Zhao shisan heard Lao Jiangtou's incredible inquiry and quickly raised his head to try to explain.

Unfortunately, his explanation is weak.

Zhong Ming became angry: "Lao Jiangtou, the master himself found that he was carrying a murder weapon to kill this This spring flower, are you questioning that the master and we are wrong? "

Lao Jiangtou shook his head in a hurry: "no..."

Jiang Ting finally said, "be quiet."

Zhong Ming and Lao Jiangtou shut up in a hurry, and it became quiet here

"Zhao shisan."

After a pause, Jiang Ting's eyes were slightly cold: "I know that you didn't kill the five people. You are not qualified to extract the blood and essence of the five people, but you don't leave any scars Tell me why you want to kill this spring flower and why it's tonight. "

Zhao shisan hesitated: "I..."

Jiang Ting saw this and left directly with a wave of his sleeve: "Zhong Ming, go and ask. I will give you half a quarter of an hour. I need to know the answer I asked."

"Yes." The corner of Zhong Ming's mouth shows a little grimace.

Then a guard approached Zhao shisan, just like an eagle catching a rabbit, and directly put Zhao shisan between his arms.

"Master, I said I said Zhao was shocked.

Zhong Ming suddenly showed some disappointment: "don't you say it soon?"

"The master doesn't know something. Chunhua She's having an affair, so I'm going to kill him! " At the end of the day, Zhao shisan's eyes are famous for their anger.

The guard with Zhao shisan frowned, then released his arm and threw Zhao shisan directly to the ground.

Bang Despite the pain, Zhao shisan did not dare to scream, but knelt down in the direction of Jiangting.

Jiang Ting looks unchanged: "why tonight?"

He had no interest in understanding or mixing these right and wrong.

"Master Hui, yesterday Yesterday, the villain saw that there was something wrong with the mansion. "

In a word, Zhao shisan bowed his head and explained: "the villain thought, anyway, this slut has an affair with others, and the villain will not let him go. He just thought that the only son of his family didn't dare to talk things over with her At that time, the villain thought that there was a monster in the mansion recently. The villain took the opportunity to kill her and planted it on the monster's head, but he didn't expect that... "

Zhong Ming sneered: "I didn't expect that the master would directly see the process of your preparation for the attack!"

A guard looked at the bed and said, "that cheap maid, is what he said true?"

"I..." The maid on the bed bowed her head and did not dare to respond.

Jiang Ting, who has walked out of the house, turns his head and his eyes are slightly narrowed He felt that Zhao shisan had not lied.

Pondering a little, Jiang Ting slightly tilted his head: "old Jiang tou, Zhong Ming, what do you think?"

Old Jiang tou showed a little wry smile and bowed his head: "they have reached this point. Thirteen should not lie."

Zhong Ming thought for a while, revealing some uncertainty: "master Hui, he should not have lied. At this time, he is just a waste. How can he draw blood without leaving scars?"

After that, Zhong Ming showed a touch of disdain: "he still wants to plant, even if he used to take advantage of the gap to avoid the patrol, as long as he killed people, the smell of blood spread, at most three breath time, he will be blocked here At the same time, he is just a seedless waste. If I wanted to kill, I would not dare to deal with this cheap maid, but kill the adulterer first. "

Zhao shisan looked up with a red neck: "no, that man is dead."

People have self-esteem, he was bell left a mouthful of waste, right a mouthful of waste, no fire is not normal, but the strength of the gap is there, there is fire, can only hold.

Old river head shows a touch of surprise: "who is that person?"

"Big spring." Zhao shisan bowed his head again.

Jiang Ting suddenly remembered He didn't know which was Dachun, but he knew that one of the five mummies was Dachun.

At this point, Jiang Ting raised his foot and left: "old Jiang tou, you can deal with it."

He is not interested in these trifles It sounds good to be betrayed and killed in a rage.

But in fact No plan, no countermeasures, but also calculated to his Jiang Ting's head, death is not a pity.

"Ah..." Far away, a scream sounded not far away.

Jiang Ting, who had just left the wing room completely, had a slight change in his face and leaped up with his feet.

Still waiting for the disdain of Zhong Ming and others, their looks slightly changed, and their feet gently followed Jiang ting to leave.

The place that was still very busy a moment ago is now quiet.

"You..." Old Jiang tou sighed, unable to speak.

Zhao shisan's body began to shake: "housekeeper, I don't want to die..."

Even though Jiang Ting had left, he still didn't get up and still knelt on the ground.

As for the maid on the bed, Chun Hua At the moment her look has become numb, things have been picked out, where can she have other look.Lao Jiangtou was silent for a moment and said softly, "do you hear that scream? If there is no accident, I'm afraid someone has been poisoned The master is watching the whole mansion in the main hall. Commander Zhong Ming and other guards are constantly inspecting the mansion in order to find out the murderer. As a result, because of you, the power and sight of the mansion are all here! "

"I..." Zhao shisan was on the ground, unable to speak.

Lao Jiangtou turned around and said, "no one can save you. There are spring flowers, and I'm too lazy to talk about you. You can kill yourself, so you don't have to go on making trouble. Once you make the master angry, I'm afraid it's not as simple as one or two people 13、 After all, I grew up watching you. You should know that if you do something wrong, you have to pay a price. I will take Xiao shisan to the government. Think about it, Xiao shisan is innocent. "


On the other side.

It's not too far away.

When Jiangting, Zhongming and other guards arrived at the screaming room, the three maids in the room had already got up and were looking at the bed shivering.

There, there's a mummy.

There is no wound in the whole body. The essence and blood are drained. It's a mummy.

Silence, people.

After a long time, Zhong Ming raised his head with anger: "when did she die?"

"I We don't know. " The three maids who had already got up were shaking more and more.

Then the maid in the middle explained: "master Hui, just when I was asleep, I suddenly felt that I met something shriveled, and I was awakened. Then I saw Xiaoyu Xiaoyu, she is Unexpectedly... "

Xiaoyu? incognizance.

Jiang Ting got up and approached the corpse. There was no wound, and the essence and blood were drained. He could not see the time of death.

If he can use the rules of time, he will know all the truth in an instant But how dare he use the rule of time before his goal is achieved!

Silence for a while, Jiang tingcai partial head: "when you sleep, she is still good?"

The maid nodded hastily: "mm-hmm, when we fell asleep at the end of the Haishi, Xiaoyu was still fine, but It turns out that... "

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