In the face of the response from the stall owner, Jiang Ting's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled... Because if he bid himself, if he didn't pay attention, he would pay a lot more treasure.

Moreover, the value of Lei Yuandan's prescription is not easy to estimate.

Thinking for a while, Jiang Ting's eyes twinkled: "three fragrant grasses."

Fanghuacao, the main medicine for refining seven grade Shendan, is of high value.

The stall owner immediately sneered: "this is Lei Yuandan's prescription. Three fanghuacao want to exchange... Thirty are almost the same!"

Jiang Ting was not angry, but chuckled: "Dan Fang is really valuable, but you have too much appetite. How amazing is the value of 30 pearls of fanghuacao? If it's replaced by divine stones, at least tens of millions of divine stones will be counted. "

Without waiting for an answer, Jiang Ting said with a smile: "the value of danfang will not be denied by Jiang. However, although danfang's value is high, in fact, danfang's value will not be too high because it can be copied infinitely. If it is not for Lei Yuandan's danfang, it is said that it is lost, in Jiang's opinion, it may not even be worth a flower grass."

If it's an ordinary thing, Jiangting doesn't want to hold down the price and delay the time, but now the danfang is different. If it doesn't hold down the price, even Jiangting will have to bleed a lot!

The stall owner denied: "I can only watch the prescription of Lei Yuandan once, but I haven't seen it before. The value is not as simple as you said."

"So, five flowers? That's the highest price I can offer. " Jiang Ting's voice is full of embarrassment... As for what the stall owner said, it may be true or false, but I'm afraid no one can know whether it is true or false.

The corner of the stall owner's mouth Rose: "I don't want Fanghua grass. I just compared its value."

"Don't let the grass bloom..."

JIANG Ting's eyebrows wrinkled again and soon stretched out: "a spirit of the wind."

The spirit of the wind is one of the materials for casting the kingdom of God. Jiang Ting got it from the dragon's nine level God strongman before, and then the magic Moon Palace made up all the missing materials for him by chance, and the outside world didn't know that he loved you. Git, no wonder the spirit of the wind is there, so the spirit of the wind from the dragon's strong man is idle.

Jiang Ting has kept it all the time, but it's useless for Jiang ting. It's not too bad if it can be exchanged with danfang... No, after careful consideration, Jiang Ting has some losses, but Jiang Ting doesn't want to delay any longer. If he loses some, he will lose some. He gets danfang first and says.

The stall owner's eyes twinkled slightly: "add three Fanghua grasses, this danfang is yours."

"I..." Jiang Ting suddenly some want to curse, this is to be blackmailed?

No, Jiang Ting immediately denied the doubt that it should not be ripped off, it is proper to be ripped off!

Jiang Ting responded instantly: "one tree!"

The stall owner's eyes twinkled: "it's hard to say that Jiang Ting is so mean."

Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly: "who are you?"

The corner of the stall owner's mouth Rose: "my name..."

a voice suddenly sounded out of the crowd: "I've brought blood war Dan, Dan Fang belongs to me."

Then the crowd quietly separated into a crack.

Jiang Ting turned his head and saw a proud five level God approaching. There was a jade bottle in his hand and a pill in it.

Xueshang pill?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting remembered that it was an explosive pill. After the eighth level God took it, the huge fighting power of the Ninth level God would burst out in an instant. After the outbreak, he would fall into weakness for three months.

As for how to refine... Jiang Ting didn't know, because in Danheng's memory, this pill was a secret inside the Shendan Association. No one knew how to refine it except the senior officials of the Shendan Association.

At least, Dan Heng certainly did not know, and correspondingly, Jiang Ting would not know. He only knew that it was a eight grade God pill with high value.

And the stall owner whispered: "Jiang Ting, don't you consider increasing the price? If not, I will sell it to sun Hongfang. "

Sun Hong? Jiang Ting doesn't know him, but I think it's the youth who brought the blood pill.

Obviously, the young man also noticed that it was wrong. He frowned slightly: "devil, it's not a deal. How can you deal with other people again?"

"The deal is not over, it's not done."

The stall owner licked his lips, and then showed his curiosity: "Jiangting?"

Jiang Ting lost his mind to depress the price: "three fanghuacao will be three."

But the stall owner suddenly turned his head: "Sun Hong, don't you think about increasing the price?"

The young man's face suddenly froze. Was it a rip off?

After a while, Sun Hong's face showed a little coldness: "in addition to the blood war pill, I'm adding countless herbs!"

Then the stall owner tilted his head: "Jiangting?"

Jiang Ting's eyes were slightly cold: "Sir, I'm afraid you've gone too far."

The stall owner's face remains the same: "buy and sell, the one with the highest price will get it."

Jiang Ting exhaled slightly and then chuckled: "Sun Hong, you can buy this danfang. After the event, the spirit of the wind belongs to you. Tell me about danfang, how about it?"Sun Hong's face was slightly stunned.

The stall owner revealed strange: "the rules of shendanxing, if danfang buys the income, it can't disclose danfang unless the Seller agrees."

That Sun Hong Ding Jiang ting for a while, immediately expense: "this Dan Fang I Sun Hong bought, you exit."

Jiang Ting's brow suddenly frowned. The rules seemed to be true. Otherwise, Sun Hong would not refuse.

Then, Jiang Ting stares at the stall owner, full of fear... The stall owner knows that he is Jiang Ting, and he is still in a good mood of blackmail. In addition, he has the realm of eight gods. I'm afraid it's not a simple role.

Although Sun Hong is only a five level God, he can take out the pills from the inner Shendan Association. Moreover, fanghuacao can also directly add five plants. It seems that he is not an ordinary person.

If it's something else, Jiang Ting said he couldn't give it up. It's just Lei Yuandan's prescription. It's different.

Jiang tinggang has just experienced a fierce battle with Han Ye, and his desire for physical strength is the highest. Therefore, he will not give up this pill.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting's eyes narrowed slightly: "the spirit of the wind plus ten fragrant grasses, my bottom line."

Sun Hong's expression is an instant sink... He can't get a higher price at the moment!

The stall owner was even more smiling: "Sun Hong?"

Sun Hong ignored the stall owner and stared at Jiang Ting: "don't you quit?"

Jiang Ting saw this and reached out his hand directly: "Dan Fang... It's not Jiang who is knocking you off. What's the use of staring at Jiang?"

The stall owner expressed regret: "it seems that Sun Hong, you can't bring higher value... Unfortunately, I actually want to take the blood war pill."

After that, the stall owner throws out a jade slip, and then leaves from Jiangting with the result of Fanghua grass and the spirit of the wind.

"Evil spirit..." Jiang Ting whispered, staring at the back of the stall owner. He secretly decided that when he returned to Yu's house, he would ask who the evil spirit Sun Hong called him was.

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