It has been half a month since the arrival of the mysterious and mysterious artistic conception, but it has not been really and thoroughly condensed with Jiang ting. On the contrary, it has always kept a fixed distance from him.

During this period, he also tried to speed up and try to get close like a fool Well, the artistic conception will move as much as he moves.

Of course, it's just his hazy feeling at the moment He is now self styled, and his whole body, no matter the realm or the spirit, has only the strength of the first level God. Perhaps, the artistic conception is only in his perception, and it is not impossible that it does not really appear.

The perception of the first level God is still too fragile.

Maybe he didn't do anything wrong at the moment, but something was ignored by him. If not, how could it be full and half a month? How could it be that the things of artistic conception never come near?

If there is no news of the return of the humane imperial court, Jiang Ting will not be in a hurry But just because he knew the news, Jiang Ting was very worried. He could not continue to delay.

There has been no progress for half a month, which is enough for Jiang ting to think about whether he has done something wrong.

But Jiang Ting thought about it, but he didn't find anything bad in the past half a month. Maybe the only problem is his memory and vision?

However, it is impossible for him to really remember I've sealed my memory. Who knows what accident will happen?

In case of accidentally forming a feud with someone and losing his memory, he will also seal his strength and even his physical body. At that time, if he dies in the hands of the second level God and the third level God, it will be funny.

Moreover, not to mention that he is not sure whether the underworld will never appear again!

"Headache. It's not hard for me to run a shop for half a month. At least I've worked very hard. Even if there's a problem, it makes me understand..."

Before the words fell, Jiang Ting suddenly thought of something, and his face suddenly sank.


He seems, maybe maybe What did you find!

How did he get here? I bought it with the stone!

Where is the stone from?

His own, of course There's nothing wrong with this one.

But Jiang Ting suddenly remembered His divine stone, strictly speaking, belongs to him before, not to him who is ready to train his heart.

In thinking about the last words Dan Heng left behind, forget the past, forget everything, into the world.

Forget everything To put it simply, it's to leave everything behind for the time being.

And he still has the stone that he can't get at the time of heart training

Jiang Ting's eyes showed a thought: "can it be this problem?"

Although he felt that it should have nothing to do with Shenshi He just denied it, but he didn't feel it.

After all, it was the first time that he began to experience mental training. He had never even heard of it before, and no one could help him. He had to try everything by himself.

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Ting suddenly got up, then took out the storage bag, aimed at the canteen not far from his side, and began to shake.

"Wow..." One stone after another was shaken like a pond by the river court.

However, in a short period of time, one of the sacred stones taken out by Jiangting was counted as one, and all of them were still in the pond by Jiangting.

Then Jiang Ting looked at the storage bag in his hand, hesitated for a while, and still put the storage bag into the pond.

Although storage bags are common and not precious, if you want to buy them, they can also sell a lot of sacred stones Can the storage bag left by Jiangting be small? If it's really a storage bag worth only one or two or even dozens of sacred stones, I'm afraid Jiangting is too lazy to pick it up on the ground.

So treasure the storage bag, or lost it.

After throwing the storage bag into the pond, Jiang Ting suddenly laughed: "how stupid I am If it's really related to these sacred stones and storage bags, as a first-class God, I'm willing to throw away so many good things at the moment. Isn't it just a brain drain? "

After laughing Jiang Ting didn't pick it up either. He was going to have a look in a few days. If he still didn't respond, he would take out the stone and the storage bag. After all, he was only a first-class God. If he lost the stone, he would lose countless confidence.

But what he didn't expect was It seems that, as he thought, the storage bag and stone represent something he left behind.

It seems that it's really because those sacred stones and storage bags are isolated from the coming of artistic conception.

His smile does not care about the whisper just fell, full half a month has not been close to the mood, even in an instant, the moment came.

At the same time, Jiang Ting's face began to twist: "hiss..."

It hurts!

What a pain!

Up and down the body, from the outside to the inside, whether it's the body or the soul, whether it's the head or the toes, no matter where, no matter where, all pain to the extreme.

As if, in an instant, countless swordsmen hit every inch of his body and soul at the same time.

Then, in a flash, all the pain disappeared, as if it were just his illusion.Jiang Ting's face, which had just been twisted together because of the pain, became stunned

Then, just for a moment, Jiang Ting's pupils shrank again.

Time and space!

He sensed that the artistic conception was entangled with the meaning of time and space in his body. At the same time, the meaning of time and space became extremely chaotic at this moment.

It's so chaotic that it's hard to perceive and understand.

At the moment, the meaning of time and space is slowly merging with him. Before

, the meaning of time and space was only temporarily left in his spirit, even if it was not the essence of the tide. He could not even control it, but now, because of the blending with that artistic conception, the meaning of time and space is merging with him.

he can feel that once the meaning of time and space and his integration are completed, he will use the concept of time and space very freely. Even if he loses the essence of tidal wave, it has nothing to do with it, because the meaning of time and space is integrated with him.

Is this the way to train your mind?

When we take the road of heart training, it means the time when the rules and ourselves are integrated?

However, why is it called the road of heart training instead of the road of integration? The way of rules?

And the reason why Jiang Ting thinks so It is because he can feel, at the moment, the integration of the meaning of time and space with him is very slow.

Words may not be able to make people understand the speed. To be more specific Jiang Ting is sure that, according to the speed he perceives at the moment, without more than 100000 years, he will not be able to completely integrate with him.

Hundred thousand years It has not been a thousand years since Jiang Ting was born.

It's not a long time to count by 100000 It's, it's very, very long.

Because of his awareness, Jiang Ting hesitated: "the way to cultivate your mind Since it is called the way to cultivate the mind, is it related to the heart? The speed of integration is related to my heart? "

He didn't believe it. Seriously, everyone would be so long I'm afraid the reason why it's so long is related to his mood? Or is it related to his integration into the world?

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