Jiang Ting sits on the chair, perceiving the condition of his body, but he has no choice.

I dare not use the power of spirit lightly. I can only use a little bit to communicate with the storage space to get things.

And pure strength, with a spit blood once If you vomit too much blood, your body will not be able to carry it, and you may faint.

It's too hard.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Ting sighed with a headache: "Alas, if I can use the rules, even a little bit, my injury can heal in an instant..."

Before sighing, Jiang Ting looked at the sky, and some doubts appeared in his eyes.

At the moment when he just relaxed, he seemed to feel a sense of malice A very distant evil from heaven and earth.

He perceives it carefully, but he finds nothing more. It seems that he just perceives it. It's just an illusion.

Will the word illusion appear in the supreme body?

"Where's the malice? It's so far away, just like heaven and earth Well, is it heaven and earth After thinking for a while, Jiang Ting looked slightly stunned.

That moment of malice, very vague, not true, now think, it really seems to be the world of malice.

He has just come to the world of origin, and since he can enter the world of origin, the world of origin should not aim at Distant fuzzy feeling, isn't it, God domain?

Thinking of Shenyu, Jiang Ting's mind is slightly condensed If it comes from heaven and earth, it is not impossible to explain.

When he left the divine realm, he didn't leave in a normal way at all. He came to the world of origin with the power belonging to the divine realm. The divine realm will generate malice and want him to disappear and let his power return to the divine realm It seems that this is not impossible to explain.

But can the divine realm really produce malice?

His conjecture is based on the process of making sure the result. If the result is wrong at the beginning, his conjecture will be out of the question.

In situ silence for a while, Jiang Ting slightly shook his head: "next I'm afraid to be careful, no matter where the malicious, that feeling is not false."

In his present state of body, he has no extra condition to pursue the origin of malice. The only thing he can do is to be careful to avoid accidents.

After all, his current state is extremely weak.


Tens of thousands of miles away, Heishan City, Ningjia.

The funeral decoration of the Ning family remains the same.

The deepest mourning hall already exists, and even there are many incense in it. It is obvious that people often worship it.

The middle-aged man who once appeared in Lingtang appeared at the door again: "Ning Yu, how do you remember?"

"I want to I remember The ghost bride Jiang Ting once saw appeared in the hall with an illusory figure.

However, at the moment, although her body shape is still illusory, it is much more real. Compared with ordinary people, it seems that there is only a little more illusory, which makes people doubt whether she will evolve into a physical body in the next moment.

The middle-aged man's eyes showed fire: "who moved his hand to destroy his family for his father?"

"The man..."

Hesitating for a while, the ghost bride looked up and showed a slight hesitation: "Dad, he was seriously injured. When he took the hand, it seemed that the whole space was frozen, and then everyone was crushed instantly. If I didn't have the general soul power to stay at home, I would be dead."

The middle-aged man's face was angry, and his eyes were a little gloomy He knew the strength of the team. Although it was not strong enough to ensure the ceremony and stabilize his daughter's soul, he could crush everyone in an instant. His strength was not heavy.

What's more, it's a serious injury? Frozen space?

The ghost bride was still whispering: "after my soul was smashed for the first time, he suddenly spurted blood. I think it was because of the injury, and also because the blood and half of my soul power were at home. So at that time, I coagulated my body again because of the vitality and strength in the blood, and then he tore up my condensed soul completely with a sword light."

At this point, the ghost bride showed a lot of astonishment: "if it wasn't for Dad, you left more than half of my soul power at home, I'm afraid But even so, my spirit was crushed into countless pieces by him with a sword light. Now I've been recovering at home for several years, and then I'll pull the crushed pieces back and recall the truth before. "

"Please." The middle-aged man looks more and more heavy.

The ghost bride's face became ugly: "he . he's so strong that you can't help him? "

"According to your description, he may have already passed the three realms of Fanli and reached the rule realm."

At this point, the eyes of the middle-aged man are more and more ugly: "three rules "Qiantianmen, the overlord who dominates millions of miles around and governs countless cities, can only rule the territory when the strong hear about it."

"Is he a rule state?" The ghost bride's face turned white. I don't know if she was scared or something.

"It's just possible."

After a pause, the middle-aged man slowly exhaled: "I don't think so. Listen to you, he was seriously injured. It's said that stepping into the rule state is the power of the rule, and the rule and many of the forces we cultivate are terrible forces that have no solution at all. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as the rule is used, he can recover quickly. If he is injured, he will not be in the rule state."I don't know whether the repeated words are emboldening himself or comforting himself.

"But my body was destroyed . Wuwu... " The ghost bride's breath became unsteady, and her voice seemed to cry and complain.

"Father, I'll take someone to Heishan. The team will be destroyed there. There should be some clues left."

After a pause, the middle-aged man slowly clenched his fist: "if he really is a rule state No, it won't. He certainly won't exist in the rule state. I believe that he must still be injured at the moment. As long as his injury is not healed, my father will be able to take him. It's ok if his body is destroyed. Since you are stained with his blood, you just need to complete the ceremony... "


Heishan Town, north exit.

"Creak With the sound of the door, the door of a grocery store opens to open for a new day.

It's a grocery store The name of the shop is the grocery store.

In the grocery store.

Jiang Ting slowly walked to the counter near the door with a chair in his arms. Then he tilted his legs and half lay on the chair. He was very leisurely.

Three years.

It has been three years since he came to Heishan town. He has also opened the grocery store for three years. After three years of cultivation, his injuries Maybe half of it has recovered, half of it?

And the transformation of rules According to his estimation, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to complete the transformation. In other words, his injury will be accompanied by him for at least tens of thousands of years.

Fortunately, he has established himself in Heishan town. For no reason, no one will make trouble for him. As for the ghost bride he had encountered before, he was initially on guard against the trouble that might come, but no one has ever dealt with him.

It is worth mentioning that after these three years, he also thoroughly understood the realm conversion between the realm of origin and the realm of God.

The first realm is equal to the first level God to the third level God in the realm of God.

The second level is from the fourth level to the sixth level, and the third level is from the seventh to the Ninth level.

After the third realm, the rule realm This realm does not exist in the endless realm of God.

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