materials... Just as he thought before, because of the bustle here, there are a lot of precious treasures here.

In addition to the ordinary materials he added at the beginning, he also exchanged a lot of precious materials in these three days. Of course, in exchange, he also consumed a lot of pills.

Except for a small number of people, most of the others choose to buy things instead of sacred stones. Fortunately, Jiang Ting lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of pills. The unused pills stored by the sixth level God have been used a lot in the past three days.

Walk again for a while.

Jiang Ting's eyes flashed and his pace sped up quietly: "Hey, there's something good."

At the corner not far in front of him, there is a group of people gathered together... This picture, which he has seen many times in the past three days, is that there are good things being sold or exchanged, which will attract a large number of people.

It is worth mentioning that good things are often not in the shops, but in the roadside stalls... If there were no roadside stalls in the city before, but who made Dancheng too busy at this time? There were many roadside stalls, and no one prohibited them.

Mood between, Jiang Ting has been close to the crowd, and then the body power micro flash, it is very easy to squeeze into the crowd.

There is a roadside stall, but there is nothing on it, just a few notes.

Lei Yuan Dan exchange equal value treasure.

Dan Fang?

When Jiang Ting saw clearly, the voice of the surrounding discussion also sounded.

"Lei Yuandan... I remember this Dan Fang seems to have been lost?"

"It's really lost. I heard from the master a long time ago that the difficulty of refining the pill is not too high. It's just that the prescription is too complicated and I don't know how it was lost."

"This is the best pill to improve the body... Unfortunately, several people tried to exchange it before, but the stall owner thought it was not worth enough."

"I'm afraid he's just attracting people. If not, he's just Dan Fang, but he doesn't exchange all the time."


after listening for a while, Jiang Ting's ears moved. Instead of listening, he looked at the stall owner sitting on the ground.

The stall owner's cultivation is not low. He has a level eight spirit level. Now he will appear in Dan city. He must be a god Dan master, but I don't know what kind of God Dan master he is.

The stall owner glanced at the crowd, then he took back his sight leisurely and leisurely... Although these people crowded the place, they thought it was crowded here, so they could attract more people.After three breath.

Jiang Ting took back his sight, instead of looking at him, he said softly, "what treasure do you want to exchange with Dan Fang?"

Lei Yuandan.. he knows what kind of pill it is. It's a kind of pill to improve the body. But Jiang Ting doesn't know the prescription.

Although Jiang Ting knows the vast majority of danfang in Shenyu, what he knows is Danheng's danfang, and what Danheng doesn't know, Jiang Ting naturally doesn't know.

Just as it happens, Lei Yuandan's Dan Fang, Dan Heng, doesn't know. He just knows that there is a kind of Dan medicine. Now that he encounters this Dan Fang, he must take it down!

Although Lei Yuan Dan can't help practice, taking Lei Yuan Dan for a long time can continuously improve the physical strength!

If it was before, Jiang Ting would not care too much, but after a fight with Han Ye, Jiang Ting's demands on the body began to rise.

If he was strong enough when he fought with Han Ye before, how could Han Ye's sword cut his back every time!

If Han Ye's damage to him is reduced a lot, Han ye may be dead in the previous war!

Although there is no lack of physical training in the realm of God, Jiang Ting only knows that he does not have enough time to practice. If he practices and improves physical training, it will greatly delay Jiang Ting's training time.

In the realm of God, the realm is the biggest means to improve the strength, so Jiangting has never practiced the means to improve the physical body.

But if you get the Lei Yuandan prescription in front of you... Taking it continuously, although Jiang Ting is not sure how much the body can be improved, but he does not improve the strength, so his vitality must be much stronger!

When Jiang Ting was full of thoughts, the stall owner raised his head: "what treasure can you take out in exchange?"

Jiang Ting's brow suddenly wrinkled when he heard the speech... To tell you the truth, what Jiang Ting dislikes most is to let him bid for himself, because he can't figure out what the stall owner wants. If he doesn't pay attention, he may pay a lot more treasure.

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