In the face of Jiang Ting's voice, Long Hua took the lead in daring to ask, trying to leave a good image. As for the possibility of death, he didn't think so at all.

He doesn't believe it. Jiang Ting takes great pains to help them improve their level, but he kills them the next moment. Is that possible? impossible!

Look at Jiang ting.

The corner of his mouth rose slowly: "my life creed of Jiang is very simple. If people don't offend me, I'm not a prisoner. If people offend me Ha ha. "

After a pause, a touch of sword Light Rose silently: "as a reward for bringing me the last chance, the cultivation realm I help you to improve, we can be regarded as the two Qing Dynasty, then the rest is your revenge of attack and killing."

Longhua's pupil shrinks: "master, you..."

"Punishment, of course, will die out!" Jiang Ting looks as usual.

As his voice fell, the light of the sword cut through the sky.


"Don't kill me . Rao Spare my life... "

"No Don't Let me go It's all Longhua's fault... "


There was a continuous scream, and every sword light flickered, there must be a man, lying dead on the spot.

However, in a short period of half a breath, except for Blacksmith Zhang, one of them died, and no one escaped.

It's not that they don't want to escape, it's that there's a big gap between their strengths If a group of people who have just been promoted to the third level God and the second level God by Jiangting can escape in the hands of Jiangting, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

Long Hua and others didn't expect that Jiang Ting, who had worked hard to help them improve their accomplishments the moment before, would suddenly attack them the next moment Until they die, their hearts are full of puzzles.

But Jiang Ting didn't care at all. He helped them to improve their level. As he said, it was just an opportunity to understand their encirclement and suppression.

It was never his nature to let go of the enemy.

After killing all the others, Jiang Ting looks at Blacksmith Zhang again with a slight frown The reason why he didn't help Blacksmith Zhang improve his level before was that he wasn't ready to kill Blacksmith Zhang.

What are the benefits?

That's nothing to Jiang ting. His realm of nine level God is there. It's easy for him to promote Blacksmith Zhang to six level God, seven level God and even eight level God!

With his strength and his elixir reserve, if Blacksmith Zhang doesn't care about his future, he may be cut off. Jiang Ting can make Blacksmith Zhang become an eight level God!

It's just

after staring at Blacksmith Zhang for a long time, Jiang tingcai whispered, "Blacksmith Zhang, go."

Blacksmith Zhang was stunned: "you . won't you kill me? "

"It's reasonable to say that since you were in Longhua's arms before, I should have killed you, but If I were in your situation at that time, I would not choose to stay with me. Maybe because of this, or maybe because of my previous years of blacksmith's career, I don't have a heavy heart to kill you. "

After that, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "so, you go."

He didn't really want to kill Blacksmith Zhang However, he would not leave half a profit for Blacksmith Zhang, even if it was extremely insignificant to him.

People always have to pay for their choices.

If Blacksmith Zhang had chosen to fight back against the city Lord's mansion with Jiang Ting before, Jiang Ting would not say much now, which would surely give Blacksmith Zhang countless opportunities. Unfortunately, there is no word "if" in the world.

Before he shot, but now he did not kill, this is already Jiangting, the greatest kindness.

Blacksmith Zhang hesitated: "I can ask, master Jiang, your realm and strength, before Why was he in the blacksmith shop before? But is there a treasure

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "I want to train my heart. It's just coincidence."

"Refining the heart?" Although Blacksmith Zhang still wanted to ask, he chose to turn around and leave after looking at Jiang Ting's face.


Blacksmith Zhang didn't know how he felt at the moment. Maybe he really regretted it.

If he could do it all over again, Blacksmith Zhang felt that he might still choose to take refuge with the Lord of the city, because if he didn't know Jiang Ting's strength in advance, he would be in a dead end.

Looking at the figure of Blacksmith Zhang leaving, Jiang Ting pondered for a while, and then went towards the starry sky with a flash of body.

It's just a small episode to deal with people. Since it's over, he won't continue to care Next, he wants to understand the meaning of time and space! He wants to be promoted to the king of God!

Originally, we should first understand the meaning of time and space, and then refine our hearts. This is the correct order. It's just because Jiang Ting lost his original heart. When he found his original heart, the road of refining our hearts came, but he reversed the order. Now it seems that there should be no problem.

It's the way to train your mind Is it so easy to train your mind?

Although Xia Yucheng's trip took a lot of time, in Jiang Ting's view, the most dangerous thing is to find his original heart, but it's the way to train his heart. He didn't feel the danger, and the limit was just a surprise.If he had not lost his original intention, he would have been able to complete the integration of time and space in ten days I'm afraid it's very different from other people's practice.

If there is a chance, Jiang Ting may ask others why. If there is no chance, Jiang Ting will not care It doesn't matter why his way of cultivating his mind is so simple and smooth. As a result, it is enough for him to integrate with the meaning of time and space.

The starry sky.

After leaving the mountains outside Xiayu City, Jiangting directly escapes into the starry sky and has no memory of Xiayu city.

Standing in the starry sky, Jiang Ting looks at the stars, his eyes slowly smile Before, he tried to understand the meaning of time and space, but because he lost his original intention, he could not understand the rules, so he could not understand the meaning of time and space.

This time, he not only found his original intention, but also integrated the meaning of time and space with himself. In this way, he could not get twice the result with half the effort!

"King of God, I'm here!" With whispering, Jiang Ting's body slowly conceals, and his mind begins to sink into the meaning of time and space, trying to comprehend.

This time, I just came into contact with Jiang ting and found the difference.

If in the past, every time Jiang Ting felt the meaning of time and space, he always felt that there was a film that made it difficult for him to feel and touch, then this time, the film has disappeared without a trace!

More specifically Jiang Ting can't say it. When he touches the meaning of time and space, he can clearly perceive the meaning, the meaning, and

He can feel all that clearly, just let him say it clearly, but Jiang Ting can't say it again.

The meaning of rules, as if, can't be expressed in words, can only be understood, can't be expressed in words.

If you have to say Perhaps there is only a mysterious and mysterious artistic conception that can't be spoken!

Feeling the feeling, Jiang Ting gradually immersed in it Vaguely, he felt the vicissitudes of life, vaguely, he seemed to perceive the changes of the times.

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