Fortunately, people here can't understand the realm of Jiangting. Otherwise, if they know that Jiangting is a nine level God, they will be scared to death.

On the other hand, looking at the people who hit the ground, their brows slightly wrinkled, showing a little headache: "what should I do with you?"

Long Hua roared: "who are you?"

Jiang Ting gently waved: "quiet, let me think about how I deal with you."

Then people here suddenly found that they could not even speak Longhua and the guards of the Lord's mansion are more and more frightened.

What is such a terrible power? Who on earth did they provoke?

And Jiang Ting's headache is not false. According to his temperament, these people forced him to the same level as before. Now that he lifted the seal, he naturally killed. He is not a good man, and he will not do anything stupid.

He has a headache It is because after the fusion, he found a new problem, and it is precisely because of this problem that he is not the king of God at all, and he is still a nine level God.

It's not that he doesn't want to be promoted directly to the king, but that he can't!

He can feel that he can be promoted to the king of God, as long as he wants, now he can, just He can't!

mentioned long ago that the reason why Jiangting can control time and space is not because he can control, but because he gained the tidal essence from the God Dan Association.

and the essence of the tide is not infinite. Why does the essence of the tide give him temporary control? At the beginning, he did not know.

But now, he knows, no one told, but because of the integration of the meaning of time and space and his, he really understands.

tidal essence, though the essence of tides, is not the tides of ordinary rivers but what extraordinary rivers, but from the long river of time and space.

That is the river that Jiang Ting once saw when he turned back to the past.

tidal essence comes from the long and space-time river. Therefore, Jiang Ting can take advantage of the essence of the tide to control the meaning of time and space briefly.

Just like this, it doesn't give Jiang ting a headache. The reason why he has a headache It is because, in essence, he is almost completely puzzled about the meaning of time and space.

The reason is almost It is because of his three obsessions that he can intervene in time and space with the help of those brief waves, so he is not completely puzzled.

is precisely because of this, although the meaning of time and space is in his control, it is controlled by the essence of the tide, not his own ability.

Now, if he is promoted to the king of God Well, it's going to die!

The reason is also very simple, he did not understand the meaning of time and space.

It seems very contradictory to say that the meaning of time and space is integrated with him, but he has not controlled it yet But in fact, he has not been able to control and understand the meaning of time and space.

Which one is not the first one to understand the rules, and then to practice his mind, so that the rules and himself can be integrated When it was Jiang Ting's turn, everything was reversed. After the fusion, he suddenly found that he had not gone to realize.

If you are promoted at the moment The meaning of time and space must be backfired. At that time, he may be crushed by the meaning of time and space.

Therefore, Jiang Ting found that he now needs to understand the true meaning of the rule of time and space, and only after that can he be promoted to the king of God.

After a while, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly, not thinking To control the rules is the sign of the realm of God. He always uses the essence of tide to control the meaning of time and space, and to control the meaning of time and space is the necessary process.

It's nothing. Cultivation is going step by step.

Without thinking, Jiang Ting looked at Long Hua and others According to his temperament, he should have killed directly.

However, Jiang Ting had to admit that there was an absolute reason why he suddenly understood Chu Xin and was driven to a desperate situation by Long Hua and others. Without them, he did not know when he would understand. If there was no crisis of life and death, he would never understand.

Let them go? Give them favors?

How can it be!

"Woo woo "While Jiang Ting is thinking, Long Hua and others are more and more frightened, constantly struggling to make a sound.

But their voice was imprisoned by Jiangting, they could not make a sound at all, and they could only make some "Wuwu" sound.

Jiang Ting, however, tilted his head and pondered for a long time, and finally raised his head slowly: "actually, according to my temperament, I should have killed you directly. I didn't have any psychological burden to kill you directly, but I can understand that the last opportunity this time has nothing to do with your encirclement and suppression. If I kill you directly, I feel that it might have something to do with it What a bad result. "

"Wu Wu Wu..." Long Hua and others want to speak, but they can't say anything.

Jiang Ting didn't care. He continued to talk to himself: "think about it, decide whether it's right or wrong, merits or demerits, and talk about it separately."

After that, Jiang Ting's eyes smile: "next, I will let go of your imprisonment. I hope you will be quiet."As Jiang Ting's voice falls, Long Hua and others instantly realize that the confinement on their bodies has been dispersed, and their bodies have recovered as usual.


Long Hua didn't run away, but suddenly bowed his head: "master, I don't know who you are?"

Jiang Ting didn't want to answer, but slightly tilted his head: "because of you, I have fused the last opportunity. This time, my heart training should also be considered to be successful. Therefore, as revenge, I will let each of you improve your realm. In this way, it's enough to think about it."

Long Hua and others were stunned at first, and then felt a great power, driving the power in their bodies with the great momentum of destroying Gula.

After that, Long Hua and others were shocked to find that their realm had broken through one after another.

There's a calculation. It's all broken through.

Longhua and Tian'an have several other second level gods. Now they are third level gods. The original first level gods have become second level gods.

As Jiang Ting said, they have broken through one after another! The only one who hasn't changed is Blacksmith Zhang.

This time, they are more and more sure of Jiang Ting's unfathomability.

Everyone knelt down on the ground and began to kowtow: "thank you, master, thank you..."

That's frightening Before, they were crazy to encircle and suppress Jiangting. Although they don't know why Jiangting is foolishly promoting their realm at the moment, it certainly doesn't hurt to be low-key and sincere.

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "you're welcome. After all, you forced my integration. Next, it's time to say punishment."

Long Hua took the lead to speak boldly: "I don't know what the punishment of the elder is?"

In his opinion, since Jiang Ting has worked hard to help them improve their level, killing them will definitely not kill them. The only thing that needs to be careful is that Jiang Ting will ask them to do something to forgive them and whether they will be in danger of life.

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