Jiang Ting noticed the time needed for complete integration, and immediately found something wrong It's too long. It's too long. Maybe it's related to his mood at the moment?

In the past half a month, he has achieved everything that a shopkeeper should have, but the speed is still so slow. Maybe he is not suitable to be a shopkeeper?

If you think about it carefully, Jiang Ting is a first-class God.

Those who will open shops in this city are basically second-class gods. As a first-class God, he is somewhat independent in this city.

It used to be all right, but now what he has to do is to integrate into it. Then, his unique work is a drawback.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting raised his head slowly: "it seems that this grocery store should be closed..."

He decided to try to change his identity from tomorrow. If there is a change in the speed of integration, it will prove that he really shouldn't open a shop. If there is no change, maybe there are other reasons he doesn't know.

The reason why Jiang Ting is so anxious is not that he can't wait With his ability, even if it really takes 100000 years to merge, he can afford to wait!

However, the first level God can't wait!

The first level God can't live in this realm for a hundred thousand years Gayne, it's not difficult for a first-class God to be promoted to a second-class God. No first-class God will really be trapped in the realm of a first-class God for 100000 years.

If you are really trapped for 100000 years He was killed by someone else.

Shenyu is not a good place, nor a paradise!

As for leaving Jiang Ting has already known what Dan Heng said about the inevitable disaster.

At this moment, the meaning of time and space in his body is too chaotic, too chaotic, even in the slow integration with him, but it can not stand half an accident and fiddle!

As long as there is a little turbulence of external forces, the meaning of time and space is bound to riot, and then He's going to die!

Jiang Ting has no doubt that as long as there is a problem with the chaotic meaning of time and space, his body and spirit will be completely torn up by the chaotic meaning of time and space, and the end of the destruction of the spirit is good.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Ting is not willing to wait for 100000 years. After such a long time, he is not sure that there will be no accident.

"The road ahead, I should be happy I have an indelible mark on my body. Even if all the gods and souls are destroyed, I can still keep a touch of true spirit and enter reincarnation again. I have a foundation. It's a big deal to live again. " With whispering, Jiang Ting shakes his head slightly and presses down all thoughts.

At the moment, the more you think about it, the less good it will be for him.

Next, let's see if changing the identity in this city can change the speed of integration. If not, I'm afraid it will be troublesome.

The next day, it was bright.

Jiang Ting left the shop directly and walked slowly on the street.

After a while, Jiang Ting's steps quietly stopped He saw Lao Wang's shop! What's more, there is a notice outside Lao Wang's shop to recruit apprentices?

Lao Wang left the shop and was a little surprised: "brother Jiang, why don't you do business today?"

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "shopkeeper Wang, I came here today to tell the shopkeeper that I have lost too much money recently. I'm afraid it's difficult to continue to open a shop in the future. In the future, shopkeeper Wang will find someone else to buy the black stone."

When Lao Wang's face was stunned, he nodded gently: "OK, I've got it."

Jiang Ting smiles and turns to leave. The reason why he comes here is to tell the old Wang, so that he won't be able to take out the black stone when the old Wang runs to ask for it next month.

As he turned to leave, Jiang Ting began to think Why don't you go to a place where you can do pills business as an apprentice?

With his alchemy attainments Even if he doesn't expose anything, just a little knowledge, he should be able to live well as an apprentice of alchemy. Moreover, as an apprentice of alchemy, he can contact many people, which is very helpful for him to integrate here!

To Jiang Ting's surprise, he just decided He suddenly felt that the meaning of time and space in his body was rioting again!

The level of chaos is rising in an instant!

Also because of more chaos, the speed of integration with his spirit and body in an instant has increased by a hundred times!

"Gululu..." Even Jiang Ting couldn't help swallowing at the moment Half happy, half scared.

A hundred times more chaos?

Limited by the present state and mind, Jiang Ting can't feel how chaotic it is, but yesterday's chaos can tear his spirit and body to pieces, to the present level of chaos Well, it's all dead anyway, it doesn't make any difference.

The joy is that the speed of integration has been increased by a hundred times, but if he has a mind, he will be increased by a hundred times. If he really wants to become an apprentice in alchemy, can he actually increase the speed?

By then, it will only take hundreds of years to integrate?

For hundreds of years . still a little more.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting continued to move and decided to try to see other identities. If there was no identity faster than the alchemy apprentice, he would go to a place to apply for the position of an apprentice.One is likely to take only a few hundred years, while the other is likely to take 100000 years to build a base Jiang Ting will not choose to continue to open a shop!

After a while, Jiang Ting entered another street.

In this street, there are few shops, but many people worship the stalls.

"How about I set up a stall?" Jiang Ting thought quietly in his heart.

When the heart feels something, it suddenly becomes the outside.

Jiang Ting found that the degree of chaos has increased a little Well, not much, very little.

But to be specific, it would be faster than his apprenticeship in alchemy, maybe decades.


After swallowing his saliva, Jiang Ting moves forward slowly again. He only feels that life is full of excitement. There is a little meaning of time and space in his body. Instead of trying to be stable, he also tries to make the meaning of time and space more violent.

Stalls in the wind and rain This identity was also used as a backup by Jiang ting.

After all, it's faster than the alchemy apprentice.

As he walked along, Jiang Ting soon walked through several streets and passed a huge mansion. He did not know which second-class God "strong man" was in the mansion.

Glancing at the street, he flashed his mood: "it's a job to go to this mansion as a servant or to apply for a guard, and I don't know what will happen."

Feeling in the heart, feeling in the appearance Then, Jiang Ting obviously felt that the degree of chaos in the body became more stable.

Specifically, five thousand years should be able to completely integrate.

“…… After a moment of silence, Jiang Ting left without looking back, saying nothing.


soon, three days passed slowly.

Jiang Ting, once again returned to the shop gate, the shop under his plate.

In these three days, Jiang Ting walked through the city under his feet again. He tried all his identities in his heart, and also recorded the speed of his integration.

Just, the fastest identity Let him surprise, but also let him uneasy!

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