Jiang Ting began to doubt the identity of the person behind the scenes. Therefore, he had a slight intention to kill He was lucky that Jiang Ting didn't take the initiative to find trouble here. He even dared to find trouble for him in the opposite direction,

"wait for me to find out the person who will..." No one heard the whispers slowly fall, Jiang Ting also decided that after finding the murderer, he went to assassinate the Ding family members of the previous motorcade, and by the way, wiped out all the people behind the murder.

Anyway, the current strength is enough The ultimate strength of the gas refining formula is enough to suppress many disobediences! As for the identity of the person behind the scenes, as long as the murderer is caught, are you afraid that no one will be found?

…… The moon rises and sets.

Time goes to midnight The moon tonight is blocked by black clouds, and the sky and the earth have no light.

As the saying goes, black moon, high wind, killing night!

Jiangting is like a sculpture standing on the roof of the main hall. Many guards patrol Jiangfu, and a few of them patrol with torches.

It's been a while.

Just like a sculpture, the River Court suddenly deviates Just looking at the big room, a servant in grey is peering around, leaving the yard quietly and heading for the place where the maid lives As for the name of the man, Jiang Ting didn't know.

There are a lot of people in Jiangfu. He is not interested in knowing everyone's identity.

"It's interesting." Jiang Ting's mouth suddenly picked.

It's a good time for me to choose. It's just the time when the patrol guard left.

Then in the gaze of Jiang Ting, he saw that the servant was very familiar. He walked through the courtyard corridor, and soon arrived at many rooms where the maid lived.

Jiang Ting is more clear to see that the next person's throat saliva, and then reached out quietly pushed the door, did not make a sound.

"It is clear that he is an ordinary servant. How can he drain his essence and blood?" In some incomprehensible whispers, Jiang Ting's body was like a big bird crossing in mid air, and then fell to the wing room without any sound.

Zhong Ming, who was still on patrol, and other guards saw Jiang Ting's action, and their pupils narrowed. Then, with the same cat's body, they quickly walked through the darkness and approached Jiang Ting's position.

In the wing room.

When the servant entered the room, he could see faintly through the darkness. At this time, there was only one person in the wing room, sleeping on the bed. He was not seen as an uninvited guest.

Hesitating for a while, the servant groped for a while in his sleeve, took out a rather sharp iron tube in the shape of a long gun, and then approached the sleeping man, his eyes showing fierce light.

Finally, it's completely close.

The servant hesitated again, but at last he gritted his teeth slightly, held the iron pipe tightly and inserted it directly towards the man on the bed.

"Such a simple killing gesture is like laughing at Jiang's thoughtfulness." A whisper suddenly rang out in the wing room.

"Creak..." The door of the wing room was also violently pushed open at the moment.

The iron pipe inserted by the next person is also blocked by the invisible barrier, which is a little bit closer to the sleeping person But I just can't get in.

Then, candles rose, and the room was lit up like day.

The servant saw Jiang Ting, and his body trembled: "master..."

Zhong Ming also rushed in with the guard fish: "is this pariah slave the murderer?"

"Ni..." The maid, who was asleep on the bed, was disturbed by many voices. Her sleepy eyes made an unconscious murmur and slowly opened their eyes.

See the situation here, Leng Leng, then issued a Scream: "ah..."

Jiang Ting didn't respond, but Zhong Ming looked at it with cold eyes: "what's the noise?"

The maid quickly covered her mouth with her hand and wanted to get up. She looked at Jiang ting and many guards, but she didn't dare to spread her bedding Just sitting like this seems even worse.

Zhong Ming ignored the maid, but approached the servant with a little grimace: "boy, are you the one who killed the people in the mansion these days? It's just a piece of rubbish. You've been torturing the master and us for such a long time. You're really good at it! "

"No It's not me... "

The slave retorted subconsciously, then suddenly looked at Jiang Ting: "master, I didn't kill them..."

"Bang Bang..." The sound of kowtow was loud enough for the servant's fear at the moment.

"How dare you quibble when you get all the stolen goods?"

With a sneer, Zhong Ming looks at Jiang Ting: "master, do you want to kill him directly?"

Hearing the speech, Jiang Ting spoke slowly: "I said that I am a good man and can't see blood. I don't care what you think in your heart. Don't be like a mountain bandit in front of me."

The bell bowed its head and said nothing.

Jiang Ting directly picked up the iron pipe that had fallen on the ground and looked at it for a while with a frown This iron pipe is nothing mysterious, just an ordinary iron pipe.

The only exception is that the iron pipe is not solid, but hollow. If it is inserted into the body, as long as it inhales outside, it can draw out the blood of people.That's all.

If you want to extract the essence from people, you can't do it with just one iron pipe.

Thinking about With this man's ability, even if you kill someone, the smell of blood can't fade away. As long as there is the smell of blood, how can you hide it from the guards of Jiangfu?

I'm afraid the slave didn't kill the five people in front.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting's eyes showed an obvious shadow: "who asked you to kill her?"

"He's going to kill me?" The maid who was still on the bed looked unbelievable.

"No No one I knelt and trembled.

A moment later, Jiang Ting looked out the door: "where's old Jiang tou? It's been a long time, haven't you heard anything! "

"Master, I'm here..." With some anxious shouting, laojiangtou quite some ragged trot close.

After the salute, he looked at the wing room, showing some confusion, obviously did not understand the situation.

Jiang Ting is too lazy to explain: "he wants to kill her Are there any grudges between them? "

"Gratitude and resentment..."

Lao Jiangtou was stunned, and then he was even more puzzled: "master, you can't be wrong. Shisan and Chunhua are husband and wife. How could shisan want to kill Chunhua..."

"Husband and wife..." Jiang Ting frowned suddenly.

"Lao Jiangtou, what are you stupid about..." A guard couldn't see it. He quickly approached laojiangtou and explained in a low voice.

When he learned what had happened, Lao Jiangtou was dumbfounded.

After a long time, the old river head said with incredible words: "Zhao shisan, you killed these people? You want to kill your mother-in-law? What are you crazy about? You are not afraid that your son is left unattended! "

Zhao shisan, the servant of the mansion, was not bought by Jiang Ting, but recruited. It seems that Jiang Ting had heard from old Jiang tou before that this man was ranked 13th in his family, so his name was Zhao shisan. His relatives died because of a disaster, and only one of them was left.

"I didn't kill those people I don't know how they died... " Kneeling on the ground, it was Zhao shisan who quickly raised his head to explain.

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