In the face of the Zhao brothers' crazy nod for mercy, Blacksmith Zhang became extremely disdainful, but he still released their voice, ready to listen to who is behind the scenes.

"Ah..." The voice of the imprisonment has just been lifted, Zhao brothers scream suddenly sounded, only to hear people feel pain.

Blacksmith Zhang suddenly hummed coldly: "try to quarrel?"

The Zhao brothers immediately covered their mouths for fear of making any noise But that is still twitching the body, but proved that they are not feeling well at the moment.

It's only when you feel better There's not a good piece of meat on his whole body, but all of them are salted by Blacksmith Zhang, and his ten fingers are punctured by Blacksmith Zhang's cotton swab made of stone

Also thanks to them is a God, if you change into other did not become God, I'm afraid the pain is dead.

Blacksmith Zhang tilted his head slightly: "tell me, who is calculating me?"

Zhao Wen repressed the pain of his whole body and roared: "you . do you really want to know? "

Blacksmith Zhang's face was cold: "it's like I'm afraid of Blacksmith Zhang, say it!"

Zhao Wen held back the twitch and whispered: "I say"

now, where are these two people's tenacity.

At this moment, change suddenly.

"Bang" sounds.

Jiang ting and Blacksmith Zhang turned around at the same time The prohibition set by Blacksmith Zhang is broken.

The prohibition is just a blacksmith's prohibition to isolate the sound and picture. If there is a second level God, it can be broken easily. Just for no reason, who will suddenly break the ban?

"Just two local ruffians dare to take advantage of our city Lord's mansion to seek death." Long Hua's voice suddenly rang out.

"Huhu..." The sound of breaking the air.

Just at the moment when Jiang Ting turned his head.

Do you want to, Jiang Ting suddenly fled to the right At the moment, after all, he has only one level of God, which limits his strength. No matter what the sound is, it's no harm to avoid it.

The sound of "Yiyi" sounded as if something had penetrated into someone's body.

Jiang Ting, who had just avoided, was stunned at first, then his pupils shrank slightly and suddenly turned back to look inside the courtyard.

I just saw two cold lights slowly disappearing, and the frightened eyes of the Zhao brothers The look of fear before death.

Two brothers of Zhao family died.

The breath is cut off, and the Godhead is crushed before it even appears, so that it can't die any more.

And the one who did it

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting turned quietly: "how can the Lord of the city suddenly come?"

Ban broken, people outside Well, it's a lot less than before. After all, it's forbidden and isolated, and you can't see anything. Naturally, the people who watch the play won't stay.

Long Hua, the city leader in the street, shook his head slightly: "I heard that you were looking for these two rascals Well, you can take revenge, but why torture like this? The Lord of our city couldn't see it, so he gave them a good time. "

At the end of the sentence, Long Hua suddenly tilted his head: "Blacksmith Zhang, what's the matter with you?"

"No It's OK. " Blacksmith Zhang shook his head in an instant.

However, Jiang Ting can see that the words of Blacksmith Zhang are obviously false, and the deepest one is uncertain.

As for the reason It's not complicated.

Long Hua didn't do it long ago, but he was killed just when the Zhao brothers couldn't bear the torture and were ready to tell the identity of the person who framed them.

Anyone with a little brain can guess some.

And Longhua deeply looked at them, then turned around: "people are meat long, next time, don't torture people like this."

Words fall, long Huayan turns away.

Jiang Ting was silent for a long time before he whispered: "we were set up before. I'm afraid we have something to do with Longhua Also, when you think about it carefully, the city Lord's mansion is all in the hands of Long Hua. How can he not have a look at the materials he sent to Wang Pinglian? How could Wang Ping have been so easily injured by the refining materials without his instruction or even ignoring it? "


after a moment of silence, Blacksmith Zhang shook his head slightly: "brother Jiang, let's stop this matter, don't you think?"

Jiang Ting's eyes were instantly picked.

With his temperament, if he knew that Longhua was suspected, how could he stop? It's never his nature to take revenge!

But now He is still in the process of refining his mind, and the last wisp has not been fused. He doesn't want to create any problems at all.

Long Hua can't deal with them for no reason. It's obviously because of the Zhao brothers Now Longhua personally killed the Zhao brothers. Obviously, Longhua wanted to end this matter.

After a moment's silence, Jiang Ting chuckled: "it's not bad that this matter ends here Go back to the blacksmith's shop. Although the rest of the blacksmiths can stop a lot of rumors after they go back, if you don't go back, there may be some bad rumors in the end. "

"OK, go back." Blacksmith Zhang's face was also happy.Although Blacksmith Zhang could not swallow that breath, but It's obviously impossible for him to fight against the Lord of the city. He doesn't have the strength.

Because of the inconvenience at the moment, Jiang Ting doesn't want to have any other trouble, so although they suffer from this, they still have a tacit understanding and don't want to continue to pursue this matter.


soon, about one month passed quietly.

After Jiang ting and Blacksmith Zhang returned to the blacksmith shop, everything returned to the old days.

Day after day, there is no leisure.

The rest of the people also know that the blacksmith shop was only framed before the disaster, not the blacksmith shop's fraud. Everything seems to be back to the original.

City Lord mansion, the deepest, city Lord Long Hua sitting quietly in the deepest.

The commander of the guard clasped his fist slightly: "Lord of the city."

Longhua whispered, "what are Blacksmith Zhang and Jiang Ting doing these days?"

Tian An did not hesitate to say: "strike iron, do business."

Long Hua's eyes suddenly flashed: "no other action?"

Tian Andong shook his head: "no I don't know. What does the Lord want to explore? "

The corner of Longhua's mouth suddenly grinned: "it seems that the Lord of this city has been hated."

Tian An blinked a little.

Seeing this, Long Hua pondered for a while before he spoke slowly: "Tian An, you and I have a good friendship. The city master knows that you have already guessed the truth, haven't you?"

Tian An frowned and nodded after a while: "after all, I am in charge of all the guards of the city Lord's mansion. Zhao Guang and Zhao Wen think they are secret, but in fact, they are always in my sight when they go in and out of the city Lord's mansion several times I have known for a long time that they are related to the city master. I heard that Jiang ting and Blacksmith Zhang entered the Zhao brothers' Farewell garden, and then the city master suddenly killed the Zhao brothers. I guessed some of them. "

"You're right. They've always been my dogs."

After a pause, Long Hua's eyes narrowed slightly: "this time, they inadvertently learned a secret, but they had a feud with the blacksmith shop, so It's a pity that there is such a character as Jiang ting in the blacksmith's shop. His previous behavior was impulsive. "

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