Jiang Ting noticed that the person who caused the obsession was in the village. He immediately changed his attention and direction and began to approach the person.

Originally, I could understand it as soon as I swept away my mind However, the eye of heaven is there. Although the eye of heaven can't tell that he is Jiang Ting, Jiang Ting, based on the principle of being careful, does not use what he can feel, so as to prevent the eye of heaven from condensing the curse of heaven.

What puzzled him was that there was endless thunder before, and it seemed that they didn't notice it in and out of the village. I don't know whether it was common or not. They couldn't notice the curse of God.

Soon, Jiang Ting came to the target house.

It's a thatched cottage. It's surrounded by a wooden fence outside. If you don't jump up, you can't see what's going on inside.

After approaching, Jiang Ting was ready to knock on the door, but as soon as he reached out his hand was slightly stiff Dead breath, dying breath.

Even if he deliberately constricts his perception, even if he intentionally shrinks his mind, he still feels that the people inside are going to die.

After all, he is an eight level God. Even if he doesn't feel it intentionally, he can still be clearly perceived by him when he is too close.

Is the person who causes obsession dying?

Does his obsession not want to die?

Between the mood, Jiang Ting still began to knock on the door.

"Dong Dong..." The three knocks were quite orderly.


An old voice sounded in the wooden fence yard, and then Jiang Ting heard the sound of "rustling", apparently approaching the gate.

Jiang Ting looks unchanged: "I'm a passing traveler. I want to ask my father-in-law for a drink. I don't know if it's convenient."

"You wait." As the voice fell, the door opened, revealing a thin old man with white hair. Jiang Ting could clearly feel the smell of decay.

Is the old man dying?

"Younger generation, come in." The old man showed a smile.

Jiang Ting asked me to give thanks: "thank you, father-in-law."

"Nothing." The old man laughed and then turned around to give water to Jiang Tingtao with a gourd shaped ladle.

"Gululu..." Jiang Ting seemed very thirsty and drank fast.

The old man said in a hurry: "young man, drink slowly, don't choke."

Jiang Ting pretended to be bold and heroic, wiped the corners of his mouth, and clasped his fist: "thank you, old man!"

The old man shook his head slightly: "you are so polite."

Then the old man approached a rattan chair in the yard, then lay on it and looked at the sky quietly.

If someone is really passing by, he will leave now, but Jiang Ting He just looked for you to get close first, so it was impossible for him to leave.

So Jiang Ting approached quietly: "father-in-law, what's on your mind?"

The old man suddenly laughed: "what's on your mind? Old man, I've lived a lot of years. What's on my mind now? "

Jiang Ting's mood sank slightly The closer he gets, the more he can find the strong obsession in the decadent It was the old man who caused the obsession.

If it's an ordinary time, he doesn't mind taking his time. Anyway, he doesn't lack time. Compared with the long and distant Shouyuan, even if he's here for decades or hundreds of years, it's nothing.

But the old man is dying!

Because the distance at the moment is too close, even if Jiang Ting didn't feel it carefully, he can see from his vision of the eighth level God that the old man must drive the crane to the West for at least two days and at most three days.

After a moment's silence, Jiang Ting whispered: "father-in-law, I have passed many villages on my way, but there are very few people like him who are willing to talk about water The elder of my family once said that a drop of water should be rewarded by a spring. Originally, I was going to drink it before and repay it with some gold and silver. "

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head again: "but you If I'm right, my father-in-law, you are suffering from death. You, Shouyuan, are coming to an end. Common things like gold and silver are useless to my father-in-law. "

The old man immediately looked up at Jiang ting.

After a long time, the old man suddenly laughed: "your eyesight is extraordinary I really don't have many days to live. Maybe I will be tired in ten and a half days, and the villagers will send me to the earth. "

Jiang Ting slightly clasped his fist: "I admire my father-in-law's state of mind."

The old man was surprised: "Oh?"

Jiang Ting explained directly: "knowing that death is coming, few people can be as calm as father-in-law."

He was more and more worried. The old man said his wish A dying man has obsession. It must be the wish of the old man if there is no accident. It can also arouse the favor of time and space. He doesn't care how difficult the obsession is. He only cares about what the obsession is!

"Maybe I've lived too long and seen a lot of mountains and rivers."

At the end of the speech, the old man looked at the sky again: "old man, I saw a lot of deaths when I was young Death is not terrible. "

"My father-in-law's state of mind is admired by Mr. Jiang."

At the end of the speech, Jiang Ting showed some awe: "the words of my father-in-law have benefited Jiang a lot I don't know if my father-in-law's wish has come true? If you have, you may as well tell Jiang. Jiang also has some means to help Lao Zhang fulfill your wish. In this way, you have the right to repay the kindness of dripping water and even the love you just gave him. "Jiang Ting said the purpose directly The old man is going to die. He will continue to delay. If the old man dies, he will be useless even if he solves his obsession.

We must know what obsession is as soon as possible, and then do it as soon as possible before the old man dies. Otherwise When people are dead, what's the use of obsession? Obsession will still exist.

Fortunately, the old man is about to die, and it should not be difficult to know his wish with such calm.

It's like knowing what Jiang Ting thinks


In the murmur, the old man looked at me and said with a smile: "if you say wish, I really have such a bone."

Jiang Ting immediately asked, "what is it?"


After a pause, the old man shook his head slightly: "since I was young, I knew that there were practitioners in heaven and earth, so I always wanted to practice. Unfortunately, until I was about to go to the earth, I still couldn't do what I wanted. It was God's will that I couldn't force it."

"Practice?" Jiang Ting's eyes were slightly stiff.

When the old man said the word "cultivation", the fluctuation of obsession became stronger Jiang Ting immediately determined that the old man didn't cheat him. To cultivate was the old man's wish, and even more, obsession.

It seems very simple to solve this obsession, just let him step on the road of cultivation.

But in fact Jiang Ting felt the deep malice, even felt powerless.

If this is the endless realm of God, if there is no eye of heaven staring at him With his strength, it's easy for a mortal to wash his essence and cultivate his talent!

But this is the mainland of Taiyu, which belongs to the past of history. How dare he wash the marrow for the old man?

The eye of heaven is not a decoration!

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