In the face of the Zhao brothers' pretending to be stupid, Blacksmith Zhang was so angry that he used his magic power to whip them and began to beat them However, it was only a short time before they were beaten. Under Blacksmith Zhang's ruthlessness, they were directly beaten to pieces.

Jiang Ting has no doubt that if the Zhao brothers don't talk, Blacksmith Zhang will continue to smoke It is impossible to break the whip which is condensed by divine power.

So Go on to the theatre.

Heart read so far, Jiangting God continued to look up.

"Ah There are many screams.

Blacksmith Zhang keeps whipping, the Zhao brothers are whipped, and Jiang Ting is watching the play Somehow, the more you look at this picture, the more it seems that Jiang ting and Zhang blacksmith are bullies, while the Zhao brothers are innocent and oppressed.

Soon, about a quarter of an hour passed.

Blacksmith Zhang's beating continues.

After a full quarter of an hour, there was not much good meat in the whole body of the Zhao brothers. It seemed that they were really miserable to the extreme.

"Ah..." The screams are still echoing.

Jiang Ting didn't care.

But soon it turned slightly sideways Although the appearance of the Zhao brothers is miserable now, they are still full of spirit after listening to the voice.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Ting finds that After all, these two people are first-class gods. The whip seems to be in a mess, but it seems that they can't cause fundamental damage.

As for the smacking pain The pain, is nothing, after all, pain, also used to.

Jiang Ting suspected that after ten and a half days of smoking, these two people might not be able to recruit.

Although he doesn't care about ten days and a half months, he and Blacksmith Zhang have been smoking them here all the time. It seems that some of them are not very good.

After thinking for a while, Jiang tingcai said: "Blacksmith Zhang."

Blacksmith Zhang did not look back: "do you want to smoke? Together

Jiang Ting's eyes twinkled: "whip them, they seem to be able to resist, it's better to change a way."

"What can I do?"

Without waiting for an answer, Blacksmith Zhang shook his head again: "although the effect of whipping is not good enough, as long as the time goes on, these two people will not be able to carry it, and it's a pity not to use such a good human flesh sandbag?"

The corner of Jiang Ting's mouth suddenly began to smoke, and suddenly began to suspect that the blacksmith would not use other methods of pressing questions, but simply wanted to smoke these two people.

Mood, Jiang Ting did not care, but whispered: "Zhao Wen, Zhao Guang, do not say?"

Zhao Guang two people start to scold angrily: "special, you pour is to ask, what do you want to know after all!"

"And pretend to be stupid?" Blacksmith Zhang was angry.

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "since you have to pretend to be stupid Tell me, who are you related to in the Lord's mansion? Who set us up again! "

The two brothers of the Zhao family immediately replied, "you We can't understand what you're talking about! "

Look at the grievance and miserable look, like a very long-term bullying of the poor.

Blacksmith Zhang continued to wave his whip: "brother Jiang, I said that these two people like to play dumb and let me continue to beat them! I don't believe it. I treat them as ore and whip as sledgehammer. If I continue to pull them down, they will not move

Seeing this, Jiang Ting pondered for a while, and suddenly revealed some inexplicable: "Blacksmith Zhang, I remember you have salt, don't you?"

"It does. What's the matter?" Blacksmith Zhang turned his head to show his surprise.

After becoming a God, there is no need to take food to supplement the energy needed by the body to survive. However, there are many people who do not become a God in the blacksmith shop. They need to eat.

What's more, delicious food can satisfy some appetite. Therefore, Blacksmith Zhang's storage bag is really prepared with salt.

Jiang Ting looked more and more inexplicable: "why don't you sprinkle some salt on their wounds?"

"Brother Jiang, you are smart." Blacksmith Zhang showed a little pity, but without delay, he took out a handful of white, dusty salt and threw it at the Zhao brothers.

"Ah..." Scream of the sound, instantly become a lot of sharp, stab two people's eardrum are some pain.

It's not easy to be beaten, but now it's sprinkled on the wound by salt How painful is it?

As the saying goes, don't put salt on the wound Well, just listen to the shrill screams of the Zhao brothers.

Jiang Ting doesn't know how painful it is. Anyway, he doesn't want to try it himself. He doesn't have the idea of self abuse.

Looking back at Blacksmith Zhang, the corner of his mouth showed a little coldness: "what's the noise? The noise is killing my head

After that, Blacksmith Zhang used another magic power to seal their throats and mouths directly. The scream disappeared instantly and became quiet here.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting immediately decided The blacksmith thought that he was angry with these two people before, but as a secondary God, he was not convenient to deal with them. Now he has the chance to deal with them on purpose.But what does it have to do with him?

Look at Blacksmith Zhang.

Perhaps know Jiang Ting eager to know the person behind the scenes, the two voices sealed, eyes cold: "want to move, quickly nod, I'm not interested in listening to your scream."

Then Blacksmith Zhang waved his hand again. The stone slabs in the courtyard broke in an instant, and then the broken stones were condensed and recombined. But in an instant, the broken stones were condensed into the size of cotton swabs?

After the condensation, the corner of Blacksmith Zhang's mouth Rose: "tut Tut, it's said that the fingers are connected. If I use this tool to pierce through your fingernails and apply some salt water and chili water, it should be very delicious, right?"

The two brothers of the Zhao family, who are still making a silent scream, become frightened when they face rongdun.

Jiang Ting retreats quietly Sure enough, he was too simple. The blacksmith didn't look like a mountain without dew. He really had a way of tormenting people.

Like him, apart from knowing to sprinkle some salt water and pepper water, the rest will know the penalty of lingchi.

After that, Blacksmith Zhang waved his hand gently, and the stone swab broke out of the air.

"Bang Bang "

maybe it's too painful. The" cotton swab "just pierced into the fingers of the Zhao brothers. Before Blacksmith Zhang could put on the salt water, the Zhao brothers immediately began to struggle violently. They broke through Blacksmith Zhang's magic power that stuck their necks and fell to the ground, even more rolling on the ground.

It's just that the voice is sealed and everything is silent.

Blacksmith Zhang became cold: "what's the hurry? It's not a big show yet. "

After that, the divine power reappeared, obviously to re imprison them.

The Zhao brothers' bodies suddenly began to shake, and then they both nodded wildly, and their pupils were full of fear

Blacksmith Zhang became disdainful: "two waste, such a little pain can not bear, dare to count us?"

However, he released the blockade of their voice and was ready to see who was behind the scenes.

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