Three days after Jiang Ting's journey, he frowned and stopped because he had not seen any clue about the existence of the gathering place of intelligent creatures.

He is now in the vicinity of a valley, surrounded by some rugged peaks of different heights Even three days on the opposite path, it was obvious that he still could not get out of the range of the mountains completely.

It is worth mentioning that in the past three days, he has been walking at the speed of ordinary people. Because of the injury and the change of rules, he does not want to use his strength unless necessary.

Looking around for a while, Jiang Ting shook his head slightly: "forget it, if you walk for a few days, if you haven't got any harvest, you can only sweep the four directions with your mind first."

Jiang Ting started to move forward again.

This time, just as he raised his foot, there was a new movement.

"Didi dada "The sound of Suona rang out.

Jiang Ting could hear that the sound of Suona was playing some kind of sad music. Even if he didn't see who was playing it, he could hear it from the sound of Suona alone. The players were no less than ten. As for what they were playing, he couldn't hear it.

He just came to the world of origin. How can he know the temperament of the world of origin?

It should be that someone is being buried and listening to the direction. The team playing at the moment should be on the other side of the valley.

It's just Listen for a while, Jiang Ting's look is slightly heavy.

Suona music is nothing But I don't know if it's an illusion. He always feels that there seems to be very festive music among the sad music. The strangest thing is that both the happy music and the sad music are played by suona. In addition, he didn't use half of his power and spirit power, so he didn't notice it at the first time.

After half a breath.

Jiang Ting suddenly laughed: "I don't want to act like that. This world of origin is not my hometown, let alone the endless divine realm. Maybe this is the custom here"

after depressing his thoughts, Jiang Ting raised his feet again.

Soon, he came to the corner of the canyon.

At a corner, a new vision appeared. He saw that there was a hazy black spot where his vision was extremely far away. There were still some smoke and mist in the black spot, like cooking smoke? He could see that the dim black spot should be the gathering point of some intelligent creatures.

Ninety nine percent should be a gathering place for the Terrans.

The reason why he was so sure was that he saw the team playing suona, which was very close to him, less than 30 feet away, and was still close to where he was.

At the front of the procession were more than ten guards dressed in white mourning clothes. Among them were eight big men with a coffin wrapped with a lot of white cloth.

After the coffin, there was a group of bodyguards and servants. The total number was more than 50.


It's just Jiang Ting looks at the funeral procession, and his eyes gather behind the coffin in the middle of the procession.

Behind the coffin, there is a sedan car, which is wrapped with countless plain silk. Look at the decoration of that sedan car, it's obvious that it's carrying the dead!

There's someone in the car!

Just less than 30 feet away, Jiang Ting saw a man dressed as a bridegroom in the sedan chair. The man's eyes were blank, and he didn't know whether he was controlled or just absent-minded.

It's weird enough to carry a sedan with many white silks in the funeral. There is a lost bridegroom in the sedan, which is even more weird!

With a little thought, Jiang Ting took his eyes off

If he guessed correctly, the person in the coffin should be a young woman, and the new Lang Guan is indeed the bridegroom, just He was married to a dead man, not a living one.

This is a ghost marriage! Also because he found that it was a ghost marriage, Jiang Ting decided that the woman in the coffin should not be old If you are old, you can't have a ghost marriage.

Whether the ghost marriage is meaningful or not, and whether the man is willing or not, Jiang Ting is not interested in understanding or intervening. He shifts his sight and takes the initiative to move closer to the edge, standing near the stone wall of the valley.

"Didi dada..." The ghost wedding team passed slowly with gongs and drums. No one cared about Jiangting, as if they didn't see it.

It's not bad if it's just that.

However, it backfired.

When the team was about to complete, Jiang Ting, who was on the edge of the valley, frowned slightly.

Behind the ghost marriage team There are still people.

No, it should not be pure people, but a team, dead! In popular terms, it's a team of ghosts without substance!

The jubilant sound he just heard was the suona played by the ghosts.

The number of ghosts in that group is almost the same as that of the living. The only difference is that what this group carries is not a coffin, but a red sedan chair.

Want to come, what sits in the sedan chair is the soul of the person in the coffin? Spirit? Obsession?

Soon, the living team completely passed by, and the ghost team began to pass by.

At first, ghosts, like living people, ignored Jiang ting.

When the sedan passed by, the change happened."Cluck What a handsome young man. " With a smile, the curtain of the sedan chair window was pulled open, and a bride in a red wedding dress looked at Jiangting.

Jiang Ting's appearance at the moment, in women's words, is really pretty After all, he rose from the lower world, entered the endless realm of God, and made constant breakthroughs. Not to mention Jiang Ting's initial face, his face became more and more beautiful with his promotion and breakthrough time after time. Under the constant transformation

as for the appearance of a woman, it may be that she is just beautiful after special dressing In other places, it may be extremely beautiful, but he Jiangting has seen so many women, and Chai Ying's face, who is associated with him, is even so beautiful that it can't be described.

Compared with each other, the beauty of the bride is nothing.

When Jiang Ting saw the unreal bride, he frowned quietly. He didn't want to cause trouble. Could trouble find him?

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting turns around and speeds up his pace. He just wants to wait for the rules to change, and has no intention of causing any trouble.

The bride was in a hurry: "young master, why rush away..."

With whispering, the bride turned into a touch of smoke and flew out of the sedan chair, a flicker directly blocking in front of Jiang ting.

Because of the bride's actions, both the living and the ghost teams stop playing the suona People or ghosts, all eyes fall on Jiang ting.


The mood of dust, Jiang Ting face or show a little smile: "girl, your husband in front of the car sedan, the girl or quickly back to the sedan, don't want to miss the two good days."

"Miss, you can't miss the time. If you miss the time, I'm afraid it will be bad." There was a cold voice.

When I looked up, I saw that a man with a dark face appeared on the side of the bride's body. Maybe it was because of his white clothes or the white cloth tied around his forehead, which made him feel gloomy.

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