The voice of the man because of wearing filial piety clothes, forehead and help with white cloth, coupled with the face of the cloudy and cold voice, his close, give people a lot of gloomy frightening feeling!

Fortunately, it's daylight and the sun is high above the sky, which makes the gloom dissipate three points. If it's at midnight Other ordinary people would be scared to death.

But the illusory bride shook her head: "I can feel that he is better than his father. If I get married, I will marry him."

Between the words, the bride's figure flashed, and her unreal figure drew closer to Jiangting. It seemed that she was going to lie on Jiangting's body.

"Miss, an ordinary person in Jiang can't be regarded as such a kind girl." Jiang Ting's mood is slightly cold, and his body shape is a little side chapter at the same time, just to avoid.

The bride didn't touch Jiang Ting at all, even Jiang Ting's skirt.

There is still no response from the living and the dead.

The man turned his head in an instant: "he has strength in his body..."

Words are full of fear.

Jiang Ting suppressed his desire to do it and said softly, "Sir, one more thing is better than one less thing. What do you think?"

The strength of the shadowy man, in the origin world, Jiang Ting doesn't know what realm it is, but he can see If the realm of this shadowy man is converted into the realm of God, it will be the appearance of the third level God, which is not worth mentioning.

If he didn't break through the void and come to the origin world and get seriously injured, how could he be so tolerant now!

The man in the shadow showed some uncertainty.

The bride suddenly roared, "I want him!"

With that roar, countless ghosts spread, and a huge resentment rose.

"Don't be angry, miss. It's not worth being angry." Yinyi man was shocked, and then looked at Jiangting with a little chill. His right hand was clawed out, as if he wanted to capture Jiangting directly.

"Step back. Don't go too far." Jiang Ting's eyes also showed his anger.

He doesn't want to do it. It doesn't mean he can't do it. It's just a bunch of mole ants. If he really takes an inch

It's just Jiang tingcai just showed his anger, and his face changed slightly.

"Cough..." The cough is extremely violent, and the color of Jiangting's blood in the hot sun becomes white.

His injury is very serious.

It's so heavy that if you use a little strength, you can't carry it Attacks from rules are really heavy!

When he was in nothingness, he was injured because he used the rules. Then he broke out the rules and broke the nothingness to the origin world. The injury was more serious And it's all about rules

Even if he is the king of gods, he can't carry it!

Unless the rule transformation is completed, there is no hope that his injury will recover That's why he's moving at the speed of ordinary people for three days.

But just started to jump ten feet, even if he only used a tiny bit of strength, but also let the injury instantly worse.

Although the catch failed, the shadowy man was happy: "seriously injured, dying I'm afraid your strength has reached the third level. Otherwise, how can you avoid such a serious injury? "

The third realm he talked about is obviously the third realm of Fanli. After all After all, when Jiangting was in its heyday, it converted to the realm of origin, which was also the rule of the second realm.

Jiang Ting suppressed the desire, his eyes became cold: "a thin camel is bigger than a horse. Even if Jiang is seriously injured, it's not something you can pay attention to!"

He didn't want to do it unless he had to Every shot represents the aggravation of the injury and the slowing down of the rule transformation!

"It's not good to go with me..." The bride is salivating, and her eyes are pitiful, which makes her want to hug.

"Don't force Jiang." Jiang Ting's eyes are more and more cold.

Once again, the man's face became cloudy and sunny Want to hand, but fear Jiang Ting show strength, don't hand, but can't disobey the bride.

There is a dilemma.

Hesitating for a long time, the shadowy man showed hesitation: "Miss?"

The bride ignored the man and covered her face to cry: "why is the young master so heartless?"

Jiang Ting's eyes are as cold as ever: "don't take out some confusing means to make a fool of yourself."

Whether the bride is pitiful or she hides her face and cries It's just a way to confuse the spirit.

Even if Jiang Ting is seriously injured, his spirit is also the spirit of the God King. What can a little girl do to confuse him?

The bride's face was slightly stunned, and then her body turned into smoke: "since you don't cooperate, I'm rude Get him! No matter what his state is, as long as he completes the ceremony, he will naturally fall in love with me and be my husband! "

This time, the voice became hoarse, discolored and icy, and there was a little bit of bitterness in it.

At the same time, the smoke of the bride spread directly That's, mirage, mirage for Jiang ting.Jiang Ting can see that the lost bride reappears in the dreamland, coming towards him with endless warmth, and a touch of light fragrance constantly enters his nostrils.

As for why he knew it was a mirage How can a little girl confuse him?

Jiang Ting ignored the bride in the dreamland, and his eyes flashed some stars, sun and moon At the same time, Jiang Ting sees that the shadowy man grabs him again, and other living and dead people rush towards him.

It's obviously a decision to go all out and catch him first However, he did not hide!

"Longyou's shallow water is attacked by prawns, and the tiger's setting sun is bullied by dogs. Hehe, it's very good! Good

With Mori's extreme voice, Jiang Ting didn't move, and ripples began to appear around him: "Jiang didn't want to cause trouble Who gave you the courage to make trouble toward Jiang

Between the words, the ghosts and people and the shadowy man were frozen in the air one after another.

And the bride, also revealed the illusory body.

Jiang Ting slowly raised his head, his face became cold: "Jiang said, step back, you hold your ghost marriage, Jiang's way across the river, well water does not violate the river, isn't it very good? Why do you have to die! "

"Click . click "With the sound of broken glass, countless cracks appear in people and ghosts.

A wisp of breeze suddenly blowing, hair was blown scattered.

And the frozen people and soul, even the coffin car and sedan chair, all went with the wind like dust, leaving nothing behind.

There's nothing left in the real sense There is no blood or bone left. Maybe there will be an innocent bridegroom However, Jiang Ting didn't care about many of them. Since he started, he had to kill all the insiders, so as not to have other troubles in the future.

If you cut grass, you need to get rid of the roots.

"Poof "The next moment, Jiang Ting simply spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the ground was instantly dyed red.

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