Because Lin Yi knows his position, Jiang Ting's mood is not right. However, because of Chai Ying's voice, he ignores it and plans to go to the capital together after Chai Ying's injury is completely healed.

Chai Ying sees this and doesn't say anything. She looks at the sky quietly. Her injury can only recover by herself with time.


About half a month later.

The capital, the tallest tower.

Shifang and Nanmen Taoist are still here, as if they never left.

Ten square eyes rarely show some eagerness: "opportunity, finally came."

Nanmen Taoist hesitated for a while, but still said: "now evil things are rampant, and foreign bodies are still rampant. I'm afraid it's not good to start rashly."

"How many years have you been waiting for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? 30% of it is worth fighting."

After a pause, Shifang showed a little cold: "is there something wrong with the symbiotic blood deed?"

"No The look of Nanmen Taoist did not change.

Looking at the sky, Shifang felt even colder: "go to the nether world and keep the blood contract with the magpie .”


a few days later, there was a royal prison stronghold.

Here, like Yushui County, the stronghold of Huangji prison is also in the underground palace.

A burly man stood quietly at the door of his study. In front of him was a king crow with unreal body shape.

The king crow fluttered his wings slightly and heard a human voice: "immortals and gods have no way to do harm to the world. Today, it is found out that the jiuchongtian captives thousands of people as immortals and gods. The emperor is very angry. He wants to fight against jiuchongtian, to uphold the power of humanity and heaven, and to cultivate the extreme scriptures, to treat the emperor, to break the heaven and earth, and to enter jiuchongtian together."


A county town.

The prince, who is in charge of a county, looks at the crow in the sky, with some haze and fiery eyes.


The capital of a big state.

The ruler of a state, a king standing quietly in the mansion, eyes quietly looking at the sky, constantly repeating words crow, face can not see half a change.

………… ..

cangping mansion.

"The immortals and gods have no way to do harm to the human world. It is found out that jiuchongtian keeps thousands of people in captivity as the mouthpiece of the immortals and gods. The emperor is very angry and wants to fight against jiuchongtian, respect the humanity and the power of heaven, and cultivate the extreme mind Sutra. The emperor will break the world and enter jiuchongtian together." Wang javanica has been flying in the sky, and his voice is constantly repeating and spreading.

In the street.

People, gods and immortals, went out of their homes and looked at the crow in the sky.

"What does that mean?"

"How stupid are you? Don't you understand? The emperor wants to send troops to jiuchongtian to teach mantianxian a lesson! "

"Declare war on the legendary immortals? Is the emperor crazy? " An obviously timid person shows fear.

A big man next to him immediately became disdainful: "fool, I am not afraid of the nine immortals. The nine immortals dare to raise our human race as minced meat, which deserves the emperor's anger."


Jiang Fu.

Jiang ting and Chai Ying look at the crow in the sky with a light haze.

Chai Ying's injury has just recovered He had planned to go to the capital after Chai Ying's injury recovered. Unexpectedly, the emperor began to gather troops to declare war on jiuchongtian through Wang Ya.

It's too fast.

Soon, it seems that the emperor has been waiting for situ Changkong to be killed! Now when we wait, we will declare war immediately.

Zhong Ming came close to the yard with thick air: "Sir, just came the news that there are many big counties and even countless villages in cangping mansion, all of which have the Royal crow to convey the imperial edict."

This is the case in cangping house, and I'm afraid it's the same in other places.

Jiang Ting gently waved: "you go down."

The bell turned and left.

Chai Ying thought for a moment, and then she felt a little puzzled: "according to the current trend, it won't take too long, I'm afraid ten directions will bring people into the Ninth Heaven Is he crazy to start at the moment, or at most to lose both? "

"Who knows how many backers he has."

After a pause, Jiang Ting shook his head: "but it has nothing to do with us. I'm just thinking, do you want to go to jiuchongtian to join in the fun I'm glad I got the way to break the boundary from the demon before. Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll miss it. "

They are not people here at all. I'm afraid it doesn't matter whether they intervene in this established war or not If they don't participate, they will go back to the realm of God.

"It's good to have a look. I haven't been to jiuchongtian since I've been here so long..."


Soon, half a month later.

Shifang appeared, flew to the top of the sky, and smashed a hole in the sky.

Then, countless streamers rose from all over the world, straight into jiuchongtian along the holes in the ten directions, and Jiang ting and Chai Ying naturally mixed in.

The first day.The earth is still the earth, the sky is still the heaven and the earth, and there are also stars, sun and moon. The only difference may be that almost all the gods here are level seven gods.

There are a lot of them.


"I've wanted to kill you all for a long time. Today is my chance!"


With a roar, countless people came out with swords and soldiers, and the emperor Shifang took people with him like sharp knives. With one blow, he broke the first heaven and went straight to the second heaven.

Where we fight.

Jiang Ting waves the sealed cloud and flicks an immortal away. He and Chai Ying suddenly glance at each other. They just feel a little I don't know how to evaluate it. Anyway, it's chaotic.

Chai Ying looked to the distance from his side: "the demons in the bitter and cold land can help Dayan Xianchao. It's weird."

There are many non-human races also fighting with immortals.

Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "I always feel unreal, it's hard to enter the battlefield."

Maybe it's not the local name in this taboo play, or maybe it's the sudden arrival of the war Or maybe it's Jiang ting and Chai Ying who have experienced so much that they are already as strong as stone.


Nine days, no night, only day.

About five years later.

The eighth heaven, Shanhe hall.

Shifang with countless people and Demons appeared outside the mountain and river hall.

The first to the seventh heaven has been completely destroyed. As long as the eighth heaven is destroyed, the eighth heaven will be destroyed.

And the visitors from Jiangting and other Shenyu are all mixed up in it, and they fight in a very tacit manner, without showing any fame, just like spectators.

Shanhe temple, where the gods gathered, and there are not many gods, from a distance, only a few hundred.

There are a lot of people and Demons outside the mountain and river hall, flying in the sky and standing on the ground.

Shifang stands in the front, and behind them are two gods and immortals who never make a move. The God is the God of war of the northern emperor, and the immortal is Sakura of the Eastern Emperor.

As for mingque and Nanmen Taoist, they never appeared.

Almost all the immortals have fallen, and it seems as if it has become a foregone conclusion In fact, the stronger the strength is, the more clear it is. It is victory to defeat the immortals in Shanhe temple.

If not, the lost immortals can still be revived, and the broken jiuchongtian can also be revived.

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