Thinking of the disadvantages caused by the incomplete rules of the divine realm, although Jiang Ting was helpless, he couldn't do anything. The only thing he could do was wait for the rules to change.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly, pressed down his thoughts and walked in the opposite direction of the mountains.

He has made plans for the next First, he transmutes his own rules. When the rules transmute completely, he goes further in the world of origin and reaches the world of mortals.

That is, the rule of the third realm.

Then he tried to go a step further and get into the state of detachment. At that time, he would return to the realm of mind to bring Chai Ying.

At this point, we have to mention the specific division of the strength of the origin.

The three realms of strength are the cultivation of all kinds of strength, which does not involve rules.

There are three levels of rules. The first level tries to control the rules. You can temporarily control the rules against the enemy with the help of secret skills On the other side of the divine realm, it's almost impossible to use the rules if you don't become a God King, but it's quite different from the divine realm.

The second realm, successfully controlling the rules, corresponds to the divine king of the divine realm, which is the realm of Jiangting at the moment.

The third realm, stepping into the world of mortals, just corresponds to the world of mortals above the God King. The specific power Jiangting doesn't understand.

And beyond the three realms.

The first state is to put an end to the past, the future and countless world achievements. Since then, there will be no death or extinction. As long as there is a living creature in a certain world who knows the only strong one of these achievements, then he will never die.

There is only one way to shake and kill the strong man who is beyond the first level. Erase all the news and the past of that man, and no one knows his existence But it's impossible.

If two people beyond the first realm are enemies to each other, then they must know each other's existence Even if the winner erases all the information of his opponent, he will destroy all the creatures who know the loser, but in the end, the winner himself knows the existence of the loser.

Unless the winner even erases himself, and even the creatures who know the winner themselves, then the loser can be killed completely

In this way, according to the origin of the news, beyond the first state is already in the true sense of immortality, eternal!

As for, countless worlds.

According to the news Jiang Ting got from nothingness, there are countless worlds under the origin, and there are countless worlds under the origin In short, the world is endless.

According to the origin world, every similar world has a similar "I".

If it's a coincidence, deep in a certain world, the most dream or chance coincidence, you may also see pictures of other worlds, which may also lead to storytelling novels.

To put it simply, for example, Jiang Ting, maybe someone in other worlds will see Jiang Ting's life by chance, and it will evolve into a story book to let people know.

The story script that Jiang Ting once saw may not be the story script, but the life of the most powerful in a certain world. It is only known and recorded by people through the illumination of special rules.

Privacy? Don't want to be known?

In the world of origin, there is no such thing as privacy.

Because if there is an existence from the world of mortals to further achieve transcendence, then the first thing for him is to divide thousands into the endless world, spread his brilliance, and let billions of the world know.

This is to get out of the situation.

As for the second and third realms, Jiang Ting is not clear, because the information recorded in nothingness is beyond the first realms. There is no record of the second and third realms.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that because of the nature of transcending the first realm, the second and third realms can't suppress transcending the first realm. The only thing that can be done is to suppress the seal.

However, all of them are so terrible. I'm afraid the unknown second and third realms are even more terrible.

At this point, we have to mention the materialistic world of science and technology where Lin Shan is. According to the records of nothingness, that world is also extremely terrible.

It is said that the so-called science and technology in that world has evolved to the extreme. Once there was a terrible existence beyond the second realm, and many beyond the first realm died in that world Although it is said that the super strong will be reborn in an instant after the event, the fact that the world can shake and kill the super strong in the first and second realms is enough to show the horror of the extreme technological weapons in the world.

Nothingness also records that the world has gathered many armies, and the strong at the edge of the world and the world of origin are constantly fighting. Then all the year round is the battlefield, and from time to time there are people who escape from the border and die under the weapons of science and technology. I don't know whether it is true or not.

However, it is a pity that although the world deduces technology to the extreme However, foreign things are foreign things after all. No matter how many people die in the world of origin, they can be resurrected out of the realm, while those who die in the world of science and technology can not be resurrected.

If you have a chance, Jiang Ting would like to have a look at the so-called extreme scientific and technological weapons After all, the so-called top technology weapon can even kill once when crossing the border.

Doesn't it mean that it's easy to kill Jiang ting with that weapon?

He is the king of God, who controls the rules of heaven and earth Since he was promoted to the queen of God, he saw the only weapon that could seriously threaten his safety. He only saw the ruling sword in the hand of the sword wielder against heaven and earth. Now there is a so-called technological weapon that can kill him once Even if it wasn't to kill him completely, it was enough for him to be curious.If the weapon is really top-notch, he doesn't mind storing some maces for his hands.


Thinking about it, Jiang Ting suddenly said in silence: "I want to do so much. Now it's important to find a safe place to change the rules. For others, when they have enough strength, they will naturally have time to watch it slowly."

All that is far away from him for the time being. He is the weakest when the rules fail to transform! If you step too far, you may die!

Now the most important thing is to recover the injury and change the rules!

At this point, Jiang Ting did not think about it. He looked at the direction and walked towards the opposite side of the mountain.

His injury is not shallow now. There must be many monsters and fierce beasts in the mountains in front of him. Once he enters the mountains, he has to fight.

If the monster's strength is low, what if the monster inside is very powerful?

If a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, he should be far away from the mountains. It's better to find a place where people gather to settle down than to take risks in the mountains with a seriously injured body.

"Since it's the world of origin, I'm afraid there are many other races besides the human race here. I hope it won't be so unfortunate that it happens to fall into the field of other races, otherwise I'm afraid it will be a big trouble." In the murmur, Jiangting moves forward slowly, farther and farther away from the mountains.

………… About three days later.

"I can't see the gathering place of the intelligent creatures of the Terran. Maybe I'm going in the wrong direction." With the whisper, Jiang Ting stopped in the road, looked up around, frowned slightly.

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