In Jiang Ting's disordered mood, he felt a wave of obsession in just five minutes!

"It seems that after a long time of bad luck, we can still have some good luck." Jiang Ting's mood slowed down slightly It's good to feel obsession. He's really worried that if he can't attract obsession this time, he'll have to stay in the starry sky.

Then, Jiang Ting, who is familiar with the road, starts to use the meaning of time and space to arouse his obsession. He perceives the traction from his obsession, and Jiang Ting looks to other places I don't know if I can find a way to return to the real human body in my obsession this time.

This time the obsession, and whether it can solve.

With the spread of his thoughts, Jiang Ting's figure disappeared without a trace, and then countless pictures began to regress at an extremely terrifying speed in his serious life The speed is so fast that he can't even see clearly what is in the picture. He can only see the multicolored glass after the speed is so fast.

He's going back in time and space.

Although it has been experienced many times, Jiang Ting will feel not necessarily shocked by every experience With the increase of his realm, the more he can see, the more extraordinary he will be.

As if at this moment, Jiang Ting has no doubt that if he can completely control the meaning of time and space, use it at will, and see the countless pictures clearly Does that mean that all secrets will no longer be secrets in his eyes?

No matter how secret things are, as long as he reverses time and space, he can see what happened in the past. As long as he wants to know, nothing can hide from him.

Unfortunately, he can't see all the rough pictures at the moment, only the colorful light.

I don't know how long later.

Countless lights disappear in an instant, and the surrounding area of Jiangting is not colorful, but a field.

There is a field with a lot of food, and there is a village not far away.

After a glance, Jiang Ting looks at the village. According to his experience of releasing obsession, he comes with the help of obsession and will appear in the place where obsession occurs.

So, this time the obsession will be the village in front of us?

"Boom..." The sound of thunder broke out, and the thunders gathered on the top of the sky like demons, and the endless pressure began to sweep.

Jiang Ting raised his head in an instant: "hmm?"

As he looked up, he found The thunder in the sky is a curse to heaven He can sense that the scourge is aimed at him.

"I don't know How can it be that this is Taiyu mainland? " Jiang Ting just wanted to swear, his face suddenly became a little stupefied.

He sensed that there was a curse to attack him, and then subconsciously erupted. He sensed the surrounding. With his perception, he found that this was the mainland of Taiyu!

Well, a lower bound.

This lower world is nothing, but this lower world is the hometown of God King! He came here many times in order to solve his ruthless obsession.

For the last time before, the eye of heaven was ready to launch a scourge at any time. According to his intention of controlling time and space, he entered this time and space too many times, but he didn't belong to this time and space, and even tried to change history. Therefore, the evil of the eye of heaven against him increased rapidly.

After solving his ruthless obsession, he didn't care about the malice of the eye of heaven. After all, he won't come back. As a result This time the obsession, unexpectedly is the mainland?

Jiang Ting now wants to ask ruthlessly how much he has in his hometown, Taiyu mainland. He has two obsessions Obsession is nothing, everyone has more or less, but, can arouse the meaning of time and space favor, that can not be.

Just a continent of Taiyu, just a lower bound, there are no two obsessions that can arouse the interest of time and space.

What about him? There are other unknown forces in the scourge This time he entered, he would not stop until he was killed by Tianqian. Under the endless Tianqian attack, how could he have time to solve his obsession.

"I've been so unlucky lately!" With a murmur, Jiang Ting began to arouse the meaning of time and space without hesitation You're kidding. Are you still waiting to die?

There is a force that can kill him.

However, something unexpected happened.

Jiang Ting has just begun to arouse the meaning of time and space, and the thunder in the sky has begun to dissipate. Moreover, Jiang Ting can still see that the huge eyes of heaven reveal some confusion in his eyes.

Don't ask him how he can see it. He doesn't know. That day, the eyes of Tao's eyes were clear and indifferent, but he felt that the eyes of heaven's Tao seemed to show some confusion.

As a result, his move to leave quietly stopped.

"This is..." After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting suddenly reacts and looks down at his dragon body.

Well, he's a real dragon now. He doesn't have the spirit of the human race, only the dragon spirit. His dragon body is pure dragon body.

Besides his own thinking, all the others, from the inside out, are dragon people, and even his breath is totally different from the real human body.Therefore, he suddenly understood The eye of heaven should have failed to see through his true identity, which is still the Jiangting where he entered the Taiyu continent several times before. Therefore, the curse of heaven did not come.

As far as the eye of heaven is concerned, he is a dragon now, and he is here for the first time. Therefore, the curse of heaven will not come.

After thinking clearly, Jiang Ting looked at the eyes of heaven and hummed coldly: "don't let me understand what is the power that makes me palpitate and kill!"

If the eye of heaven has wisdom, with Jiang Ting's words, it can't be said that it's just a few natural disasters There is no obsession with it, just quietly with indifference looking at the river court.

Jiang Ting had been used to staring at him for a long time. He ignored the eyes of heaven. His body turned into a human race in a flash, and then walked towards the village.

Everything is in no hurry. First, go to see who can arouse the obsession, and then try to find a solution. After that, see if you can find a solution here.


Because it's day now, there are not many young people in the village, only some old and weak women and children Well, the stronger women didn't stay in the village. They were busy in the fields.

It's not easy for people at the bottom.

After entering the village, Jiang Ting was ready to stay in the village like the seven Spirits world. However, what he didn't expect was that when he entered the village, he felt the fluctuation of his obsession.

The person who arouses the obsession is now in the village,

"is there such a good thing? And I don't have to wait. " With a whisper, Jiang Ting quickly approaches the place where the obsession fluctuates. He is ready to see who is the person who triggers the obsession first.

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