Jiang ting and other three people see Linglong goddess in the mountain and river hall even continue to move, eyes show a lot of surprise.

Lin Yifen said with palpitation: "this exquisite goddess is so strong The previous generals were only nine level gods, but the immortals on the left and right sides of the hall were all kings. As a result, several immortals were killed completely. "

Completely killed?

Jiang ting and Chai Ying are more and more surprised. At the same time, they are more and more afraid of the goddess Lingling It's not so easy to kill a king completely.

Lin Yi's face recovered quickly: "however, after all, she is the daughter of the emperor of heaven. She inherits the blood of the emperor of heaven and ranks among the ancient gods. Except for the world of mortals above the God King, I'm afraid that no immortal is her rival."

Jiang Ting opened his mouth at the right time: "is the world of mortals above the God King of Shinto?"

"Well." Lin Yi nodded directly, and then whispered: "look at Shanhe hall first, I always feel that the final battle in the taboo play must have a great relationship with situ Changkong."


Jiuchongtian, Shanhe hall.

After several immortals are killed, the immortals on the left and right sides scan each other, then suddenly wave their hands, and a continuous stream of suction emerges. The power of the dead immortals is instantly absorbed and captured by other immortals.

The other immortals, however, looked as usual, as if they were not surprised.

The emperor of heaven's eyes showed a little sullen: "Linglong!"

Linglong goddess did not back, slightly shook her head: "I don't want him to die."

But situ Changkong came forward and sneered: "the so-called holy immortal God, ha ha, ridiculous. The immortal God who just died in Linglong's hand, before his body was cold, other immortal gods directly began to devour The nine heavens are darker than the world

The emperor of heaven didn't want to pay attention, but after seeing the exquisite goddess for a while, he finally said, "so what?"

When situ Changkong heard the speech, he didn't know how to answer it for a moment If the emperor denied it, he would continue to yell at it with many words, but now the emperor admits it directly

Looking at the emperor of heaven, he slowly got up and walked towards the middle of the hall: "it's obvious that you have no harvest after ten years of heart training in the world."

When the emperor came close to him, situ Changkong knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

The emperor of heaven looked at it quietly: "don't use people's thinking to measure gods and immortals. The emperor is a God. There are only gods and immortals in the Ninth Heaven. The so-called samsara of the Gangchang is just what people see, not what immortals understand."

Situ Changkong looked slightly stunned.

The emperor of heaven waved his hand gently, and the chair flew behind him, and then he sat down: "natural selection, the law of the jungle is the principle of the road, people are not as good as God, for the immortal god meat, why?"

The emperor sat down completely and said indifferently, "if it's not Linglong, why should I care about ants like you?"

Situ Changkong knelt down on the ground and forced his head up: "since you boast that you are not human, why should you turn into a human race?"

"The body of the human race is beneficial to practice, and the emperor is willing to change it. What can you do?"

After that, the emperor of heaven lay on his side with a sign of laziness: "people eat demons, demons eat people, immortals eat people, and people also kill immortals and drink the blood of immortals, don't they?"

"You You're trying to be reasonable Situ Changkong felt that he didn't know how to refute.

The emperor of heaven took a look at the exquisite goddess around him. After a moment's silence, he whispered: "when mortals hunt, the jackals, tigers and leopards die and are eaten by people. Then, how innocent are the jackals, tigers and leopards? Wolves eat sheep and sheep eat grass. How innocent are the sheep and grass eaten? Why don't you speak when people eat minced meat? "

Situ Changkong glared: "can animals compare with people?"

The emperor's face remained unchanged: "why not? People, immortals and gods, or endless beasts and demons, plants and creatures, are just members of heaven and earth. For heaven and earth, all things are equal. The so-called nobility and inferiority is just the division between immortals and human beings. "

Situ Changkong was even more angry: "people have wisdom, can animals and plants have it?"

"You are not a beast. How do you know that a beast is not intelligent? The darkness you see is just the darkness for the human race, and now you should cultivate the mind of God and fade the human nature! "

At the end of the speech, the emperor of heaven flashed back to the depths with his chair: "don't judge the immortals and gods by human thinking, observe the exquisite feelings, if you admit your guilt, you will be in the black prison for thousands of years, and then you will be exposed."

Situ Changkong raised his head and hummed coldly: "I don't know, so what about you!"

"People are just as stupid as they used to be If you don't recognize it, you're going to kill it The emperor's voice was indifferent and he closed his eyes slowly.

Where jiuchongtian killed the immortals Die in Zhuxian meteorite Shentai, the spirits are gone, no longer exist, even if it is the kind of counter current time can not save!

"Only With the drink, there are two Jinjia gods.

Linglong goddess roared instantly: "who dares!"

It's just The emperor of heaven is angry.

As soon as Linglong was ready to protect her, the emperor of heaven made a move. Linglong was imprisoned. Let alone kill the two generals, she couldn't even move.

"No..." With a sudden shrill roar, situ Changkong was taken away.…………

The world, cangping house.

Jiang Ting, Chai Ying and Lin Yi look at situ Changkong in the light curtain and look at each other.

After a while, Chai Ying took the lead in saying, "is this situ Changkong a fool?"

No wonder she As a normal cultivator, even with the protection of the exquisite goddess, he can see the situation clearly. Whether he knows it or not, it is important to survive first.

As a result, situ Changkong No matter who is the emperor of heaven, it is strange that he will not die with the attitude of situ Changkong in Shanhe hall.

"It's really stupid. If he's in the divine realm, if he doesn't have the protection of the exquisite goddess, he's lucky to live three days when he comes into contact with the practitioners." Lin Yi nodded approvingly.

Jiang Ting said: "follow up and have a look."

"No, I can't go to Zhuxian meteorite."

After that, Lin Yi shook his head and explained: "there are extremely special rules, except for the immortals and gods in the world of mortals. If they are not close to each other, they will be suppressed. All the rules are like mortals. Once I get close to them, I don't even need to enter them. If I simply get close to them, my secret method will be invalid and exposed."

Jiang Ting shook his head: "that's a pity."

He was also going to see what the so-called Zhuxian meteorite platform looked like. It was obvious that he could not see it now.

"Brother Jiang, I have a premonition that great changes are just around the corner. If you haven't gathered the crystal of slaughter rules, you have to hurry up." After that, Lin's body flashed and scattered.

Obviously, he just came to broadcast the pictures of Shanhe hall to Jiangting.

Situ Changkong will be executed, and he will leave.

Jiang Ting checked with his mind to make sure that Lin Yi had left. He frowned: "how can Lin Yi know where I am?"

"Since he is in jiuchongtian, he wants to have his own information channel. Other people don't know who you are, but how can he not know." Chai Ying is much more indifferent.

Jiang Ting thought for a while, then laughed: "also, you should first recover from the injury. After the injury recovers, we'll go to the capital to have a look."

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